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Squid Game

just finished it as people at work were trying to ruin it for me

if you like korean cinema like old boy, Kingdom and the Host

or stuff like battle royale

watch it

pure daft bloody nonsense but can waste a rain friggin saturday to it

plus its not that deep so don't get carried away. sure my 16 year old self would of found it amazing :D
My husband has just finished it and we're starting it together tonight.
He read a piece about how the subtitles aren't great and you can miss some subtle info and so we're watching the dubbed version this time around.
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Not at all original and the first game especially reminded me of As The Gods Will but fuckit I liked it.

Rest in power Ali 😭
Episode 6 was a bit depressing. However it was infuriatingly predictable.
obvious pairs would go against each other, obvious (and boringly easy) writers choices for who dies and which lead cast members survive.
I was quite pleased in episode two when the 'obvious' outcome was subverted. I would have preferred the creators write themselves into a corner that they had to figure a clever way out of.
ok if AS does not approve I think I like it more now
No need to be a nob, I did not say that. I'm watching it. I think it's ok. I'm mildly niggled that difficult plot points (so far) are set up by the writers to have easy (and mostly predictable) solutions. It is disappointing because it's otherwise a very interesting show so far. I wouldn't be posting about it if it was out and out shit.
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Ive not got to the end so I don't want to look too much into any analysis, but I have noticed and been atad irked by several mentions of women not being as good / weaker players for teaming up with in games. Not as strong or clever as the men. Even the women say it themselves.
Ive not got to the end so I don't want to look too much into any analysis, but I have noticed and been atad irked by several mentions of women not being as good / weaker players for teaming up with in games. Not as strong or clever as the men. Even the women say it themselves.

I just assumed that came from the character's ignorance/prejudices rather than the director's belief (i.e. as per episodes 4&5)? I can't tell you the amount of times I've come across this mentality - it's all pervasive. But also, for a task that is incorrectly assumed to be strength based (thug of war) - people would naturally want stronger people on the team. However, that was rather cleverly proved to be the wrong assumption!!!

ALSO, FACT, women are NOT as physically strong as men!

I would actually not ring true if some of the characters in there actually saw women as equals.
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I just assumed that came from the character's ignorance/prejudices rather than the director's belief (i.e. as per episodes 4&5)? I can't tell you the amount of times I've come across this mentality - it's all pervasive. But also, for a task that is incorrectly assumed to be strength based (thug of war) - people would naturally want stronger people on the team. However, that was rather cleverly proved to be the wrong assumption!!!

ALSO, FACT, women are NOT as physically strong as men!

I would actually not ring true of some of the characters in there saw women as equals.
Well yes I assumed it was the characters being daft too I think, but thought it was odd that the strong female roles felt the same way. . . And they didn't just base that on physical strength, they were talking about brains too.
I can't read the full story or make a properly informed opinion until I've seen all the EPs though.
I just assumed that came from the character's ignorance/prejudices rather than the director's belief (i.e. as per episodes 4&5)? I can't tell you the amount of times I've come across this mentality - it's all pervasive. But also, for a task that is incorrectly assumed to be strength based (thug of war) - people would naturally want stronger people on the team. However, that was rather cleverly proved to be the wrong assumption!!!

ALSO, FACT, women are NOT as physically strong as men!

I would actually not ring true of some of the characters in there saw women as equals.
Well yes I assumed it was the characters being daft too I think, but thought it was odd that the strong female roles felt the same way. . . And they didn't just base that on physical strength, they were talking about brains too.
I can't read the full story or make a properly informed opinion until I've seen all the EPs though.
Bloody hell the acting of the westerners in episode 7 is diabolical.
I love how they are all holding drinks, but there is no way any of them(apart from the one with the tiny shot glass) can actually drink with their masks on.

Why are they not walking along the metal bits along the middle? or even testing the integrity of the glass first?
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