one of Maxwell's demons
Mine too. It's most people's position on here, tbh. The climate change deniers who simply don't understand science seem to have disappeared from threads like these. But I have to say that they have been replaced by one or two who, while not showing a total disregard for the science, are intent on representing it in a skewed way.I don't have a problem with the idea that a doubling of CO2 emissions by 2050 could very likely lead to a warming of 6 degrees*, and certainly not with the idea that we should be investing much more heavily in renewables and energy efficiency in order to prevent this / seriously reduce the impact of climate change.
That's pretty much been my position throughout this thread and every other thread on the subject.
imo Falcon gets carried away with his own rhetoric very often, and this leads him to misrepresent the case he's putting forward.
Dr Jon is a fatalist who appears to think that humans are irredeemable, that it is our destiny to fuck ourselves up.