Good objection from the Brixton Society
On behalf of the Brixton Society I object to this planning application on two grounds.
Firstly, the mix of tenures: the various documents refer to affordable, social rent, and active elderly affordable. It is stated that these tenures will amount to 46% of the units in the scheme. However, no further breakdown is given between affordable and social rent. As affordable now means anything up to 80% of open market rent - a rent that is far from affordable for very many people in this borough - the further breakdown is crucial. If the whole 46% were to be let at social rent levels, this would be acceptable. If they were to be let at 80% market rent, this would be outrageous. The reality may be between the two but the voluminous documentation does not enlighten the reader on the point.
Secondly, the height of the tallest block: at 20 storeys, this is nearly three times the height (at 7 storeys) for which outline permission was granted. The outline has clearly changed. 20 storeys would loom over its surroundings and is totally out of character with the area. It would totally dwarf the (quite tall for their era) Victorian houses opposite across Stockwell Road. It would be massively taller than the nearby, listed O2 Astoria. It would be twice as tall as the only nearby tall building, the newly built 10 storey block on the corner of Stockwell Park Walk and Brixton Road. The comparisons drawn in the design statement with tall buildings further afield is misleading. These are all isolated blocks with space around them. The proposed block is part of a densely packed site where it will be surrounded by blocks of 9, 8, 7 and 4 storeys. It is an over development.