So the FEB model has stood the test of time as a robust and effective framework for debate.
There should be core ingredients, approved additions, and verboten items.
Plus a formula for how many of the first and second. The roast is, obviously, going to be more multi-dimensional than the FEB. So would add super core.
My starter for 10.
Super core
Roast meat or fowl. For debate, would this extend to veggie or vegan Roasts?
Roast potatoes.
Carrots - boiled not mashed or crush
Yorkshire pudding
Cauliflower Cheese
Approved additions
Pigs in blankets
Mash potatoes
Potato croquettes
Boiled potato
Crushed carrots
All other ‘proper vegetables’ ie not tomatoes
Mac and cheese - controversial I know but a key new addition down the Tobys
Chips - like the Feb that makes it meat n chips
Meat in a stew or pie or tagine- all great things but no place here
Rice plain or part of something else- again great but not on the roast
Fruit - with the exception of apple or cranberries in sauce
The gravy question- in my mind gravy is core, but I realise some animals out there don’t like if. Therefore it does not have to be a component to enable scoring but it’s lack will lead to marking down by sane people.
To qualify for scoring
Both Super core
Two core
At least two more from either core or approved additions.
Therefore minimum of meat and roast potatoes plus four items, not including gravy.
Anything from the verboten list means Did Not Finish DNF and so no score. However nice the meal may have looked or been.
This is my gift to the world.