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SpaceX rockets and launches

But tonight it's clear, so we should be able to see the ISS, the just-departed Cygnus, and the on-approach Dragon all in the same pass (how close I can't find out)
The latest data I can find has the Dragon running about 5m56s ahead of the ISS. I think (guess) Cygnus should be several seconds behind the ISS.
Well I saw something about 15m *ago* which was in the right place, but didn't see anything accompanying ISS for at least a few mintes either side...
I’ve just seen the ISS and no Cygnus. A report from someone else, on the near continent, looking on a previous pass indicates Cygnus wasn’t visible to them either, so possibly quite a dim target. The timing for the Dragon is almost certainly based on too old data now (I looked several minutes either side of the ISS pass just and couldn’t spot anything, but the sky is still quite bright). Though if you keep watching the ISS plane for up to 90 minutes after the ISS pass you are bound to see the Dragon eventually ;)

Ah - just heard Cygnus has been seen (on the pass just) about 1 minute behind the ISS and the Falcon 9 upper stage was seen tumbling about 19 minutes before the ISS arrived - e2a though I doubt it can have been that since SpaceX report they de-orbited it over the Indian Ocean some hours ago (indeed, now appears to have been some other unrelated upper stage).
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OK, seems the +1 mag object currently trailing the ISS by 85 seconds is the Dragon and the Cygnus (much fainter) is trailing the ISS by about 25 seconds. Another ISS pass low in the W-SW is due shortly starting 00:08BST, entering Earth shadow 00:12:35BST below and between Jupiter and the Moon.
Corner-cutting their way to reliable space travel
The thing with corner-cutting is that while it is possible to get away with it, the more it is done and the longer it is done, the more the chances are that it will come back to bite one on the arse.
The thing with corner-cutting is that while it is possible to get away with it, the more it is done and the longer it is done, the more the chances are that it will come back to bite one on the arse.
"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled."
The lurching booster is painful to watch. Apparently it will be one of the side boosters on the FH Demo flight though!
Updated BFR presentation. Smaller (from 12 -> 9m diameter). 150t to LEO.
Landing accuracy good enough to come straight back down on the launch mount :cool:


Oh, and you can also use it for point-to-point travel. less than one hour, to anywhere on the planet.

They're going to build out a stock of F9s and upper stages to keep the backs covered, but otherwise it's full speed ahead for this design to be the only rocket they fly.
I would like to know just one little thing: in this brave new world where we all get about between cities by, err, ICBM, do we all die in a lovely fire when the first person forgets to file their flight plan with Moscow?
I would like to know just one little thing: in this brave new world where we all get about between cities by, err, ICBM, do we all die in a lovely fire when the first person forgets to file their flight plan with Moscow?

This point-2-point idea is technically feasible and makes great PR, but will never happen politically.
I would like to know just one little thing: in this brave new world where we all get about between cities by, err, ICBM, do we all die in a lovely fire when the first person forgets to file their flight plan with Moscow?
In the same way we currently fly between cities on strategic bombers.
Falcon Heavy slipped to December, the company citing launch pad availability due to damage to one of the launch pads from last years explosions and scheduling on the 39A pad.

I think most serious observers including from Space X have high expectations of a failure. Very very few new launch systems go up without an early failure or three.

They are also pushing a new satellite constellation for internet provision
SpaceX satellite constellation - Wikipedia

A wild guess would suggest they would target cash rich low population density regions first, Australian outback, US south west, Scandanavia etc. If it works.

I am still thinking their core goal will be automated water mining from asteroids, the future "oil" of space travel.
Falcon Heavy is in the house hanger!




The most powerful rocket in the world, ladies and gents :)
The most recent launch out of Vandenberg - delivering a bunch of Iridium satellites - freaked quite a lot of people out in California. Understandably so, I think.

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