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So how's it going in Poland then?

tbaldwin said:
1 It means differenrt things to different people some people would say that Castro and Cahvez were authoritarian socialists some wouldnt.
Wrong, Balders.
The meaning of the word "authoritarian" doesn't change, only the context in which it is used, i.e. "Castro is an authoritarian because...." or "Chavez isn't an authoritarian because...".
Which still makes your self-description as an "authoritarian socialist" laughable in the context that you attempt to use the word in. It doesn't have the meaning you attempt to attribute to it.
2 So where exactly do you stand on majority control today,VP?
The same place I stood lat time you asked.
You know, the time when I had to explain to you that what you were [B[actually[/B] talking about when you farted on about being an "authoritarian socialist" was that you were a "majoritarian"..
3 I didnt claim that you had exactly the same views as them did i.
I didn't claim that was what you had said, did I?
I just mentioned that your views on authoritarianism might have been clouded by working for the home office under 2 very reactionary home secretaries...I very much doubt if you agreed with a lot of their views eventhough you were happy enough to work for them.
I hate to tell you this, Balders, what with you being so knowledgeable about all things political, but I only worked at the Home Office during the tenure of one "very reactionary home secretary" (Michael Howard). The other one (Kenneth Clarke) was downright liberal. Still, I suspect you're thick enough to have been thinking that Widdecombe was home secretary, rather than a junior prisons minister.
4 A career in stand up beckons you..........

There was me thinking that all the evidence pointed at you being a complete and utter joke..
tbaldwin said:
Your right Belushi and its good that you have managed to keep to topic...Its just when i get accused of being anti immigrant etc etc by the usual bigoted morons i do get a bit distracted.....

I think your point about Poles who oppose the enlargement of the eu is interesting. What people like nino and other posh bigots dont understand is that many people who came to this country as immigrants look at our liberal policies on migration with a mixture of amusement and horror.

Nino a "posh bigot".

He's about as posh as a chipped beer mug, and the only thing he's prejudiced against is stupidity.
ViolentPanda said:
Nino a "posh bigot".

He's about as posh as a chipped beer mug, and the only thing he's prejudiced against is stupidity.

So hes just a good old fashioned working class tory is he....Great stuff still a sad stuck up git.....
tbaldwin said:
So hes just a good old fashioned working class tory is he....Great stuff still a sad stuck up git.....

He's not a tory at all.

It's quite pathetic how you, who believe you have political awareness and knowledge, find it necessary to smear anyone who even slightly deviates from your narrowly-defined political ideas.

Pretty much the same tactics as idiots like the Swappies and the BNP use. They can't convince people on the strength of their arguments, so they call them names instead. Well done.
tbaldwin said:
So hes just a good old fashioned working class tory is he....Great stuff still a sad stuck up git.....

You're a sad, pathetic crotte de chien, balderdash. If I'm a "working class tory" then you're a card-carrying member of the BNP whose lips are tightly wrapped around Nick Griffin's cock.
ViolentPanda said:
He's not a tory at all.


Oooh what a strong defence of your mate...From the self styled voice of authority on urban75 who was happy to work for Michael Howard......

The reason i call nino a Tory is that he stands in the long tradition of people who feel they are better than the uneducated masses and look down their noses at them.
He stands for privellege and against the ideas of equality fraternity and social justice..
tbaldwin said:
The reason i call nino a Tory is that he stands in the long tradition of people who feel they are better than the uneducated masses and look down their noses at them.
He stands for privellege and against the ideas of equality fraternity and social justice..

Well, describing you as a "card-carrying member of the BNP whose lips are wrapped tight around Nick Griffin's cock" is fairly easy in your case: you like Skrewdriver and you're always crapping on about immigration. There, I've applied the same logic as you.

I think that's pretty fair. Shame you're such a sad, thick wee troll though - sin't it?
nino_savatte said:
Well, describing you as a "card-carrying member of the BNP whose lips are wrapped tight around Nick Griffin's cock" is fairly easy in your case: you like Skrewdriver and you're always crapping on about immigration. There, I've applied the same logic as you.

I think that's pretty fair. Shame you're such a sad, thick wee troll though - sin't it?

Er Nino I dont actually like Skrewdriver though i did once mention that i thought Government Action was quite a good tune.....
Fascists may pose as being anti immigration when it suits them but if you look at the example of nazi germany they like you quite liked the idea of taking workers from other countries to help boost the economy of the fatherland.
Fascism saw the survival of the fittest as the natural order of things...Pity then that Fascists like your good self are usually so unfit for anything.
tbaldwin said:
Er Nino I dont actually like Skrewdriver though i did once mention that i thought Government Action was quite a good tune.....
Fascists may pose as being anti immigration when it suits them but if you look at the example of nazi germany they like you quite liked the idea of taking workers from other countries to help boost the economy of the fatherland.
Fascism saw the survival of the fittest as the natural order of things...Pity then that Fascists like your good self are usually so unfit for anything.

