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sunbound unsound beach party

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do both and although I had an amazing time at last year's Glastonbury, the memories of the mudbath are making a sunny Italian beach look like a much more appealing option...
So the options are
Topping up your tinker-tan in a Pilton ditch waiting for Brian Wilson not to show or two weeks of sand-based, sun-blessed decadence alongside every degenerate wastrel amazing-head our fair land can fasttrack out.
Glasters 2004 Verdict: Too Many Ponchos - Not Enough Drongos.
I've tossed my coin and it's landed with the Euro-side facing up.
Lucky JACKSON said:
So the options are
Topping up your tinker-tan in a Pilton ditch waiting for Brian Wilson not to show or two weeks of sand-based, sun-blessed decadence alongside every degenerate wastrel amazing-head our fair land can fasttrack out.
Glasters 2004 Verdict: Too Many Ponchos - Not Enough Drongos.
I've tossed my coin and it's landed with the Euro-side facing up.

nicely put. i'm only doing both cos we're getting paid to do glastonbury, if it came to an either/or this would win :)
i would like to add, at this point, that the fact that schools can now dictate whether you can take your children on holiday or not during term time is a big fat swizz.

and the fact that they can fine you if you do take your kids on holiday during term time without the schools permission is an even bigger swizz!!

:mad: :mad: :mad:
Yossarian said:
I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do both and although I had an amazing time at last year's Glastonbury, the memories of the mudbath are making a sunny Italian beach look like a much more appealing option...

How can you compare the two :eek:

Come on Yoss, sun, sea, V mud and cold :D
where does it say about deposit? I can only see 2 pages, and can't find anything.. and yeah, 20 days does suck, 39.5 days.. aw man :(
pinkmonkey said:
I just translated the tarrifs for the campsite into English using Google :D


Especially like the idea of staying in an undercarriage or pit and paying a small dog ransom. :D

Why does it cost more for a Canadian than a car :confused:
That's a bizarre translation!

I like this bit:

N.B. To the acceptance of the contract, the familiar nuclei must declare their crew
ChrisFilter said:
where does it say about deposit? I can only see 2 pages, and can't find anything.. and yeah, 20 days does suck, 39.5 days.. aw man :(

If you want to secure a place you need to give Sus a deposit. So he knows where he is :)

This can be done in post or on NYE :)
My intervention was never intended to be an Unsound versus Glasto competitive thing

William of Walworth said:
I know a lot of people are ruling out Glastonbury or were never going to rule it in in the first place : if that applies to you, ignore this ...

But if you were even half-contemplating getting down Pilton way next year as well as heading to Italy, be aware that the Glasto dates look like being quite close to the Unsound fortnight : Glasto will be Wednesday 22nd June to Monday 27th June 2005.

So check your holiday time availability ... I suspect some people are reacting with great enthusiasm (understandable when you see an Italy beach holiday reference in December! ), without necessarily thinking through the date-implications ...

Also Strawberry Fair will be the first Saturday in June (the 4th)

This post is provided for public information purposes only and in full awareness of how scatty some folks are about dates

Only ever posted the above purely for information!!! See bolded bits above ...

Lucky JACKSON said:
So the options are
Topping up your tinker-tan in a Pilton ditch waiting for Brian Wilson not to show or two weeks of sand-based, sun-blessed decadence alongside every degenerate wastrel amazing-head our fair land can fasttrack out.
Glasters 2004 Verdict: Too Many Ponchos - Not Enough Drongos.
I've tossed my coin and it's landed with the Euro-side facing up.

Still, if you want it to be a competitive thing :rolleyes: about how great Unsound in Italy will be (which it will) and how shit Glastonbury will be by contrast then please feel free, but weather wise at least, its an unfair contest ... Italy will win hands down on the sunshine front every time.

(We are well overdue a full on Glasto heatwave in 2005 though, not had one for years)

Just wanted people to be aware of dates that's all. A lot of people won't have time to do both, and might not have necessarily remembered had I not posted, that they might actually have to decide between them. Its my long held experience that some folks are scatty as hell about dates ... :p

Have a great time whichever your decision :)

Oh and Lucky Jackson, you know perfectly well that Glastonbury is not just about the headliners. My reason for going in 2004 wasn't exactly Oarses and Macca ... :rolleyes:
Alright... you can have him Tuesdays and Thursdays. And every other Saturday.

Sound fair?
Mation said:
Alright... you can have him Tuesdays and Thursdays. And every other Saturday.

Sound fair?

Mate, if you were being serious that would be more than fair!

But there is no Johnny Depp is there? :(

(Damn you Vanessa Paradis, I can speak French and pout too you know! :mad: )
William of Walworth said:
Oh and Lucky Jackson, you know perfectly well that Glastonbury is not just about the headliners. My reason for going in 2004 wasn't exactly Oarses and Macca ... :rolleyes:

you make me smile william :)

you know stig and i had to hang around for ages waiting for you to finish applauding macca last year! :p

There are rumours that Johnny Depp has bought a house in Rye (where I'm spending Christmas). I haven't seen him yet, but if I do, I'll let you girls know ;)
I've met Johnny Depp, he used to hang around Henley when I was about 16.. not cos I was there, but cos he was filming sleepy hollow round our way. Nice bloke. got arrested for being drunk and disordely once.. :D

so yeah, he exists, fine looking man indeed :cool:
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