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Starfield fans ahoy!

As always I want MP but I bet it isn’t. Elder Scrolls online was a load of horseshit. Fallout 76 worked better once they ironed out teething issues but was never truly co-op.
So is this an MMO? I don't have anything that could play it anyway but I'd feel fine about that if it was an MMO because I really don't have time for that shit these days.
I'm guessing it's single player. I want it to have co-op capabilities but I don't hold out any hope.
Fallout 76 is an MMO but the players are generally friendly to each other. There wasn’t any kind of griefing really on any of the servers I played on.
Bethesda are streaming a massive Starfield gameplay preview, systems showcase, interviews, etc. at the moment as part of their Xbox Games Showcase. It'll be available on their Twitch page later, I assume:

tl;dr - it's a grab-bag of bits and pieces from Fallout, Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky and Elder Scrolls. Unsurprisingly. Looks amazing visually.
Thank fuck it’s single player cos they seem to getting forgotten about recently with the big games.
They do have form for turning their biggest money earners into relatively successful multiplayer games (Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76). If they eventually went the MMO route for Starfield it would be an opportunity to siphon some of the money off the likes of Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous.
I've been waiting for this for ages. I doubt it can be an MMO, it's been built as a single player game.

Not saying they couldn't do another in the same universe, like they did with Fallout, but fortunately this won't be it.
I'll buy it but it will really annoy me.

Oh, it's on Game Pass. Perfect.
I'l be playing it on PC so I think I may buy rather than gamepass it, although Geforce now is adding the entire Gamepass catalog to it, so you could in theory play it on a rig with a rtx 4080 without having a gaming pc

Sorry I digress, if I get a decent card soon then id buy it as I think I could put months if not years into this game, and Im not sure I want to fork out every month for gamepass, although see above.
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I'l be playing it n PC so I think I may buy rather than gamepass it, although Geforce now is adding the entire Gamepass catalog to it, so you could in theory play it on a rig with a rtx 4080 without having a gaming pc

Sorry I digress, if I get a decent card soon then id buy it as I think I could put months if not years into this game, and Im not sure I want to fork out every month for gamepass, although see above.

This both excites and worries me. I was able to complete Fallout 4 as I had a lot of enforced, paid time of work, but those time don't come around often. I'm drawn to these huge open games, but don't generally have the time to do them justice and they don't get finished.

It will be great on GeForce Now of course. Typically they added 3440x1440 support just after I bought my 3080 which is one of the reasons I ditched it.
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