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South Africa


so defeated, thinks it's funny
Was looking for a general SA thread to post this in put can't find it, so starting a new one. New statement from Abahlali baseMojondolo:
Was speaking about this with my dad. He is a gardener and house sitter for a South African bloke who is stuck out there at the moment. Told my dad that the postal service is barely functioning and he can't travel.

Not much MSM coverage of this :rolleyes: still at least we know what is happening on Love (Hate) Island ffs
One of my SA contacts told me last night that people are looting because "they are literally starving".

This is correct as far as I can see. It's been billed as anger about the jailing of Zuma, and that might have been the catalyst (plus his family are pushing this quite hard) but the reason it's happening on this scale is because of poverty and starvation.

This statement from the Workers and Socialist Party is very clear that they are food riots. https://socialist.org.za/south-africa-engulfed-in-food-riots/
I've been in hospital for the last week and the kid (well, 34) in the next bed was from Jo'burg with rest of family still over there - white farmers - and the videos he was showing me on his mobile from friends and relatives over there were shocking, really dystopian scenes of social disorder. Not just looting but burning the malls down after they're done. Thought it would be all the news tbh, but I'm not being shown the same kind of scenes as I was seeing on this kid's phone. No idea why not.
This is correct as far as I can see. It's been billed as anger about the jailing of Zuma, and that might have been the catalyst (plus his family are pushing this quite hard) but the reason it's happening on this scale is because of poverty and starvation.

This statement from the Workers and Socialist Party is very clear that they are food riots. https://socialist.org.za/south-africa-engulfed-in-food-riots/
The AbM statement says similar:
The riots that have been happening have nothing to do with Zuma. Poverty and hunger were a bomb and the break down in order caused by Zuma’s people lit the fuse. Everywhere people who started taking food from the shops said that they are starving and have nothing to do with Zuma and are not doing anything for him. Migrants were also taking food. Everyone who lives in South Africa was taking food because the issue was hunger and poverty.

Many people were hungry before Covid. Now they have been starving since March last year. Many lost jobs and those few who were getting the R350 grant which was making a difference to their lives have lost it. More than 74% of the youth are unemployed.

The elites have always ignored the poor. They do not see us. When the riots happened suddenly the poor were before their eyes...

Our position, based on these listenings, is as follows:
  1. Zuma and Ramaphosa have both failed the poor.
  2. The riots are a result of starvation and not support for Zuma.
  3. We remain committed to the Constitution because the law gives us some protection from the political gangsters in the ANC. Without the law repression would be much worse. We would just be ruled by violence. Therefore, the Constitution must be defended at all costs.
  4. The Covid grant needs to be immediately reinstated and increased and all unemployed people must get a grant. Nobody can be without an income.
  5. Food parcels need to be made available in all communities. They need to be given directly to hungry people and not to councillors who are mostly corrupt and in support of Zuma.
  6. There must be a rapid release of land for housing and community farming and an end to evictions.
  7. Urban farming cooperatives must be supported with seeds, fertilizer, tools and land.
  8. There needs to be a serious programme of job creation.
  9. If Zikalala can’t come out with a clear statement in support of the people he must be removed from office. He needs to immediately call for calm in the province, provide clear leadership and assure the safety of the people. All he does is give statistics of the fatalities and the extent of damage.
  10. We all need to call for calm and peace, and to work for calm and peace.
  11. All forms of xenophobia and tribalism must be opposed.
  12. There need to be dialogues in each city and province, and nationally, on how to build peace and justice. This must include all membership-based grassroots formations to pave the way towards an inclusive future for South Africa. These dialogues can begin the process of forming solidarity councils in each city.
We repeat that people are not interested in Zuma’s arrest. It is the fact that they have been unemployed and hungry for too long that has created this crisis.
Was speaking about this with my dad. He is a gardener and house sitter for a South African bloke who is stuck out there at the moment. Told my dad that the postal service is barely functioning and he can't travel.

Not much MSM coverage of this :rolleyes: still at least we know what is happening on Love (Hate) Island ffs
I don't know why you would expect the bourgeois media to inform you of what's going on.
Well, the EFF's day of action has come and gone with some action but not much results. Which makes me think that the EFF is not quite the radical revolutionary force (or threat) it likes to think of itself as.

Others disagree: this guy thinks last monday was an attempted March on Rome by people who wear red boiler suits in place of black shirts:

Sath Efricans seem to me to be peculiarly prone to catastrophic thinking, white Saffas at least. The complacency with which the ANC views its own political degeneration, and the consequences of that for the whole population is maybe the inverse of that.

Stay tuned for more rainbow action.

And while we're at it, let's think about the comparison with Zimbabwe. ANC is a hegemon in a way which ZANU-PF, formed out of a shotgun marriage between ZAPU and the original ZANU never was. The current Zim opposition is a major contender for power, and will definitely make it one day, which is not something you could say about South Africa's DA. The DA line seems to be "let's pretend South Africa is a small country somewhere in Western Europe".
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