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Star Citizen/Squadron42


metal alchemist
In the Guinness book of records as the most crowdfunded project ever, to the tune of 115 million and still rising, Star Citizen is running late.

After a lot of thought, I decided to pledge for a basic back, about 40 quid gets you a starter ship and access to Alpha, there are two parts to Alpha, the PU ( persistent Universe, the MMO part) and Arena Commander which has a few parts, you can do training which looks good but is getting revamped at the moment, do racing solo or against other players on 3 specially designed courses, which is fun. There is a PvE section where you can kill NPC's either solo with 2 NPC wingmen or with 2 of your friends then there is a PvP section 4v4, all 3 of these play modes gives you REC which is money that allows you to loan ships from the shop for Arena Commander, doesn't take much to get a decent ship to use in this part of the game, Arena Commander is well worth the 40 quid on it's own, there are some VERY good players here.

Now on to the Persistent Universe, this is SMALL ATM but it looks good and the vision of what this game may become is apparent, seamless switch from ship to Eva and FPS combat, it has missions now albeit pretty basic and also NPC's to kill, you can make inqame money as the Devs want to work out ingame economy, there are things to buy etc, plenty of dogfighting to be had and also has an abandonded station for FPS play.

Some people have thrown a shit ton of real money at this game due to being able to buy ships from the store, this is NOT needed as you can buy everything with ingame money but then again, this is how the game has got so much crowdfunding.

There is a single player game Squadron 42, which will be released before Star Citizen, hopefully Q! next year that will cost you 15 quid if you get it on top of your initial pledge.


Looks fabulous.

Amazing flight mode, screw Elite Dangerous, if you can't do the Starbuck maneuver in a space flying game, get out, you can in Star Citizen, you can also black out if you do too much of it.

Believable damage, it's a bit borked atm due to physics boxes getting worked upon but if you lose a wing you have to compensate with your flying.

Multi Crew Ships, crew your own ships with your friends or NPCs, NPCs not implemented at the moment but you can still crew the larger ships with real people or fly them solo.

You can sell your ships for real money, if you pledge for a larger ship and have buyers remorse it is within the rules to resell, reddit has a well respected grey market, some traders are actually making a living off this.


Starter ships are shit, put an extra tenner if you are going for it and get something decent, saying that you do get a loaner which is a very good ship, don't know how long that will last.

MMO side is small, it gets boring fast, saying that if you have friends it's not so bad.

Griefers, it is pretty simple to grief ATM, people stealing your ships ( which will be still possible in the game ) due to no security system implemented, it is also easy to get flagged by griefers ATM.

Far too easy to spend real money on a better ship, I think the game has loads of potential so I bought myself a Super Hornet, like 140 quid ( lol) but I don't regret it, I will get my fun out of it and it has lifetime insurance.

Lot's of bugs, glitches and crashes, also exploits, after bringing in persistent universe, damage your ship, you need to have so Universal Earth Credits to repair, just land it and run and re-request it, free repairs and ammo, lol.

This shows the seamless transitions.

This is a random 4v4 PvP match, (not me), doesn't really start until 3 mins, I just picked this one because the guy is flying the Super Hornet.

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I backed this when it was back on kickstarter. (maybe just after i can't remeber)

Not really checked it out properly yet.

hummm i guess i should take a peek again
New stuff and mechanics getting added all the time, if this game fulfills all it's aims it will be amazing, here is a list of stuff that should be in place by the end of 2016, courtesy of reddit.

An Org advertisment, Organisations are groups of players in Star Citizen.

I don't endorse the Org, I know nothing about them but it is a superb showcase of CIG Asset advertising and real ingame footage.

Alpha version 3.0 has been promised before the end of the year and demoed at Gamescon, here is the video from that demo with 3 Devs showing off the multiplayer aspects and Chris Roberts commentating, this game is going to be huge, I am pretty impressed, the vision is massive and the tech looks to work amazingly well.

Please be aware that atm with 2.4 and 2.5 it is very laggy to play due to bad netcode but the 3.0 demo runs on updated netcode, initial pledge is £40 gives you a starter ship and this sort of gameplay will be available end of 2016.
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Dose graphics doe O_O

So when he went into that town, I was thinking "hah, that's a lot of doors and lifts you've got to hide the unloading of the outside and the loading of the inside. fakers" and then his mate was flying around outside the window. Blimey. Just how much RAM does this game need?

So much artwork. This is what $100m buys you I guess
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Much better video quality on twitch


Skip to 2:00:00 for the demo

EDIT: THat's an amazing demo.
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that's two part ones snage, here's part two:

loved the bit at the end

'Chris, you might have to land and ... '

*bam*, *bam*, *bam*, *splat*

' ... oh ok, or you could just do that'
that's two part ones snage, here's part two:

loved the bit at the end

'Chris, you might have to land and ... '

*bam*, *bam*, *bam*, *splat*

' ... oh ok, or you could just do that'

Thanks for that Bernie, my bad, I'm really excited for this game, hopefully the 3.0 alpha hits before 2017.

If they manage to have that level of interaction in the whole system as promised, it will be more playable (at least for me) than anything else I own.
It's interesting.

Looks to me like it's balanced for small groups, like 4-6 players, with maybe a couple of multi-crewed ships, working together.

