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'SWP urge members to get involved with 'Momentum'

Prince Rhyus

Spokesman of King Antonio
Twitter's just picked up on this:

Given the recent splits (Counterfire etc) how do you think this'll go down on the ground?
how do you think this'll go down on the ground?


Like the airship, not the band.
I ain't defending the swp and have no time for them but the link to the swp website doesn't "urge members to join"...just says socialists inside and outside the Labour party should support it.

This links back to the Corbyn & media thread - mainstream media types claiming it's about SWP and other far left groups joining Labour rather than stating it for what it is. Not seen any public gatherings of Momentum as yet.
We should go along to any local Momentum meetings with the aim of taking part as open SWP members, suggesting joint activity, and sign up to be on the email lists. A launch meeting in Manchester last week attracted 70 people, many of them new and comrades had a friendly response when they raised common activity."

Pro-Corbyn group Momentum vows to resist SWP "infiltration"

Kiss of death, must be challenged.
Non of the swp material quoted suggests they plan to "infiltrate" or "urge their members to join" ... the swp stuff simply suggests going to their meetings, proposing joint activity and saying its a good idea.

Just looks like good old fashioned red baiting by right wing blairite wankers looking to stick the boot in on Corbyn rather than the Tories
Non of the swp material quoted suggests they plan to "infiltrate" or "urge their members to join" ... the swp stuff simply suggests going to their meetings, proposing joint activity and saying its a good idea.

That's what they always said when they were about to try to take over and destroy a movement or a campaign that threatened their sought-for monopoly.
That's what they always said when they were about to try to take over and destroy a movement or a campaign that threatened their sought-for monopoly.
Then it would be better to argue that point.
I aint got any time for the swp but this just comes across as red baiting to batter Corbyn with imo
Labour have gained more members in the last few months than the swp have ever had they ain't wanted or needed.
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