Bernie Gunther
Fundamentalist Druid
one thing I've never seen Dr Jon say anything about though is what standard of living this 1 billion people are supposed to have.
Just as an example, the per capita ecological footprint of the US is around 19 times higher than Bangladesh, so 19 times more people could live on the same amount of the world's resources at Nigerian levels as at US levels of consumption.
Which nicely demonstrates why anyone bandying around such figures without qualifying them in this way are spouting scaremongering rubbish, and probably doesn't really understand the problem or it's potential solutions properly.
If they want to say something along the lines of...
... then that'd be a hell of a lot different, and would clearly demonstrate the major point of the issue, which is that consumption levels are every bit as important as population.
* figures are purely illustrative.
Pimentel (who is a neo-malthusian but an academically fairly rigorous one) took a shot at a quantitative view on that stuff a few years ago.
He came up with a 'sustainable with reasonable living standards' target of about 2 billion global population, or half a billion with US consumption levels.
He's assuming equal shares, but some of his other assumptions are capitalist business as usual. In the past I've played about with some of his assumptions and got slightly different answers, but I don't really doubt that the numbers we already have aren't sustainable anywhere short of some type of 'totalitarian society of eco-primmie wretches' standards of living and will soon be past even those.
While he's in the right ball park, he's stumbling around in it and bumping into things due to a total lack of anything resembling a class analysis, concepts of 'reserve army of labour' etc. Still well worth a read though because he *can* do sums properly.