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Tamsin Omond to stand against Green Party’s Bea Campbell Labour’s Glenda Jackson

Perhaps the problem with authentic radicalism lies herein?

That would be a bit of a shallow analysis though, loads of genuine radicalism could be going on and threads like this would still be happening, as would threads about what you've had for your tea etc...
where's that stat from? strangely the H&K Tories had a stall "Vote Philp" stall at Willesden Green on Saturday - which isn't even in their seat.

This is a a top ten target seat for the lib-dems and that would be terrible terrible result for them.

Actually have just checked - it's 36/34/23 :eek: It's from an expensive bit of paper with the odious Mr Philp on it but it says that the stats are from the Observer marginal poll results :confused:
That's appalling as the boundary changes give them a massive boost to 34% on 2005 results.

Oh hang on, it's a tory thing - the observer marginal polls? Did he ref them with a date :D
That almost certainly means that Tories are feeling the heat from the LDs - hence putting out stuff to make people think Labour are still in the race.
:D Perhaps she lives in some late 80s time warp where all the kids are wearing backwards baseball caps and rolling up and down her gated community on their boards. I guess that's the butler their refering to at the end.
she's mixed up the fresh prince with real life hasn't she...?;)
That's appalling as the boundary changes give them a massive boost to 34% on 2005 results.

Oh hang on, it's a tory thing - the observer marginal polls? Did he ref them with a date :D

No :mad:

I have now looked at the rest of it and now know the name of the man I was extremely rude to the other day when he came round hassling me for info about how I was going to vote. I can go and poo through his letterbox now
I know, but this thread is not an indicator of general levels of "radicalism" across society, it's a discussion thread on a moderately well known left/liberal leaning discussion board based in Brixton. That is all.
also, this is someone who several times over the last few years has made national media statements / given national media interviews where she portrays herself as speaking on behalf of a wider UK environmental movements of which she clearly has no understanding, so it's good to be able to distance ourselves publicly from this ignorant spoilt rich kid.
also, this is someone who several times over the last few years has made national media statements / given national media interviews where she portrays herself as speaking on behalf of a wider UK environmental movements of which she clearly has no understanding, so it's good to be able to distance ourselves publicly from this ignorant spoilt rich kid.

'The public' breathes a sigh of relief.
don't know who Tamsin Osmond is, but, good actress as she is/was, Glenda Jackson is hardly left wing. Neither is Bea Campbell, who I remember well from her days in the Marxism Today clique--and her anti-union statement on Any Questions a few weeks ago. So, are any leftist candidates standing at all here?
'The public' breathes a sigh of relief.

don't know who Tamsin Osmond is, but, good actress as she is/was, Glenda Jackson is hardly left wing. Neither is Bea Campbell, who I remember well from her days in the Marxism Today clique--and her anti-union statement on Any Questions a few weeks ago. So, are any leftist candidates standing at all here?

Surely you should expel Bea Campbell from the Green Party, aswell as writing on her here.
I meant you collectively the Green party base the left within the Green Party which is meant to be all the base activists.

After all that campaigning -- outdone by the BNP who did no campaigning

Victoria Moore British National Party 328 0.6 +0.6
Tamsin Omond Tamsin Omond To The Commons 123 0.2 +0.2
Are you laughing at her - or at her total in votes (123)?


I remember her less than amicable split with Plane Stupid and her attitude towards environmental activists who thought she was a comrade, so there's a certain amount of schadenfreude in seeing her crash and burn so spectacularly.
I met someone who knew her - said that she and her croniers were generally totally clueless a lot of things and I get the impression her stunts are very much all about her. Odds of her using her experience to land a spiffy PR job in the next few years? High.
She also offered to help collaborate
Bet she would as well

I have it on good authority she only launched Climate Rush when she got turned down for leading speaker of Plane Stupid.
I met someone who knew her - said that she and her croniers were generally totally clueless a lot of things and I get the impression her stunts are very much all about her. Odds of her using her experience to land a spiffy PR job in the next few years? High.

You predicted right.

http://twitter.com/tamsinomond/status/31095388442202112 looks like she works for Parker Wayne Kent, a PR company who do PR for groups, small employers' associations and the like.

Another(!) piece in the Daily Mail


Remarkably gentle treatment by the Mail, usually it's 'thugs', 'animals' etc.

Her mother - the baronet's daughter whose family owns a chunk of Dorset - is leading this action according to her twitter.


Dorset ‘craftivists’ - activists who protest using scissors, thread and fabric - will hang bunting and lay picnic blankets on the platform at Dorchester South station on Sunday as part of a nationwide protest.

There must be some media connection.
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