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Subversive Music - RATM, Lowkey, Akala, Slaves, Allflaws


Quick question or two.
Are you aware of the difference between subversive and red brown/conspiraraloon tracks & do you understand the conspiracy theories that relate to your avatar?
Haven't really thought about it to be honest. Just needed a image and it looked cool. I know what red pill and blue pill means to me. The pills represent a choice between remaining in a state of blissful ignorance (blue) or accepting a painful reality.
Haven't really thought about it to be honest. Just needed a image and it looked cool. I know what red pill and blue pill means to me. The pills represent a choice between remaining in a state of blissful ignorance (blue) or accepting a painful reality.

I dont wish to take from what should be an interesting music thread, but seeing as you post a fair amount of videos which contain conspiracy theories and other dubious material - I have to ask.

You dont post elsewhere, and therefore rarely get challenged on what you put up here. If you are interested in subversion, how can you not know about the actual conspiracies, tropes and other areas of concern?

Red Brown is a term used to describe individuals who may appear subversive or at least left leaning but hold dodgy right wing views.

Conspiraloon is a perjorative term for people who voice/spread/believe in conspiracy theories. Many conspiracy theories have their origins in antisemitism.

Am sure somebody more wordy and clever can correct me if have not given proper definitions.

Back to pills, this from the BBC:

But over time the film's cultural prominence has seen the red pill metaphor rebranded online for causes far removed from its original meaning.

This includes its adoption by misogynistic online groups, notably the incel movement - young men describing themselves as "involuntarily celibate" - part of a "manosphere" closely tied to a hatred of women.
Reddit forum TheRedPill (TRP) was launched in 2012 with the aim of providing men with a "sexual strategy" to defeat what it described as a manipulative "feminist culture" that solely empowers women.

By the time it was "quarantined" by Reddit in 2018 (given a content warning and only made accessible via direct links), in a community clean-up drive that eventually saw incel forum r/braincels shut completely, it had more than 400,000 followers.

Research on the measure from the Australian National University suggested that rather than limit hate speech, it had simply pushed many users off-site on to self-moderated platforms.

The "free your mind" ethos exploited by red pill theory has also fed into politics - a byword for the modern age of far-right populism that positions itself as anti-establishment.

As a product of the alt-right, whose members are generally outspoken in their attacks on multiculturalism, globalisation and immigration, the red pill becomes "a verb", wrote broadcaster Danny Leigh.

It opened "the eyes of new recruits to their hated oppressors - feminists, people of colour and progressives", he said. "Morpheus became the face of memes that asked: 'What If I Told You Hitler Was A Socialist?'."

Fuelled by a distrust of government, the media and the status quo, the alt-right was most evidently brought into mainstream Western politics by former US President Donald Trump and his supporters.

Full article

I dont wish to take from what should be an interesting music thread, but seeing as you post a fair amount of videos which contain conspiracy theories and other dubious material - I have to ask.

You dont post elsewhere, and therefore rarely get challenged on what you put up here. If you are interested in subversion, how can you not know about the actual conspiracies, tropes and other areas of concern?

Red Brown is a term used to describe individuals who may appear subversive or at least left leaning but hold dodgy right wing views.

Conspiraloon is a perjorative term for people who voice/spread/believe in conspiracy theories. Many conspiracy theories have their origins in antisemitism.

Am sure somebody more wordy and clever can correct me if have not given proper definitions.

Back to pills, this from the BBC:

But over time the film's cultural prominence has seen the red pill metaphor rebranded online for causes far removed from its original meaning.

This includes its adoption by misogynistic online groups, notably the incel movement - young men describing themselves as "involuntarily celibate" - part of a "manosphere" closely tied to a hatred of women.
Reddit forum TheRedPill (TRP) was launched in 2012 with the aim of providing men with a "sexual strategy" to defeat what it described as a manipulative "feminist culture" that solely empowers women.

By the time it was "quarantined" by Reddit in 2018 (given a content warning and only made accessible via direct links), in a community clean-up drive that eventually saw incel forum r/braincels shut completely, it had more than 400,000 followers.

Research on the measure from the Australian National University suggested that rather than limit hate speech, it had simply pushed many users off-site on to self-moderated platforms.

The "free your mind" ethos exploited by red pill theory has also fed into politics - a byword for the modern age of far-right populism that positions itself as anti-establishment.

As a product of the alt-right, whose members are generally outspoken in their attacks on multiculturalism, globalisation and immigration, the red pill becomes "a verb", wrote broadcaster Danny Leigh.

It opened "the eyes of new recruits to their hated oppressors - feminists, people of colour and progressives", he said. "Morpheus became the face of memes that asked: 'What If I Told You Hitler Was A Socialist?'."

Fuelled by a distrust of government, the media and the status quo, the alt-right was most evidently brought into mainstream Western politics by former US President Donald Trump and his supporters.

