Strikes a-go-go today.
1) Lambeth College (UCU and Unison) are striking against some truly heinous management shit, where their old contracts get ripped up, and their new ones include a cut of 2 weeks to their holidays, more work for no extra pay and worse sick pay.
Details They're on indefinite strike, so need funds, you can send donations
here. If you're skint you can sign their petition
2) The University of London cleaners (IWGB) are on a 5-day strike against 60+ redundancies whilst the university renovates their halls. Disgustingly management are insisting that Sharon Bracey, Cleaning Services Manager, Unison rep and virtually sole Unison member be allowed to choose which of the IWGB union activists she wants to victimise. You can see details of their campaign here and donate to their strike fund
3) The dockers at Tilbury (Unite) are on strike for 11 days in protest at the introduction of Zero Hours Contracts. Details
here. No strike fund as far as I know, but still reintroducing the "tap on the shoulder" on the docks is fucking nasty shit on the part of the bosses.
4) One Housing workers (Unite) are
on strike for four days against the victimisation of their union convenor. He's been suspended and workers reckon it's because he led 11 days of strike action last year.
5) Ritzy staff are on another 1-day strike today for the London Living Wage, which miserly multi-national Cineworld claim they can't afford. Campaign
Elsewhere, you've got NHS confed (GMB, Unite, Unison) members
protesting the 1% offer for public sector workers and Hackney College staff (UCU) will be demonstrating
against funding cuts on Saturday
Appeal to all, if you're about, go to demos, if you can, make donations, if you're not about and skint, like facebook pages and sign petitions. Whatever you can