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As the strike in British Gas reaches day 43, the company will sack tomorrow those workers who have refused to sign up to the detrimental contracts that they have imposed:

The muted response from the Labour movement to this attack, and the wider disinterest on what passes for the left these days, is utterly shameful. If a group of traditionally well organised workers with high levels of leverage can be defeated and ‘fire and rehire’ imposed a green light will be shone to employers elsewhere. The TUC have already released data showing 1 in 4 workers have either had their contact watered down or hours cut in the last 12 months. A defeat for British Gas workers will show employers that they can tear up contracts of employment with impunity too.....
Turns out Go North West and the scab contractors really, really don't like people doing the early morning strolls - compilation of violence and threats against strike supporters here:
If there's anything on the PCS site about this, I can't find it :confused: , so ITV it will have to be :

New four day DVLA strike has been called, Tuesday 4th May to Friday 7th May.

ETA : Facebook helped me find the actual PCS statement (which is very well buried on their main site :hmm: )
And that link doesn't work. :hmm: Think it's this?


Kirstie Paton is facing disciplinary proceedings by United Learning, following a post she published in December 2020 on her NEU Inner London Executive Facebook page. This post raised concerns about the use of “Lateral Flow Tests” to replace self-isolation of close contacts.
As a trade union elected representative, she is legally entitled to express concerns and criticisms of employers on matters of interest to union members without fear of formal disciplinary procedures.
Kirstie has been summoned to a hearing on the 29th April. This hearing could lead to Kirstie’s dismissal.
Members at Kirstie’s school have voted to take strike action on that day to send a message to United Learning that they should stop this process.
Please follow the below steps to show support for Kirstie:
1. Tweet/Facebook/Insta your support for Kirstie ahead of the strike using the hashtag #IAmKirstiePaton. Solidarity selfies welcome or just the #hashtag!
2. Please tweet the school (@TheJohnRoan) and send a letter to school managers Jon Coles, Cath Smith and Stephen Belk in support of Kirstie here, demanding that they drop all charges against her: https://actionnetwork.org/.../defend-neu-exec-member...
3. Invite your friends to this event and share the event!
4. Send messages of support for Kirstie and other members of staff at John Roan to Johnroannut@gmail.com tim.woodcock@neu.org.uk eleanor.davies@neu.org.uk

And also this:
Official Unite statement is here:
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Still waiting to see full details confirmed, but this sounds big if true:
GO NORTH WEST WITHDRAWS FIRE AND RE-HIRE CONTRACTS (belated edit to include the link)
Hundreds of trade unionists marched from Piccadilly Gardens to Queen's Road depot today for the annual May Day parade and in support of bus drivers at Go North West who have been on strike for two months.
At the subsequent rally, they heard Colin Hayden of Unite say that Go North West, the drivers' employer, has withdrawn its fire and re-hire contracts which caused the longest bus strike in UK history.
Hundreds of trade unionists braved the rain and wind today to march from Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester to Queen's Road bus depot for the annual May Day parade, this year in support of bus drivers for the Go North West company who have been on strike for two months fighting against so-called 'fire and re-hire' contracts.
With cars beeping support all the way and the PCS samba band drumming along, the final rally near the bus depot heard that the company has done a U-turn. Colin Hayden, Unite branch secretary, told the cheering crowd that the union had received a document from the Go Ahead Group stating that 'fire and re-hire' was being withdrawn; that fire and re-hire contracts were now null and void, and that two dismissed union members will be re-instated and have their jobs back.
"The sham bogus disciplines that the company intended to undertake once we went back to work have been scrapped" he said "This a sign of things to come. If we stand together we can overturn these employers and we can make them stand up and think. There's two things that motivate an employer – profit and fear. We put fear in front of their profit to prevent them from getting number one."
He stressed that the deal is not done yet and that the drivers will only go back to work when they have taken a vote and agreed to the terms. But it is looking like a massive victory for the drivers and Unite.
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OK, it seems like that Manchester Evening News article was premature - apparently the employer just told the newspaper that the strike was over, without the union actually agreeing that the strike was over? Seems like a weird way to do things but then I'm not the Go Ahead group. Anyway, Manchester Trades Council are now saying that Unite is expecting to deliver a further strike notice on May 13th after reballoting, solidarity presence requested at the depot then:

Further strike action at the DVLA likely very soon ....

PCS said:
Notice of further strike action
PCS have today served notice of further strike action for Monday 24th May – Friday 28th May. This reflects PCS’ dissatisfaction at DVLA management plans to return staff to site.
Unlike the strike action so far, the action taking place on the 24th May will be for ALL PCS MEMBERS AT THE DVLA, regardless of whether or not you are being called to attend the site.
This is in addition to, not instead of, the industrial action planned for Monday 17th May, which is for those being made to attend the DVLA sites only.
All Member Meeting
PCS will be holding an all member meeting on Thursday 13th May at 7pm via zoom to discuss next steps in the campaign. The meeting will be chaired by PCS National President, Fran Heathcote, and members will hear from PCS DVLA Branch Chair, Sarah Evans, and PCS General Secretary, Mark Serwotka, and be able to ask them questions.
.... except that the above was out-of-date information it appears! :oops: :oops:

This more recent message on the PCS site is saying negotations remain ongoing ::

PCS said:
PCS has agreed to suspend our planned strike action at the DVLA, which was due to take place from 17-21 May, following progress made in talks with the employer towards reaching agreement

Though progress has been made, an agreement is not yet finalised and PCS negotiators will use the week of suspended action to meet with DVLA and DfT management in intensive talks with a view to reach agreement.
The PCS DVLA Branch Executive Committee met this afternoon and agreed to suspend next week’s planned strike.
PCS is clear, as it has been throughout this dispute, that any deal must address members’ fears about health and safety on sites, issues caused by Covid and long-Covid, and ensure that lessons are learned and members are kept safe, should future pandemics or waves of Covid occur.
Respect to the Thurrock bin workers, that sounds like a serious commitment:

Unite members who provided essential services during the height of the pandemic have resolved to continue their strike in a battle to defend their pay from a brutal attack by Thurrock Council bosses.

Workers in the waste and recycling department at Thurrock Council have been on strike since the 13 April 2021. Today, their union has given Thurrock Council notice that the strike will continue until the 18 June unless the council ends its brutal and callous attack on the essential workers' pay and conditions.

The proposed cuts mean the workers who were applauded by Thurrock residents for their contribution during the health crisis, face losing between £1200 and £3800 a year which will leave the workers struggling to pay their bills, rent and mortgages.
Yeah, and I suspect not only on the buses as well. I'm still not totally sure on what if any concessions Go North West got out of the final settlement, but even if they made some gains/were able to take some stuff away, it'd be a bold employer who risked starting another 85-day strike in order to try and save a few quid in sick pay or whatever.
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