Probably what people are really contemplating is the maximum population the Earth can sustain indefinitely in some sort of steady-state. Or perhaps they really mean how many people can the Earth support until fossil fuels are depleted. I have been working on the steady-state problem for over a decade now, but considering mainly topsoil as the limiting resource. I now have annotated reviews of the global literature on topsoil loss, forest land degradation, grazing land degradation, irrigated land degradation, and fishery degradation. It has become clear that there is no need to worry about energy-- agricultural top soil and those dependent on it will vanish long before the last barrel of liquefied coal is gone.
The lifetime of past civilizations correlates well with their topsoil resources. Civilizations that had a river system that constantly replenished topsoil resources always lasted far longer than civilizations that did not. I argue that topsoil is still the limiting factor for modern-day civilizations as well. Below I run through a very rough outline of my arguments to give people an idea of key facts and figures. Ignored are such niceties as human rights, biodiversity, aesthetics etc. Man is considered as purely a mindless animal consuming food. This is the way to arrive at the most optimistic conclusions possible.
Irrigated land provides roughly 40% of the world's soil-based food supply. In the opinion of experts in the field, the ultimate fate of the world's irrigation systems will be much the same as the fate of irrigation systems of old--barren salt flats. This is apparently because few systems are underlain by drainage tiles for draining water away. Irrigation-system growth was one of the three main reasons why growth of global food supplies kept up with global population growth over the past 4 decades. Presently however, creation of new systems is roughly balanced by (and probably less than) the rate of irrigation-system abandonment due to salination and reallocation of water supplies to urban uses. The rate of abandonment is sure to increase dramatically in decades ahead because it takes some time for the effects of salt buildup to appear, and most irrigation systems are only decades old.
If one takes the most optimistic data on grassland photosynthesis and data on how much meat is produced per ton of grass and ton of grain, it becomes clear that the world's grasslands are overgrazed by a factor of about 2. This is easy to see from river-sediment data. Rivers draining the world's arid grasslands are "turbid" and remove several times as much sediment per acre per year as average sediment loss rates from average developed land. Most grazing-land sediment is sub-soil from erosion by gullies and stream banks, so actual topsoil losses may not be much greater than on croplands, but the basic erosion mechanisms (gullies, stream-bank erosion) are usually indicative of topsoil erosion on a massive scale--i.e. over grazing.
If one adds up the rates of topsoil deposition in oceans, river bottoms, dam backwaters and alluvial plains; then adds topsoil losses due to wind erosion, salination of irrigation systems, urbanization, and several other minor effects; then subtracts off topsoil losses from forest lands and urban lands, one gets a net topsoil loss rate from agricultural land of roughly 100 billion metric tonnes per year (100 Gt/year)--at least 5 times the rate of natural topsoil-creation on agricultural lands.
The global inventory of cropland topsoil is about 6500 Gt. Grazing land topsoil inventories are perhaps three time that (though an acre of grazing land is only about 1/6 as dollar-productive as an acre of cropland). The global inventory of top soil on potential (not yet used) croplands is several times 6500 Gt, but considering only potential croplands that can be cropped sustainably, the potential inventory is only perhaps 10 percent that of existing croplands--barely enough to replenish croplands abandoned due to degradation and urbanization for a few decades. This perhaps explains why the global cropland inventory has been constant since the early 1980s.
I am still working on how to apportion global agricultural topsoil losses between croplands and grazing lands, but I suspect the gross rates are not that much different. This would suggest a cropland topsoil loss rate of 50 Gt per year from a maximum inventory (actual plus potential) of at most 7000 Gt, suggesting a lifetime of human civilization of 7000/50 or 140 years. But now consider that once topsoil depths drop below the depth of the root zone (about 6 inches) cropland erosion becomes nearly irreversible and increases rapid. Current optimistic average depths of cropland topsoil are not over 11 inches, and some data say several inches less. So civilization has only about half of its topsoil to spend down before things get really bad. This gives a lifetime for human civilization of about 70 years--barely one human lifetime, and just an eye-blink in terms of human history.
How is this analysis translated into the number of people that the Earth can support sustainably? Assume that net agricultural topsoil loss rates are directly proportional to human population--an assumption that correlates well with global variations in topsoil loss. In order to reduce gross agricultural topsoil loss to the natural rate of agricultural topsoil creation, the Earth's population would need to fall to about a fifth of its present value--perhaps 1.2 billion. Escalation of irrigated land degradation due to salination could drop this figure to well under one billion.
Neglected here is cropland productivity growth due to genetic advances and increased use of fertilizer--the other two effects that largely supported population growth during the past 4 decades. However both of these effects are now close to saturation, so one should not expect really substantive increases in maximum population values from either of these effects. Increased use of pesticides to attempt to reduce crop losses from the present 10-20% of total production has never shown the ability to cut crop losses to pests, probably because increasing use of monocultures and shrinkage of the global plant gene-pool have worked to counteract whatever benefits pesticides might otherwise be expected to offer.
A far more likely steady-state scenario than human population falling to 1.2 billion is that cropland topsoil is largely destroyed, and the Earth becomes a waste land with populations held constant by war, disease, hunger, suicide and genocide. The productivity of sub-soil is not well known, though it is probably not over 10 percent of the productivity of topsoil. Hence the maximum population under the far more realistic steady-state scenario is probably under 10 percent of the maximum population that a not-erosion-limited, topsoil-based civilization can sustain--possibly 0.6 billion.
Fisheries have been neglected in all this. The problem with fisheries is that Man keeps fishing further and further down the oceanic- and fresh-water food chains, and the lower we go the more dispersed fisheries become. At the dispersion value of the open ocean where about 75 percent of oceanic life-creation occurs, fuel costs for fishing boats per ton of fish harvested increases by about a factor of 100 from present-day values. And present-day fishing-boat fuel costs are already a significant portion of the price people now pay for fish. Aquaculture imposes yet another demand on world grain supplies. So although it may provide a positive contribution to protein sources, its contribution to caloric supply is probably negative. And consider that aquaculture usually entails destruction of coastal wetlands, estuaries and mangrove swamps, all of which provide vital breeding grounds for 80-90 percent of ocean fish, and the frequently-diseased fish in ocean aquaculture pens often escape and devastate populations of their wild cousins. So it is not clear that aquaculture provides a net benefit of any kind.
And let us not forget hydroponics that some say permit a global population of 50 billion or so. Hydroponics is useful for producing the more expensive foods (fruits and vegetables) for wealthy First-World people. But the idea of using hydroponics to produce complete diets of average First World people, to say nothing of Third World people, strains credulity. Imagine how many fluorescent light bulbs would be needed to replace the sunlight over all the croplands of the world.
-- Bruce Sundquist, Carrying Capacity Committee, Allegheny Group, Sierra Club