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Subversive Music - RATM, Lowkey, Akala, Slaves, Allflaws

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It's literally a couple of years old. They've got loads more brilliant stuff. Go see them live. It's brilliant.

He's A Man is awesome. Totally awesome. Where Blur used to commentate on the common man in the 90's, Bob Vylan are doing it now.

And what a disparity.
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Bob Vylan is doing now what Blur where doing on the 90s.

But harder and faster and more bitter.

Amazing how we were and how we are now with 30 odd years between them.
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Another vote for Bob Vylan. Saw them at Rebellion this year, they were fantastic. Proper energy.

Don't think we've had Benefits yet? Saw them at Middlesbrough Town Hall at the weekend. The keyboards and beats are more prominent live, but you get a sense of the intensity here:

Here's a slightly easier listen:

Another vote for Bob Vylan. Saw them at Rebellion this year, they were fantastic. Proper energy.

Don't think we've had Benefits yet? Saw them at Middlesbrough Town Hall at the weekend. The keyboards and beats are more prominent live, but you get a sense of the intensity here:

Here's a slightly easier listen:

This guy is great. Not sure I've heard his stuff before.
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