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Songs that reference other musicians.

Another Nick Cave one that references two blues legends, Robert Johnson and Miley Cyrus. Both of whom are possessed by Satan, too, I expect.

Eric B, Pointer Sisters

And also Clark Kent, Attilla the Hun, Mitch Richmond, Lois Lane, Hercules, Clark Gable, Tonya Harding and Samantha from Bewitched... but I don't think any of them have released records.
Blink 182 (Specifically, "fuck fans of Blink 182 - that's illegal if you're born in '83", implying all Blink fans are 15 year old kids :D )

Tegan/Sara Quin, John K. Samson, kd lang, Matt Skiba (and also Angelina Jolie, Gina Gershon & Jennifer Tilly)


Basically the same, few different lyrics, version depending on which media you bought.
"My favourite song," She said,
And it was Joni singing 'Help me I think I'm falling...',
Phone rang, and she said - "Whoever's calling...",
"Can't be as cute as you!".
Prince - The Ballad of Dorothy Parker
Bumpety bump. This came on my spotify shuffle the other day and made me think of this thread. Marley referenced a few times.

Bob Marley poet and a prophet...etc
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