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C'mon, share your opinion of the '10 most viewed properties' of 2021

It's not true to say the Knightsbridge apartment has an absence of taste- its completely in keeping with Knightsbridge.... You pay a lot for that kind of expensive but anonymous, could move in/move out at a second's notice, plenty of wipe clean surfaces for your staff to wipe away any evidence if necessary of coke and escorts, and crucially no artifacts to remind you of who you are and what you're running from. A lot of Knightsbridge apartment blocks have that feeling of temporary rootless living in a security enclave in huge comfort.
I like the views from the coastal properties but otherwise I'd only consider buying the Knightsbridge one as the others are not near stuff she I like being near stuff.

And if I did have enough money to buy the Knightsbridge one I'd hope to have enough to buy a second property in a more remote location in somewhere I works like to live but not full time ie the Yorkshire Dales
Some of these remind me a bit of a trip to Florida we did years back. Were persuaded to go on a boat trip round Fort Lauderdale, which mainly involved looking into the back gardens of millionaire mansions, with the tour person telling us breathlessly about (a) the square footage and (b) how much air conditioning each place had.
3. Beige. But my cats would love the garden. Also a bit footballery.

Very footballery. I'm sure that's their market, particularly for where it is.

I don't even know why I looked. Morbid curiosity. I have zero interest in rich people's homes.
I wouldnt buy any of them if I had the money.

Most of them are pretty ugly IMO. And tasteless. The posh flat in London is obviously pretty cool. The one in the middle of no where looks like a gulag!
I'll confess I saw the Highgate one when daydreaming about what we'd buy if we had shitloads - the Highgate/Hampstead border is one of our favourite spots.

There was another house in the area, modern and unusual shaped that was a bit like that only much nicer - not on such a ridiculous scale, though still huge. It was the only such house I've ever seen that looked liveable-in - the layout made sense and it also didn't look a deserted as others, as though a family properly lived in it. Still about £6m quid though. gsv needs to get on with developing this software idea he's got and selling it for £££££s then :D
These places are mad. Hard to believe they exist. Interesting, but you wouldn’t want to actually live in any of them. You’d wander round feeling very lonely and sad. No ta.
I don't really get the point of 10 zillion-room houses these days. I get that in the old days rich people would throw big parties a few times a year and it might take days for people to travel to you and you had to have dozens of servants for the kitchens and lighting fires and laundry and stuff, so you might want a huge number of rooms for that. But really I can't see the need for more rooms than you need for family members, occasional guests and maybe one or two live-in staff if you have that kind of dosh.

And God, I can't imagine how many places my husband could leave his glasses/keys/wallet/phone/shoes/trousers (he takes his trousers off when lounging at home, OK) if we had a vast house! It's bad enough in our current 4-bed terrace.
8 is almost certainly young footballer before they make the first team. The whole area's riddled with similar places.
Not bothered.
It is the isolation I want !
[assuming I can have a genni / wind turbine / solar panels etc to be really off-grid
plus a satellite link, of course]
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