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Stockwell Grosvenor pub under threat from luxury development - lodge your objections quickly please


The Grosvenor as we know it may well have disappeared for good, but there's still a chance that the building could reopen as a pub if Golfrate's plans to build luxury flats above is stopped in its tracks.


Lambeth turned them down last year and now they're back with an identical proposal - and there's only two days left to object.

Read the full story here and lodge your comments on the Lambeth planning website. There was just four objections when I posted up the Buzz story but I've facebooked/Tweeted to fuck and it's up to 25 now. Please add your own objection if you'd like this pub to live on.
This is back again. Just received this email from Lambeth because I commented on the above.

This letter notifies you that a proposed development you have commented on is due to be considered by the council’s Planning Applications Committee.


The Grosvenor Arms 17 Sidney Road London Lambeth SW9 0TP

Proposed Development:

Change of use of the upper floors of the Public House (Use Class A4) to residential (Use Class C3), involving the erection of single storey extensions at the first floor level including the formation of balconies with privacy screens at first and second floor levels to provide 4 self- contained residential units. Erection of a single storey ground floor rear infill extension to the public house and installation of a roof cover over the existing rear yard.


I refer to my recent letter acknowledging your comments on this proposal and I can now inform you that the application is due to be considered by the Council’s Planning Applications Committee on 29 November 2016 The meeting starts at 7.00pm, please check the council website and PAC agenda for confirmation of the venue.

The recommendation for this application is to Pending Section 106 Obligation. A summary of your comments and any others received will be reported to the Committee, which you are also welcome to attend.

Please find enclosed a document explaining what happens at the Planning Applications Committee and how you can take part.


Lambeth Planning
I got this too.

What does "Pending Section 106 Obligation" mean?

Does it mean this will be approved if the developer pays some Section 106 cash?
Yes, but that can either be local amenities (transport, infrastructure, schools etc.) but more likely a chunk of 106 funds to Lambeth's general coffers to use as they want.
They've been turned down again. Ha haaa!

If only they could make those cunts put back the interior they so gleefully trashed...

Site: The Grosvenor Arms 17 Sidney Road London Lambeth SW9 0TP
Proposed Development: Change of use of the upper floors of the Public House (Use Class A4) to residential (Use Class C3), involving the erection of single storey extensions at the first floor level including the formation of balconies with privacy screens at first and second floor levels to provide 4 self- contained residential units. Erection of a single storey ground floor rear infill extension to the public house and installation of a roof cover over the existing rear yard.


I refer to my previous letter acknowledging your comments on this proposal. The decision on the planning application is as follows:

Refuse Permission

The following conditions for permission or reasons for refusal apply:

1 The applicant has failed to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that the loss of upper floor ancillary Class A4 accommodation would not render the retained public house use at ground and basement levels unviable. The application is therefore contrary to Policy ED8(d) of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015).

2 The applicant has failed to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that the proposed autonomous residential accommodation (Class C3) on the upper floors could co-exist with the use of the building as public house at ground and basement floor levels without:

(a) compromising the amenity of prospective occupiers of the new dwellings and/or;
(b) compromising the future viability and operation of a public house use on the site.

As such the proposal is contrary to the aims and objectives of Policies ED8(d) and Q2 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015).

3 The proposed rear extension by reason of its poor design quality with specific reference to composition of the elevation and arrangement of materials within the Aytoun Road would detract from the character and appearance of the host building and the surrounding area contrary to Policies Q8 and Q11 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015).
3 The proposed rear extension by reason of its poor design quality with specific reference to composition of the elevation and arrangement of materials within the Aytoun Road would detract from the character and appearance of the host building and the surrounding area contrary to Policies Q8 and Q11 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015).

Screen Shot 2016-12-08 at 13.56.51.png

Yeah. I can see that.
Good news. The interesting thing about this one is the planning committee said the development could harm the viability of the pub on the ground floor, which I've never heard before. Apparently this is contrary to the local plan. It didn't stop other similar developments which left empty pubs on the ground floor however (such as the Loughborough Hotel, The Russell Hotel, the Plough, Paulet Arms etc) - so is this a new thing?

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