That could be a lot of fun.

My favourite thing in Eve was always guerilla/pirate stuff with small stealth / fast gangs.

Doing that with all the permutations of ships and FPS would be awesome.

Is there anything clear about PvP and how that's going to work yet?
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It's interesting.

Looks to me like it's balanced for small groups, like 4-6 players, with maybe a couple of multi-crewed ships, working together.

That could be a lot of fun.

My favourite thing in Eve was always guerilla/pirate stuff with small stealth / fast gangs.

Doing that with all the permutations of ships and FPS would be awesome.

Is there anything clear about PvP and how that's going to work yet?

As far as I know PvP is going to work similar to EvE, where you have High Sec and Low Sec, also unclaimed systems which may or may not work like Null but player controlled areas are not on the cards, at least not yet, that may change in future.

There is a small vocal group that has the usual Non Consensual PvP is griefing mentality but most people are happy with the reputation system that comes with PvP, wheras the naughtier you are, the more of a target you become to both players and NPCs.
It looks amazing, but it has the status of a kind of 'I'll believe it when I see it (fully released)' game. Also there does seem to be a lot of asset selling. Still, there's a lot of money in it, so hopefully one day it'll be there... I think the extended alpha/beta > limited full release > new features over a period of years model makes sense for this type of game anyway. Huge task; seems to be working well for Elite Dangerous and NMS's 'try and get everything right for release' approach seems to have been a bit of a disaster.
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Looks like they have made another million+ after the 3.0 Demo, the hype train is on the tracks.
Just had a bit of a play using the GAMESCOM2016 promo code here

Very pretty, albeit incomplete and noticeably broken in various places.

Being able to get out of the pilots seat and wander around inside a Freelancer (space truck from demo above), through the crew quarters, through the cargo hold and then doing a bit of a spacewalk out of the back hatch, was quite impressive though.
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There will be another free fly event in October when Citizencon is live, when I find more information I will post the dates. Glad you had fun Bernie Gunther, yes atm 2.4 has some annoying broken bits but hopefully the next free fly will be 2.5 which adds a little more content. Saying that it is still a playable universe, maybe next time try the Arena Commander section, the FPS is far higher in that and you can PvP. Twin sticks are best.

Here is a full length vid of that 3.0 demo in far better quality than the two part posted above with no annoying interlaced video.

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Star Citizen 2.5 Alpha is now live on PTU, I have been playing single player using a hack which can be found easily online getting between 40-80 FPS using a 6990, very smooth, just no one to kill lol.

2.6 is expected to be released in October when Citizencon is live, that is when Star Marine goes live which gives FPS PvP moded and matches. There will be a free fly mode available for a few days for people to try the game without spending.
Here is where they are on the FPS side for the Star Marine standalone section, I'm not really a FPS player, so I'll let others comment on comparing to other FPS games but it looks nice to me.

Star Marine will be included in the 2.6 Alpha update which I would expect to be released before November if they are hoping for the big 3.0 update before New Year.

the screen candy on the clip before is just outstanding

Yeah it looks fabulous in the PU also, especially if you play solo mode, then you get a steady 60FPS, I have been playing a lot of Solo mode just exploring, helps loads when playing the multiplayer PU, knowing sneaky entrances into full PvP areas like Grim Hex, a no security, asteroid base.

I expect the next Free Fly weekend to be 7th Oct-9th I'll post when more details are available, I think release date for Squadron 42 will be announced then.

If anyone decides to pledge, this is my referral code you get 5k credits when SC PU goes live STAR-D3DY-KVQW

Also, could the Mods update title to Star Citizen/Squadron 42 please
does 42 operate within the main game or are they totally separate and players cant see each other across the games ? does one impact on the other ?
does 42 operate within the main game or are they totally separate and players cant see each other across the games ? does one impact on the other ?

SQ42 and the SC PU are totally separate games but they use the same assets, SQ42 is a semi scripted single player game where you are a new Navy Recruit fighting the Vanduul ( space nasties ) from aboard a carrier, there will be space battle missions and FPS missions alongside bombing missions, SQ42 will be set 10 or so years before the SC PU and when completed may give you some benefits in Star Citizen due to your service and becoming a Citizen but you don't need it to play the PU. Hopefully it is going to get released December 2016 but more like Q1 2017.

Squadron 42 - Roberts Space Industries

Some interesting advances discussed about CIG now using Amazon Lumberyard, both Star Citizen and Lumberyard are heavily modified versions of the same build of CryEngine, interesting times ahead for gaming, CIG may be taking their time but they are well ahead of the curve for cloud based MMOs, me thinks there have been some super sekrit collabaration somehow.

Star Citizen developer Chris Roberts clarifies engine change to Amazon's Lumberyard won't delay the game - ExtremeTech

Also this revelation is in conjunction with Stasr Citizen 2.6 release, there is a new FPS module in this build, Star Marine which is the FPS version of Arena Commander.

Seems that with the switch to Lumberyard and Amazon cloud has improved the game stability and FPS, I still have to try it, been working away. :)

Sorry lazy question... Is this only on PC?

I'm afraid so, at least at this point in time, it runs sort of ok on my setup on med settings but then again my setup is no where near cutting edge i5, 6990 graphics 16gb ram, an Xbox/Playstation would explode.
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