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Stormont's jacket on a shaky peg...


Well-Known Member
Surprised this has taken so long to come to the boil - but expect the shit hitting the fan sometime very soon. Between this and NAMA/Cerberus, some very powerful people are up shit creek.

First Minister Arlene Foster blocked attempts to shut down scheme that could cost taxpayer £400m, claims DUP's Jonathan Bell - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

It really is a case of 'you couldn't make this up' and yet nobody yelled 'stop!'... and it seems the great and good of Norn Iron society are up to their chinless necks in it. It is just so wrong on so many levels.

What wonderful winter cheer for those struggling to afford to heat their houses. Low-life cunts, the lot of them.

Even Martin has called for her to step aside. McGuinness calls for Foster to stand aside over RHI scandal - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk Sinn Féin have been biting their lip all week while the sdlp jumped up and down demanding they take action.

Colum Eastwood platform: Foster should step aside while 'cash-for-ash' scandal is probed
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Any chance of a brief synopsis for those not eager to plough through a series of news reports?

They came up with scheme to promote renewable energy . Basically it involved paying you to burn wood pellets in these new heater thingies . People started burning wood pellets like there was no tomorrow and cashing the cheques . Some government advisors went whoops..this is going to costa fortune and suggested the scheme be halted . The politicians said no. Turned out quite a few people who were friends of these politicians were heating empty houses and barns and doing quite nicely out of it . It has cost an absolute fortune . Hundreds of millions of pounds up the chimney . in a statelet comprising less than 2 million people .

The whistles been blown, media and politicians up in arms . DUP turning on each other . Martin mcguiness went off sick , dodged a trade mission to china, and was un contactable for a fortnight . The political pressure is such that even the shinners have to turn on their DUP partners . belatedly of course .

This is now the third major corruption scandal that's engulfed the DUP in office . First there was the RedSky debacle..contracts for public housing. The shinners helped cover that up . Then the NAMA corruption scandal..shinners were looking the other way according to them and had no clue what their partners were up to . And now this .

Hopefully the roof falls in . Just in time for brexit .
Paying people to burn fuel? Not discounted fuel, paying them to burn fuel? How are these people in office?

A triumph of British rule outside of great Britain . This is what happens when you just make up a state with a pen and paper . And remember, they're in coalition with the shinners . This is the third scheme involving hundreds of millions of pounds that their ministerial colleagues in Provisional Sinn Fein apparently knew absolutely nothing about. Which begs the question how are those people in office as well.
A triumph of British rule outside of great Britain . This is what happens when you just make up a state with a pen and paper . And remember, they're in coalition with the shinners . This is the third scheme involving hundreds of millions of pounds that their ministerial colleagues in Provisional Sinn Fein apparently knew absolutely nothing about. Which begs the question how are those people in office as well.
In office but not in government
In office but not in government

It's a devolved government at Stormont . Both the shinners and the DUP are the devolved government . Arlene foster is the first minister . Her office is entitled " office of first minister and deputy first minister ."a sectarian concession . deputy first minister is Martin the tout . He's every bit as culpable for this debacle as she is , even if that culpability extends to being completely asleep at the wheel and looking the other way. Again . it means, yet again, the shinners apparently had no clue about massive schemes involving hundreds of millions of pounds ,despite sitting in the same government and holding shared office with these clowns .

When a government sticks up a plaque for tourists at the giants causeway informing them that according to creationist theory it's only a few thousand years old one should expect such things .
A triumph of British rule outside of great Britain . This is what happens when you just make up a state with a pen and paper . And remember, they're in coalition with the shinners . This is the third scheme involving hundreds of millions of pounds that their ministerial colleagues in Provisional Sinn Fein apparently knew absolutely nothing about. Which begs the question how are those people in office as well.

Why is it a triumph of British rule? Corruption doesn't need British rule to operate.
Meanwhile just try getting seen to in A and E . Just try getting a hospital bed . Just try driving on these roads that are like fucking Somalia . Even the main ones have pot holes all over . It's a fucking joke . They're cutting teachers wages , stuff like that and this shit is going on ? Again .
Why is it a triumph of British rule? Corruption doesn't need British rule to operate.

It's not just corruption, it's total incompetence . In order to sustain and legitimise itself British rule desperately needed to devolve local governance to the 6 counties. The policy of " Ulsterisation " . While that suits Westminster and Whitehall..who are averse to being seen as colonial overlords..it means the people who get to do the job for them are complete fucking clowns . And always have been . It will only ever result in utter disaster . The sectarian equation necessary to have British rule function will....always... put sectarian interests over and above the interests of basic governance . The disfunction is inbuilt from the very start .
Incompetence/ corruption like this goes completely unchecked for fear of upsetting the entire sectarian apple cart Stormont rests upon . As I said this isn't the first massive case of incompetence and corruption. It's merely one in a series . And there's been loads of littler ones .
Paying people to burn fuel? Not discounted fuel, paying them to burn fuel? How are these people in office?

The sheme was supposed to encorage businesses to switch from oil/gas burning to the more eco-friendly wood pellets.

A similar scheme operates in the UK I believe but has tiers and differential tarrifs. The one in norn iron did not, meaning that people (if they were so inclined) were paid more to burn fuel than it costs to buy. It did not take a genius to work this out.

There are three basic issues.

1. That it occurred at all.

2. The number of people with 'inside' information who jumped aboard - and encouraged their business friends to do so. At least two (paid-for by the taxpayer) DUP Spads (special political advisors) were amongst the first.

3. Who knew what, when? Civil Servants are risk-averse by nature. It is not plausible that they a) did not know and b) did not tell the politicians. The big row is over when they were told and what they did next.
Since the formation of the statelet, all the big profitable contracts have been given out to pet companies run by 'onside' unionist grandees.

This patronage and corruption is endemic and is basically the system which has kept the statelet (mal)functioning since the 1920's.

A perfect, though small, example of how it works was the Irisgate affair.

Then First Minister Peter Robinson's wife, Iris (herself a double-salaried westminster MP AND a stormount MLA) was shagging some teenager.

The young fella needed cash for a business venture. Iris put the hammer on a Unionist Grandee/businessman, who obviously owwed her and hers for previous favours, for £50K - no questions asked. She then passed it on to her toy-boy but only after skimming off 10k for herself!
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At least Iris managed to get her leg over (probably for the first time in ages, given what we know about life chez Robinson).
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