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Stockwell Skate Park, Network Homes and the BRX/SO BRX development

Good objection from the Brixton Society

On behalf of the Brixton Society I object to this planning application on two grounds.
Firstly, the mix of tenures: the various documents refer to affordable, social rent, and active elderly affordable. It is stated that these tenures will amount to 46% of the units in the scheme. However, no further breakdown is given between affordable and social rent. As affordable now means anything up to 80% of open market rent - a rent that is far from affordable for very many people in this borough - the further breakdown is crucial. If the whole 46% were to be let at social rent levels, this would be acceptable. If they were to be let at 80% market rent, this would be outrageous. The reality may be between the two but the voluminous documentation does not enlighten the reader on the point.
Secondly, the height of the tallest block: at 20 storeys, this is nearly three times the height (at 7 storeys) for which outline permission was granted. The outline has clearly changed. 20 storeys would loom over its surroundings and is totally out of character with the area. It would totally dwarf the (quite tall for their era) Victorian houses opposite across Stockwell Road. It would be massively taller than the nearby, listed O2 Astoria. It would be twice as tall as the only nearby tall building, the newly built 10 storey block on the corner of Stockwell Park Walk and Brixton Road. The comparisons drawn in the design statement with tall buildings further afield is misleading. These are all isolated blocks with space around them. The proposed block is part of a densely packed site where it will be surrounded by blocks of 9, 8, 7 and 4 storeys. It is an over development.
Up to 262 objections now - and just 12 comments in favour all heavily smelling of eau d'developer:

I am fully in support of the redevelopment. The proposed tower development is well located and adds a "landmark" building of interest to an otherwise uninteresting, unimaginative mass of continuous building heights in the surrounding. It is in effect a gateway site for Brixton and deserves a statement design.
Like Brixton needs a fucking gateway.

I like this comment:

The loss of a community centre leaves a community at a loss. Stockwell skatepark has helped generation after generation of locals and of those from far afield to move away from lives of boredom, crime, despair and drug addiction. Skateboarding is a non-competitive, peace loving lifestyle filled with self expression and mutual support for comrades of all age, race and background. Without a hub, a wheel stops turning. And trouble becomes inevitable.

I don't think so, the block will be next to it.

Not sure if any objections bemoaning the loss of the skate park will be useful because they're not losing it.
Many informed people are of the opinion that a giant overlooking block of flats will have an adverse effect on the skate park, either immediately (dust and fumes from the construction, lack of sunlight etc) or later on when they fear that some members of this vibrant new community will force restrictions on the current 24-hour use of the park. I think their fears are very well grounded.
Many informed people are of the opinion that a giant overlooking block of flats will have an adverse effect on the skate park, either immediately (dust and fumes from the construction, lack of sunlight etc) or later on when they fear that some members of this vibrant new community will force restrictions on the current 24-hour use of the park. I think their fears are very well grounded.
I agree that's a possibility. But don't know if objecting on those grounds would be valid.

Thinking aloud to be honest, hopefully I'm wrong.
I agree that's a possibility. But don't know if objecting on those grounds would be valid.

Thinking aloud to be honest, hopefully I'm wrong.
Loss of light, overlooking/privacy, impact on local area, removal of residential amenity and over development are all valid reasons for objections.
Naturally the council is saying YES PLEASE to this fucking hideous development.

I refer to my recent letter acknowledging your comments on this proposal and I can now inform you that the application is due to be considered by the Council’s Planning Applications Committee on 12 April 2016 at Karibu Centre, 7 Gresham Road, SW9 7PH.

The recommendation for this application is to Minded to Grant Permission. A summary of your comments and any others received will be reported to the Committee, which you are also welcome to attend.
The planning application was approved tonight 8:0
The debate was very circuitous. There were 3 objectors - all connected with the skate park.
Also 2 supporters who were tenants and another was connected with the developer.

This scheme does seem unusual in terms of current Lambeth regenerations in that the vast majority on new housing will be "affordable"

There was some very poor chairing from Councillor Clair Wilcox, who had to be repeatedly advised by officers what could and could not be put forward as a motion.

About an hour was devoted to the item - and about 75% of that time taken was discussing the skate park - including some "off the table" offer of £100,000 to facilitate public realm improvements and toilets for the skate park (some of which was not permissible to incorporate into the motions for approval - for reasons I cannot divulge, not being a planning lawyer).

Another interesting tit-bit: the crime monitoring CCTV which will be installed will be operated under the direction of the CCTV control centre at Weyland House on the Robsart Estate (if it's still called that).
Malcolm Clark from Lambeth has added this in response to the Buzz article
Will you be updating this article now the meeting has happened to reflect the £100k promised by the developers to the Skate Park; the positive measures agreed by the Planning Applications Committee on some of the points raised (eg greater planting/green space); and - as importantly - how the reps from Friends of Stockwell Skatepark said they were satisfied at the end of the Committee's deliberations that the majority of their concerns were now addressed?
Is this true? FOSS
Some pics of the skate park. Thrayle House has now been flattened.





In photos: Saturday afternoon at the Stockwell Skate Park
this development is right opposite stockwell park primary school. used to attend in the 1980s. left in 1989. seems a century ago, now.....
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