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Subversive Music - RATM, Lowkey, Akala, Slaves, Allflaws

I think the lads from Soft Play decided that they weren't comfortable with the name. So they changed it.
Yeah, good for them.
They also said the name was an issue and that they sincerely apologised to anyone they had offended.
I'm interested in who they offended and why it is an issue.
What I am trying to get at is why is it the right thing? Lynchings, Slavery both fucking shit things but why is it unacceptable to reference them in band names?

Because some see it as offensive.

The band were informed enough to realise their mistake and changed their name to avoid offense.

Anyways, am not their PR (despite my bigging them up repeatedly) talk to them on social media, if it confuses you. They're reasonably good at communicating.
Yeah, good for them.
They also said the name was an issue and that they sincerely apologised to anyone they had offended.
I'm interested in who they offended and why it is an issue.
I think I heard that the band had been through a period of inactivity due to personal circumstances and it seems that this space gave them the opportunity for some consciousness-raising and reflection and they decided that the old name might well have been offensive to some people (possibly those with genuine slave lineage?). I agree; good for them for having the courage to change their name.
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