How odd, that's not what you said on the "On the CD player today" thread but then you're a simpleton with a wee memory problem.

I don't think there is a great deal that you can say in your defence, balderdash. The evidence of your fascistic tendencies litter this very forum.
Giles said:
I should think that by now, there's just a million terminally stupid people left, unable to do anything useful, apart from watching shit local politicians ranting on about their nasty prejudices against queers and that. In Polish.

All the smart Poles are in London, fixing up my houses, looking after my sister's kids, and pulling pints.

Its only a million or so Poles that left - there are still plenty of smart poles in poland and still a lack of good paid work for them - people seem to think that Poland is now a ghost town.
Fruitloop said:
Interestingly I was amazed when I first went to Poland about 12 years ago how subsidized the concerts and theatre were, and how correspondingly varied the audiences were. Not like here, where the arts are more or less exclusively a social club for posh people.

Sadly since Poland has become a more capitalistic place this phenomenon is mostly a thing of the past.
Also there was one Polish record label run by the state.
niksativa said:
Its only a million or so Poles that left - there are still plenty of smart poles in poland and still a lack of good paid work for them - people seem to think that Poland is now a ghost town.

Innit, theres over 40 million Poles in a country twice the size of Britain.

Its also worth remembering that over 2 million British Citizens live abroad. Australia is overrun by the buggers.
tbaldwin said:
Oooh what a strong defence of your mate...From the self styled voice of authority on urban75 who was happy to work for Michael Howard......
Want to show me where I've ever styled myself "the voice of authority", shithead?

Because I'm betting you can't, and that your sad monkey-turd of a brain is inventing stuff again.
The reason i call nino a Tory is that he stands in the long tradition of people who feel they are better than the uneducated masses and look down their noses at them.
And if he were guilty of those things, that would make him a "tory" would it?
Like many sensible Urbanites, the only person he looks down on is you, because of your bullshit, your lies, your smears and your all-round unpleasantness.
He stands for privellege and against the ideas of equality fraternity and social justice..
And exactly how does he stand for those things, nobby no-balls?
Belushi said:
Innit, theres over 40 million Poles in a country twice the size of Britain.

Its also worth remembering that over 2 million British Citizens live abroad. Australia is overrun by the buggers.

Be fair, the Aussies reciprocate. :)
ViolentPanda said:
Want to show me where I've ever styled myself "the voice of authority", shithead?

19,779 posts. What you lack in humility and substance you more than make up for in attempting to sound authorative and knowledgeable..
ViolentPanda said:
And exactly how does he stand for those things, nobby no-balls?

He wants to see more money spent on privelleged groups like Higher Education students.
nino_savatte said:
Ah, making mair shite up. Typical. Troll on, balders.

Changed your mind then since you found out the % of the worlds population who has a higher education....So maybe your not a total twat after all.....Either that or maybe your lying.....Wonder what it is????
tbaldwin said:
Changed your mind then since you found out the % of the worlds population who has a higher education....So maybe your not a total twat after all.....Either that or maybe your lying.....Wonder what it is????

Change the record, Nazi boy. :rolleyes:
nino_savatte said:
Change the record, Nazi boy. :rolleyes:

So remind me again you great socialist you....What % of the worlds population has a higher education.....

Oh and back to Poland. It seems that you free marketers are being proved wrong...Economic migration has not helped Poland....How exactly do people expect countries that lose so many of their young and skilled workers to prosper without them?
tbaldwin said:
19,779 posts. What you lack in humility and substance you more than make up for in attempting to sound authorative and knowledgeable..

Answer my fucking question.

Can you show me where I've ever styled myself "the voice of authority".

Because we both know you can't, don't we? We both know that, once again, you're lying.

What's it like to be both a coward and a liar, shithead?
tbaldwin said:
He wants to see more money spent on privelleged groups like Higher Education students.

Let me get this straight;

Because nino supports the removal of tuition fees for higher education (something that many real socialists support), he " stands for privellege and against the ideas of equality fraternity and social justice."?

You're deluded.
tbaldwin said:
So remind me again you great socialist you....What % of the worlds population has a higher education.....

Oh and back to Poland. It seems that you free marketers are being proved wrong...Economic migration has not helped Poland....How exactly do people expect countries that lose so many of their young and skilled workers to prosper without them?

How is any of this relevant to the thread...you know, the thread you started? Remind me, how many so-called socialists listen to Skrewdriver and how many socialists talk - as you do - like a member of the far right?
ViolentPanda said:
Let me get this straight;

Because nino supports the removal of tuition fees for higher education (something that many real socialists support), he " stands for privellege and against the ideas of equality fraternity and social justice."?

You're deluded.

Isn't he? But I don't think he's playing with a full deck. Perhaps he's happy with the way HE is going in the UK....the same way as the US, where stiudents have to take a job in order to survive. How is this good for one's studies?
Poland has lost so many skilled workers,that it's hardly a suprise that the country is in such a mess.
Waves of migration are always likely to have the effect of increasing inequality and poverty in countries that people move from.:(
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