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Tanks for the Memories

Stop! APC Time!


The Soviets, and successor regimes, lost an incredible number of APCs in Afghanistan.

The carcasses aren’t much use to anyone as they’re too difficult to move or cut up, so they litter the countryside.

They’re handy as building blocks to replace the foundations of blown bridges.

Pics from ’02, shitty quality I’m afraid.

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Tank is a heavily armoured beast that will drive over and squish your trench or machine gun if you try and runaway from it.
While a self propelled gun will turn you and your trench into mist from 10km away via high explosive and then drive away before someone fires back at it.

A tank will make short work of a self propelled gun though . It's not designed for fighting . Merely blowing stuff up from a distance away.
I had this one pass me one day in Dublin, and I could distinctly hear the guide say over the PA "don't shout or wave at people who look like they might throw things at us":


Erm..quite interesting you should say that. I had a minor disagreement with those bastards some years back . Wouldn't call it a feud but...I was waiting for the then ms red outside a coffee house off grafton st one sunny afternoon, quietly trying to pick a few winners in the paper while slowly raising my doble espresso to my mouth..and that fucking thing just whizzed past out of nowhere . All the bastards on it were wearing Viking helmets and the tour guide was encouraging them to do Viking roars ...just as it passed me . They were barely 2 foot away and scared the shite out of me . Fuckers in Viking helmets roaring in my face that weren't there a millisecond earlier .

Coffee went everywhere , all over my freshly ironed and creased white shirt, my nice slacks, my Irish times racing pages . Some of the bastards I could clearly see pointing back at me laughing . A few minutes later my lady friend arrived, sparkling and fragrant as usual . And I. Sitting there like a very distressed , fuming tramp . Blinded by love obviously ,she convinced both of us there was no need to trek back to malahide for a change of clothes. Nobody would notice . They all fucking did . People wondered why she was with a ruffian like me at the best of times , and there's me all coffee stains , and people murmuring, and me getting sulkier and grumpier by the moment . Among the Dublin poshos and smartasses . Fuming, cursing them . Utter bastards.
Evening ruined .

A few years later I was among a group of " exuberant " shall we say..chaps who exited the players lounge and headed uptown for somewhere swankier . And lo and behold who came round the corner and did their fucking Viking roar again . Luckily for them we only had plastic pint glasses .

I saw in the paper one day the fucking thing sank in the Liffey . And laughed . Still haven't let it go . Am unlikely to ever, tbf .
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The old centurion, rolling through the bogside in Derry early 70s . Unlikely to encounter anything sturdier than a Hillman imp or a 9 year old on a tomohawk but you can't be too careful I suppose .
The Soviets, and successor regimes, lost an incredible number of APCs in Afghanistan.

The carcasses aren’t much use to anyone as they’re too difficult to move or cut up, so they litter the countryside.

They’re handy as building blocks to replace the foundations of blown bridges.

Pics from ’02, shitty quality I’m afraid.

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A fascinating bit of the story I hadn't heard before - thanks for that.

"A British Army Mark V tank rams a sealed premises on Capel Street, Dublin,"

Whereabouts in Dublin is Capel street again?
Interesting that the blurb doesn't include Ireland in this year of British revolution.
Yes, but then lots about Ireland and very few about the 'peace riots'.There's a good one about the riots in Luton where the town hall was burned down but not much else I've come across (recommendations please). It's almost as if we were trying to airbrush that bit of English ( and Scottish ) history out. Millions of working class and hundreds of thousands of middle class blokes really pissed off with the ruling class and in possession of guns and experience of using them... closer then to revolution than in the general strike perhaps?
I saw a number of tanks that were destroyed in the fighting in Beirut in the early '80s. I don't know whose army/militia they belonged to but they were about Sherman size. They all showed identical damage. A neat round hole of about 3 inches diameter in the side of each hull but the explosion inside must have been enormous. The turrets sat intact on the ground the right way up but the hulls lay alongside them upside-down with a huge hole blown in what used to be their undersides.
I see they had a Hipster Action Man, who would use his gripping hands to serve you his special artisanal coffee:

The action man for Mums who didn't want their kids playing with war toys.:mad:
Had the scorpion tank
And the machine gun. Ended up working with both should have ponied up for the helicopter might have made it as a pilot:D
Yes, but then lots about Ireland and very few about the 'peace riots'.There's a good one about the riots in Luton where the town hall was burned down but not much else I've come across (recommendations please). It's almost as if we were trying to airbrush that bit of English ( and Scottish ) history out. Millions of working class and hundreds of thousands of middle class blokes really pissed off with the ruling class and in possession of guns and experience of using them... closer then to revolution than in the general strike perhaps?
It's been a while since I read it, but I recall this being pretty good on mutinies in the army after WW1 and their links with red Clydside etc... The Soldiers' Strikes of 1919
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