Full article

Hey Bro, or Women or whatever you identity as, For me this thread is not about right wing or left wing, red or blue, black or white. It's about music being used as a vehicle to spread ideas and opinions regarding politics and societal issues. Also some kind of freedom to say your point via music without being too divisive. Problem is you cant say anything these days without rocking the boat, and getting sensitive people being offended by anything that opposes their views.
I will post music which is deemed subversive. However I will not personally post anything that is racist or homophobic. As a black man myself I feel we are bombarded with this discussion of race in London where I live. Especially race and violence. In London black on black crime is huge right now. That's my main concern as that's where I reside. Plus people joining gangs from overseas. This is a real problem too, but the media won't talk about that. BBC included.
Plus it's because people are actually dying on the streets. So that's me just wanting a safer environment and less knife crime in my own post code. That's my political stance right there as it directly effects me.
I'm not into conspiracy theories but I will listen to someone's opinion if it's in musical form. That's what free speech is after all. If a rapper wants to say no to vaccinations that's fine by me. That's his or her opinion on record. It doesn't mean I agree with it though. But that's what music should be able to do. Give an opinion in creative form without it being shutdown.

Your other points: I Don't agree with Incels hating on Women. These men are rotten and ruined. So don't get it twisted.
Don't agree with the BBC either as they have harboured sexual offenders like jimmy Saville.

I've changed my icon as it can cause confusion. I found it quickly and stuck it on there. Never again lol. This new logo is my favourite drum and bass London label Metalheadz run by Goldie. Peace.
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Thoughts I have had -
A)easy way to get access to the forums.
B)AI police taking away potential songs of disruption and feeding them into the machine.
C) shit DJ without imagination
D) a kid from London. Unlikely.
E) An ex of mine
F) Lawrence Fox
Problem is you cant say anything these days without rocking the boat, and getting sensitive people being offended by anything that opposes their views.
I will post music which is deemed subversive.

Don't agree with the BBC either as they have harboured sexual offenders like jimmy Saville.
You may or may not be aware that this site is predominantly left wing, with activists, anarchists and veterans of many causes. If you are in any way interested in class and the struggle surrounding it, you could learn a lot from the good people here.

If you choose not to engage, that's down to you. But you will be challenged on dubious lyrical content.
It's not true that "these days" you can't post whatever you like. Now, more than ever there's all sorts being posted on a myriad of different platforms. However, if something is considered questionable, it will be questioned...

For example, you previously posted on Eric Clapton who not only is an antivaxxer but also a racist. Stuff like that will raise eyebrows.

As for not believing the BBC because of Savile, that's an odd statement. You could choose to query them on their politics or allegations of bias. Every broadcaster has abusers, every profession has people who absolutely shouldn't be employed by them.
You may or may not be aware that this site is predominantly left wing, with activists, anarchists and veterans of many causes. If you are in any way interested in class and the struggle surrounding it, you could learn a lot from the good people here.

If you choose not to engage, that's down to you. But you will be challenged on dubious lyrical content.
It's not true that "these days" you can't post whatever you like. Now, more than ever there's all sorts being posted on a myriad of different platforms. However, if something is considered questionable, it will be questioned...

For example, you previously posted on Eric Clapton who not only is an antivaxxer but also a racist. Stuff like that will raise eyebrows.

As for not believing the BBC because of Savile, that's an odd statement. You could choose to query them on their politics or allegations of bias. Every broadcaster has abusers, every profession has people who absolutely shouldn't be employed by them.
For example, you previously posted on Eric Clapton who not only is an antivaxxer but also a racist. Stuff like that will raise eyebrows. If I knew this I never would of posted it.
Most of the artists I post are actually left wing. Maybe you should go back and check that out. Other people may have posted right wing stuff but not me.
Are UK rappers Bob Vylan, Akala or Lowkey right wing? Go check your head man.

Plus BBC have plenty of other stuff in their closet apart from Saville so not sure why you are backing them. That's dubious to me.

Every broadcaster has abusers. Oh and that's fine is it. How about you boycott them and find another source of news. What about the victims? I despise the BBC for what they have covered up. But you will still back them.
For example, you previously posted on Eric Clapton who not only is an antivaxxer but also a racist. Stuff like that will raise eyebrows. If I knew this I never would of posted it.
Most of the artists I post are actually left wing. Maybe you should go back and check that out. Other people may have posted right wing stuff but not me.
Are UK rappers Bob Vylan, Akala or Lowkey right wing? Go check your head man.

Plus BBC have plenty of other stuff in their closet apart from Saville so not sure why you are backing them. That's dubious to me.

Every broadcaster has abusers. Oh and that's fine is it. How about you boycott them and find another source of news. What about the victims? I despise the BBC for what they have covered up. But you will still back them.
This is piss poor, and I now see why you avoid the politics forums.
This is piss poor, and I now see why you avoid the politics forums.
Well I'm sorry but I don't agree with the BBC and how they have dealt with sexual predation. I don't agree with your blind ignorance to what I actually represent. You haven't looked at the artists that I've posted and investigated their core values. Instead you have come out with some total mumbo jumbo about some posts backing Incels, red pills, blue pills and even far right. I think maybe you are a little bit vacuous and short sighted. It's very confusing and frustrating to deal with such apathetic and asinine people. I might actually visit the politics forum just to cogently dismantle you in front of your peers.
Well I'm sorry but I don't agree with the BBC and how they have dealt with sexual predation. I don't agree with your blind ignorance to what I actually represent. You haven't looked at the artists that I've posted and investigated their core values. Instead you have come out with some total mumbo jumbo about some posts backing Incels, red pills, blue pills and even far right. I think maybe you are a little bit vacuous and short sighted. It's very confusing and frustrating to deal with such apathetic and asinine people. I might actually visit the politics forum just to cogently dismantle you in front of your peers.
Yes, please do. Your trolling will go down a treat.
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