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Solihull icy lake tragedy, Dec 2022

The news reporter made the point that you don't really see warnings about staying away from frozen lakes these days and I think he's right. I certainly remember seeing plenty when I was a kid.

Mind you, they were as scary as fuck

At school in the 80s, you used to get this b&w comic thing called Play Safe. With all the warnings about canals, pilons, railways, sub stations, getting into cars with strangers etc. re-enforced by visit from a local copper. Do kids not get that these days.
At school in the 80s, you used to get this b&w comic thing called Play Safe. With all the warnings about canals, pilons, railways, sub stations, getting into cars with strangers etc. re-enforced by visit from a local copper. Do kids not get that these days.

I don’t think they even get Welephant visiting these days.
At school in the 80s, you used to get this b&w comic thing called Play Safe. With all the warnings about canals, pilons, railways, sub stations, getting into cars with strangers etc. re-enforced by visit from a local copper. Do kids not get that these days.
I recall an illustrated by Quentin Blake pamphlet which warned of such things - late 80s / early 90s

Also visits at primary school by PC Logsdon, think he did all the schools in Bromley, who had little animal puppets telling you not to play with fireworks / how to cross the road Etc
At school in the 80s, you used to get this b&w comic thing called Play Safe. With all the warnings about canals, pilons, railways, sub stations, getting into cars with strangers etc. re-enforced by visit from a local copper. Do kids not get that these days.

'Among the casualties of the “bonfire of the quangos” ignited in 2010 by the incoming Conservative government was the Central Office of Information (COI), the body that for more than 60 years had overseen government advertising and public service messages'

I remember when I was in the scouts (so early 80s) we had to watch some kind of safety film about substations etc. But there was one scene that for some reason involved a kid accidently getting shot by a fishing spear gun when the other kid tripped and accidentally shot his mate.

I threw up.

Fun times
This is so sad. I can't stop thinking about it. Those poor children. Their poor parents/friends/relatives. It's unimaginable what grief they must feel.

One of my earliest memories is when I was very little my Dad and I walking about on a frozen canal. My Mum went spare at him for doing that.

What a total utter tragedy.
At school in the 80s, you used to get this b&w comic thing called Play Safe. With all the warnings about canals, pilons, railways, sub stations, getting into cars with strangers etc. re-enforced by visit from a local copper. Do kids not get that these days.
Some schools take year 6 to Crucial Crew each year. It's run by multiple agencies to covers personal safety and risks in a workshop environment. It's really good but I definitely think a similar event would be good for younger years.

I keep thinking about these poor children and their families. Just devastating.
I grew up next to the West Coast main line and remember several visits to my primary school by the Fire Service in order to scare the living shit out of us warn us about the potential dangers. I also remember being tempted to walk on the iced over canals near my house but being put off by Dark and Lonely Water. Those poor kids, their families and the rescue and hospital crews.
When I was 10 in 77 I moved down the road from Plumstead to Thamesmead in SE London.
It's got canals and lakes all over the place.
Until I was 14 or 15 we used to play football on the canal...about 8-10 of us.
It was only about 3 feet deep but at the bottom had over a foot of mud and oil (from the old arsenal canal boats) that you would sink into up to your calf). Never occurred to us that this was dangerous.

Can't really imagine how those affected are feeling
I showed my daughter and her friends all the public information films I remember from when I was a kid and lectured them really heavily. But who knows, perhaps these kids were even told the dangers just as strongly - they're still kids and really don't understand danger. Or were still kids. :( There's one still at hospital; maybe he'll pull through.
I showed my daughter and her friends all the public information films I remember from when I was a kid and lectured them really heavily. But who knows, perhaps these kids were even told the dangers just as strongly - they're still kids and really don't understand danger. Or were still kids. :( There's one still at hospital; maybe he'll pull through.
Yes, I was brought up with the horrors of 60s and 70s public information films and yet still went on ice as a kid. Because you think those accidents are different ice and your ice is fine.

Or it could be the older ones went out to bring the younger ones back.

I just keep thinking about this and feeling terrible.
Horrendous for the kids themselves, any other kid that was there with them, and their families.

Plus the emergency service people, cops who would have gone into the lake in normal uniform. firefighters who might have had a bit more time to get the ice rescue kit and suits out, but then been in the water for a long time and perhaps using BA underwater (which it really isn't designed to do but firees will have a go with if their is a chance of saving saveable life) plus the ambulance crews who would have worked all the way and the A&E people and hospital specialist doctors, nurse and others who would have tried and tried , knowing that with kids in cold water there is a chance of pulling them back.

Feeling anger as well, as of course all of those people are public sector and therefore, according to this government, pawns of Putin and not worthy of the pay rises on the scale the true heroes of our society, like investment bankers, newspaper columnists and MPS have trousered.
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Picture just issued of one of the victims. 10 year old Jack Johnson.

Rest well, little fellow.

I suspect a great many of us will have foolishly ventured far out onto ice at some stage in our childhoods.With us it was the local gravel pits.We would cross cautiously at first listening to the ice and then there would be a loud crack and the whole group of us would make a dash for the safety of the other side.On at least one occasion i went into icy water up to my waist due to having been last one off the ice and of course we were literally miles from any potential adult help.Today's tragedy was truly awful and its perhaps surprising that frozen lakes do not claim young lives in even greater numbers.
So awful. I've been wondering why only one boy has been named? Is there a criminal investigation (neglect?) for the other three?
I wondered if the boy who most recently died was related to one of the ones who died earlier in the week.

There's been various confusing statements as to whether the children are all from one family. In one speech the copper heading the investigation spoke of 'the family' and 'the families' in the same few minutes. I think in the thread people have speculated they were all from the same family.

My guess is that they might all be from a large family made up of two or more families and the separated mothers or fathers may not want information releasing. (There's probably better ways to word this).
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