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Taliban attack army school in Pakistan

Surely it's possible to have a visceral response to an act of savagery by calling it as such while at the same time thinking more deeply about the root causes and context? One need not preclude the other.

"Need not" seldom translates into "will not", unfortunately, and the way people name things informs the way people think of and consider those things, as our media and the ruling classes know all too well.
The perpetrators shot, beheaded and set people on fire. Most of the dead are just kids. It's an act of savagery, no mistake about it. Root causes and all.

Did they commit those actions because they're savages, or did they commit those "acts of savagery" for reasons beyond wanting to burn, kill and maim?
In other words; 132 kids savagely murdered is meaningless according to you.

"In other words"?
Only if you're a disingenuous scumbag.
AS he's saying, and as I have said, one needs to look beyond the immediate acts, to what past events have caused this, and to look forward, at ways to prevent this happening again. Simply ranting hollowly about whether a person or an act is savage offers nothing to either of those tasks. All it does is make the person uttering the sentiment feel self-righteously "good".
there doesn't seem to have been much thinking about the root causes and contexts by many of the people insistent on calling the perpetrators savages on this thread. so while not impossible to combine the two the combined response not universally in evidence here.
We didn't really get the chance before someone or other derailed the thread with semantics
We didn't really get the chance before someone or other derailed the thread with semantics
right. so you are blaming your limitations on me having a problem with the use of the word savages. which is a peculiar word to use when talking about brown people. somehow i stopped you engaging brain and thinking critically about the attack. i am sorry - i did not realise how feeble your faculties are.
right. so you are blaming your limitations on me having a problem with the use of the word savages. which is a peculiar word to use when talking about brown people. somehow i stopped you engaging brain and thinking critically about the attack. i am sorry - i did not realise how feeble your faculties are.

Well done, champ!
"In other words"?
Only if you're a disingenuous scumbag.
AS he's saying, and as I have said, one needs to look beyond the immediate acts, to what past events have caused this, and to look forward, at ways to prevent this happening again. Simply ranting hollowly about whether a person or an act is savage offers nothing to either of those tasks. All it does is make the person uttering the sentiment feel self-righteously "good".

Yes; of course. Tell the parents that they need to look beyond the immediate acts.
tbf, you should really have put 'WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?' in much bigger letters to show how loud you are shouting and 'outraged of Surbiton' you are.

Yes; of course. Tell the parents that they need to look beyond the immediate acts.

Yes. But we are not the parents, are we? We are not caught up in this horrific, reciprocal cycle of violence.

Therefore we are duty bound to look beyond the immediate acts. Otherwise we are part of the Greek chorus of outrage and as such become nett contributors (in our own little way).
right. so you are blaming your limitations on me having a problem with the use of the word savages. which is a peculiar word to use when talking about brown people. somehow i stopped you engaging brain and thinking critically about the attack. i am sorry - i did not realise how feeble your faculties are.

To be honest, in these times of political correctness, brown is also a peculiar word to use when talking about brown people.
I also think that blaming me for the shooting of the kid in northern Ireland is going a bit far. By that metric every single person who has ever paid taxes in the UK has some degree of responsibility for every act of violence perpetrated by the British state both internally and externally, which in essence encompasses everyone who has set foot here either as a resident or a visitor. That would include Malala Yousafzai. It would also make Gerry Adams and McGuinness as responsible for the killing of the kids you have just listed as Major Buffington Tuffington of Royal Berks.

Things is-we have NO choice where our taxes go-governments make the decision as to how to spend them and which wars to start. The reality is the only choice we have is to vote out the governments that have taken the questionable decisions. So in that sense-we have NO responsibility for how our money is spent...unless of course we completely opt out of paying taxes and live in a tent in a field.
The moment we start trying to justify or offset the horror of whats happened then we become even more detached from reality. I know of the Taliban. Their history. Whats happening now. The drone attacks. They are still a massive bunch of cunts for this act. If they attacked military targets then maybe I'd cut a bit more slack...but Im sorry-there's NO justification for attacking schoolkids. If my house was blown up and my kids killed I still couldnt walk into a school and kill children in direct retaliation. Im quite comfortable calling the perpetrators savage, evil etc....thats nothing to do with moral superiority...and everything to do with recognising an act of brutality for what it is.
I'd agree with pickmans and VP that using the word 'savages' is unhelpful, and that's nothing to do with an iota of sympathy for the Taliban or their cause. There are plenty of white guys that commit horrific acts - pedophiles, gang rapists, mass murders, torturers, war criminals and so on but they are rarely referred to as 'savages' (though they may be called 'monsters' or some such thing). It is clear that 'savage' is a racist and colonialist term and should be jettisoned for that reason alone. Just because people are rightfully outraged by these acts they should still think about the language that they use. It would be wrong to call the Taliban 'fucking ragheads' or 'sand niggers' or something like that out of outrage, though obviously those terms are more explicitly racist in comparison to 'savages' which is a subtler, and probably a subconscious, communication of similar ideas.

That said, you've got to cut people some slack when they're reacting in anger to such an unspeakable atrocity as this slaughter of innocents. Sometimes they might not use the most PC language when under heightened emotions, but no one's perfect. I'm only able to write this fairly coolly because enough time has passed after the massacre to be able to deliberate about how to react a bit more calmly.
There are plenty of white guys that commit horrific acts - pedophiles, gang rapists, mass murders, torturers, war criminals and so on but they are rarely referred to as 'savages' (though they may be called 'monsters' or some such thing).

Please can we drop this sidetrack. It's not helping. Maybe we can fire up another thread to debate whether certain words are too tarnished to use at all, even for their dictionary defined action, but not here.
Please can we drop this sidetrack. It's not helping. Maybe we can fire up another thread to debate whether certain words are too tarnished to use at all, even for their dictionary defined action, but not here.

I've said all I have to on that point.

On the actual topic, I'm not sure what more there is to say than it's absolutely horrifying.
Did they commit those actions because they're savages, or did they commit those "acts of savagery" for reasons beyond wanting to burn, kill and maim?

Now we can both understand the strategic/publicity attracting nature of this atrocity,but in fairness, you have to wonder at people who go beyond simple murder and go on to exercise a level of brutality and sadism well in excess of what's needed to extract revenge or to seek leverage?
The various descriptions of the people involved can be watered down to a simple description (and your earlier suggestion helped, but needed a prefix)
Psychopathic zealots.
And in fairness, I don't think you can negotiate with people who fit that description.
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