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So, why are there empty seats at Olympics venues?


Well-Known Member
Lot of people are pissed off that they could not get tickets yet the venues are not full.

Loads of empty seats when Federer played at Wimbledon.

Also if you go on the day you can pick up tickets dirt cheap as they are all scanned etc so they know which seats are empty.
Lot of people are pissed off that they could not get tickets yet the venues are not full.

Loads of empty seats when Federer played at Wimbledon.


Sebastian Coe insists they are full to the gunnels despite a C4 reporter saying he was in gym yesterday and has pictures of blocks of empty seats. Seb said he'd "look at his holiday snaps later"

At the morning swimming heats featuring Michael Phelps and his US rival Ryan Lochte, there were an estimated 500 empty seats in one block alone.

And at the morning session of the gymnastics, at which Louis Smith and the rest of the British team appeared, there were more than 1,000 empty seats despite prospective ticket buyers being told it was sold out.

The stadium at the equestrian cross country is more than half empty. I applied three times for these tickets.
Corporate fucking wankers is why.

This, although you can hear Seb Coe do everything to give people the impression it's not corporate wankers and try to deflect a sense of blame (the non-turner-uppers) to the 'Olympics Family'.

What makes it even more galling, is to hear some shithead from the organising committee on the radio, declare that because thousands did get in and are enjoying it, then the ticketing process is a roaring success and beyond criticism. Why the presenter didn't grill him further and tell him his logic was, well a bit shit made was a bit dismaying too.
This, although you can hear Seb Coe do everything to give people the impression it's not corporate wankers and try to deflect a sense of blame (the non-turner-uppers) to the 'Olympics Family'.

What makes it even more galling, is to hear some shithead from the organising committee on the radio, declare that because thousands did get in and are enjoying it, then the ticketing process is a roaring success and beyond criticism. Why the presenter didn't grill him further and tell him his logic was, well a bit shit made was a bit dismaying too.

Seb's response to Paraic O'Brien yesterday was downright patronising telling him he'd "look at his holiday snaps later", after Paraic said he had photos of blocks of seats empty that he'd like him to look at. :mad:
Corporate fucking wankers is why.
same as always
i worked in Wimbledon about 20 years ago, same thing
loads of people desperate for tickets and queuing overnight etc then there's empty seats with the corporate wankers still drinking champers and stuffing themselves whilst watching it on telly now and again with their empty seat a few 100 yds away :mad:
I'll be watching this story develop with interest, very keen to see if I can pick up some tickets next week, particularly for the indoor volleyball or the handball (in the 'Copper Box', whatever that is... :hmm: :D)
Pretty much - my boss has a ticket to the closing ceremony - aquired through 'industry' connections. He doesn't even want to go. :rolleyes:
A load of seats are blocked for 'Olympic family', but as they get seats to all the events it's not really much of a surprise that they don't show up for the heats, same shit happened in Beijing iirc.
All tickets should be assigned to specifc individuals who, if they didn't pay for the ticket, stand to lose the full ticket price if they don't turn up.
Then there's a systemic problem with the whole thing.
Rinse and repeat for pretty much any major sporting tournament, sadly.

I can't quite decide whether it's just the price you pay for hosting the games, because those wheels need to be greased in order to get them here, or if it is actually possible to say "hang on, this is fucked up, sort it out". Well, it's always possible to say that, but whether there's anything that could actually be done...
I was tryingt to buy some just now.. seems pretty impossible - reminds my of trying to get into Glastonbury. :rolleyes:

I heard they were gonna bring in a Wimbledon system. Ie, if the seat's empty for half an hour they go on sale at the gate.
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