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So when is war acceptable in Afghanistan?


There is no rational defence for September 11th.

Most Arabs and Muslims believe there is no rational defence of America's support of Israel's illegal policies, nor to it's attitude towards Iraq.

There is no rational defence for IRA attacks (Americans were BIG supporters of the IRA) in London either. We do not bomb Ireland.

Now I'm going to hear your rational prosecution that Bin Laden was behind September 11th, and your rational assertion that the Taleban has NOT offered to hand over Bin Laden.

[ 19 October 2001: Message edited by: PatelsCornerShop ]
"there is NO rational defence for the events of Sept. 11."

Do you mean it's beyond the comprehension of rational people? Or do you just think it's bad tactics?

If, as you say, it is also an attack on the rest of the world, then why don't Americans listen to the rest of the world? The rest of the world do NOT want these attacks.
Pauly-to answer your original question.................NEVER.
Where are you from, where do you live? Why do you want people to go to war? because of other people's evidence? I do not agree with you, let's go to war? No.............
PatelsCornerShop: I disagree that the US are the only ones that want this war against the Taliban.

nutty -- your response is quite appropriate with your moniker -- completely nutty.

Yquestion, like where I live, has no bearing on the matter of the issue. As for why we should war against the Taliban. Very simple -- to eradicate a threat!

Look, the US has no choice. OBL and the Taliban has made it quite clear that they wish for US citizens to die. There are no demands -- just desires of death. So with the US damned if they do and damned if they don't then they might as well do because that may very well save more lives in the long run.

If there are isolationist folk who wish to ignore this reality then fine. I imagine that these folks are not truely members of society, being anti-society in many other ways, and have near naught to contribute to the world anyway.

In which case get all your jets and planes and bombs and attack most of the rest of the world, because a lot of people even here in Britain were rejoicing at what happened in the States.

Didn't mean they did it, does it?

No. If Americans were really terribly bothered about defeating terrorism they would have dealt with the IRA a long time ago, instead of funding them to bomb places like London.

So the point is to stop being silly about it and stop saying silly things like 'we didn't have a choice'. America has made an enemy out of Afghanistan for no good reason. That isn't going to result in less deaths. That is going to result in more deaths.

The Taleban were quite willing to hand over Bin Laden on the evidence which America refused to hand them. So we all know about America's extent to get to the bottom of terrorism here (ie. none). All it wants is a good ass-kicking and what better country than Afghanistan, the poorest in the world?

Be honest. This is what it's really all about. Isn't it? It's to make you lot feel better over there.

So feel good about yourselves. And now you know that the problems you cause abroad are going to come back to YOUR country in the form of airjets crashing into YOUR buildings, we'll see how cocksure and gung-ho Americans really remain. I have a feeling that it won't be for so long.

American views are definitely in the minority to the rest of the world's. Now we're seeing who is isolated.

P.S. If the extent of your knowledge just lies with WWII then I suggest you get a serious amount of reading done and catch up with the world. We are now living in the 21st Century.

[ 19 October 2001: Message edited by: PatelsCornerShop ]
IMO, the bombing of Afghanistan is nothing more than a stupid placebo so that Bush and his vile cronies look good for doing something. However, when the bombing has finished, the threat of terrorism will be there still, and probably magnified. There is no justification for bombing Afghanistan despite what thick-as-pig-shit Bush and the people who pull his strings might think. This bombing will confirm many people all over the world in their hatred of the US and the west so Bush has probably just doubled the number of recruits for al Quaida.


[ 19 October 2001: Message edited by: Nemo ]
"There are no demands -- just desires of death."

This is simply untrue - to say that bin Laden has no political agenda is simply to parade your ignorance.
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