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shit MANarchists say

The video was funny it had some resonance for me and my memories of the false 'right o'n men, who were just misogynist ball sacks attempting to get the actvist leg over and wrapping it up in Howard Zinn, Bakunin or Chomsky. The worlds full of them why would anarchism be different?
It's the double bluff ones that piss me off :D
So "privilege politics" is almost entirely a middle-class phenomenon. Also almost entirely (a) 20s/30s? and (b) unaligned anarchists/activists?

Is it? I was thinking about this earlier, in the context of this discussion.

Whatever field people are in nowadays, a basic understanding of equality/ diversity/ inclusion is taken to be a good thing. Children at school are taught not to discriminate or use discriminatory language. In science, female participation is beginning to be taken seriously. It's not controversial. But in the political arena, call it identity politics, or privilege and suddenly it seems to be. I don't really get it.

In my view it's about participation, being polite and respectful. I think people need to be careful with these concepts, but it doesn't mean they're not useful if you need to have a bit of a meta discussion or build a framework. Maybe they're just badly handled and badly used. I don't know. I don't have much contact with this sort of thing.

I'm surprised by how controversial this seems to be.

Although also, having said this, I'm not sure that making these things explicit is a sign of a healthy culture. We live in interesting times, maybe,
Got to page 6 and had enough. Viva la urban.

Remember the olympic opening ceremony thread when we all got along and didn't says stupid shit?
Is it? I was thinking about this earlier, in the context of this discussion.

Whatever field people are in nowadays, a basic understanding of equality/ diversity/ inclusion is taken to be a good thing. Children at school are taught not to discriminate or use discriminatory language. In science, female participation is beginning to be taken seriously. It's not controversial. But in the political arena, call it identity politics, or privilege and suddenly it seems to be. I don't really get it.

In my view it's about participation, being polite and respectful. I think people need to be careful with these concepts, but it doesn't mean they're not useful if you need to have a bit of a meta discussion or build a framework. Maybe they're just badly handled and badly used. I don't know. I don't have much contact with this sort of thing.

I'm surprised by how controversial this seems to be.

I might be wrong (I often am) but I think some of the 'controversy' side of it is couched in an understanding of the impact postmodernism had on politics, and the results of that we see today. So I don't think it's strictly a case of saying "pointing out that some people have a tougher time of it in X situation than others, because of their gender/ethnicity/orientation is a bad thing" because it's clearly not. My take on it is that it's more of a frustration that that tends to supersede a class-based politics that focuses on the systematic causes of various inequalities, and that broadly speaking identity politics has been taken up by 'the establishment' and used as a tool to sell us more stuff at the same time as keeping us divided. So it's not saying "don't be a feminist" but it's saying "don't be insular" - or something :hmm: Ensuring that there is feminist analysis in class politics, as well as that of race, disabled rights, whatever, is crucial, and it's often lacking (which is where the manarchism stuff comes in). Some think that privilege theory can help with that, and maybe it can to an extent, but there are dangers that it can be used to divide more than provide clarity. I see it more as ensuring you get it right, rather than saying don't do it at all. But I could be alone there, idk.
That sounds as if you think this shouldn't be discussed?

I am sorry if it comes across like that, it wasn't supposed to. Just after that stuff with weeps and the WVM, story's battering on here and other recent stuff it just makes me frustrated that this kind of crap exists on an a forum that I thought knew better. It's sad that it is discussed IYSWIM, I am probably not explaining myself well.
I am sorry if it comes across like that, it wasn't supposed to. Just after that stuff with weeps and the WVM, story's battering on here and other recent stuff it just makes me frustrated that this kind of crap exists on an a forum that I thought knew better. It's sad that it is discussed IYSWIM, I am probably not explaining myself well.
Those incidents throw this stuff into high relief of course. But I don't think refusing to engage with it is the answer, even if the result is a bit of discomfort all round.
fair whack of manarchism on these boards tbh. of course, the thing about patriarchal bullshit by those who should know better is that they generally don't realise they're doing it; that their opinions are independent of systemic sexism is not possible to them as they have rejected other aspects of the prevailing dogma, they preach equality in law but do not realise that their behaviour shows off ingrained patriachal behaviour. this is why many are unwilling to hear it - they do not believe they are sexist, or that their behaviour is anything other than well intentioned. my partner is a rad fem type, so obv i would be sympathetic to this type of idea or we'd never get along. she finds that many women are drawn to her groups because they don't feel safe or empowered within mixed activist groups. so there is a problem, unless they're all suffering from imaginary patriarchy.

The problem with this line of argument is that the premise is accurate - ie that activists and activist groups don't exist outside of and above a sexist society, and this can lead to sexist behaviour. But the conclusions don't flow from it - ie therefore we need to import an incoherent and crude analysis of all oppression from American radical liberals.
I am sorry if it comes across like that, it wasn't supposed to. Just after that stuff with weeps and the WVM, story's battering on here and other recent stuff it just makes me frustrated that this kind of crap exists on an a forum that I thought knew better. It's sad that it is discussed IYSWIM, I am probably not explaining myself well.

What incidents are you talking about? And what exactly about them makes what's being discussed here crap?
Sometimes it all gets a bit fucking much though.

Like water on a stone and it devalues the debate somewhat because people simply CBA to explain the same things again and again.

@nigel, I cited the incidents in the post you quoted.
Like water on a stone and it devalues the debate somewhat because people simply CBA to explain the same things again and again.

@nigel, I cited the incidents in the post you quoted.
To be fair, this particular debate is about a phenomenon that we haven't really seen much of on the boards. It's an interesting discussion.
Yeh, maybe I'd have picked that up if I read the thread instead of only half of it.
What incidents are you talking about? And what exactly about them makes what's being discussed here crap?
I think (and hopefully he'll put me right if I misrepresent him) that firky's feeling a bit dejected at some of the threads recently. There's also the possibility that he may have formed the impression in the first 6 pages that challenging sexism=identity politics and therefore not to be done anymore, and he thinks that's crap.

Edit @firky
i have more examples, an anarchist who was put on 'trial' for sexism after sleeping with loads of girls on the 'scene' in London and not calling them back was another shocker. he's been banned from freedom bookshop.

I'm not going to get any further into this online, but if this is who i think it is then it was slightly more than sleeping with a few people and then not phoning them

edit - turns out not the same person
i've heard of people being woken up by sex before in positive terms

perhaps on similar lines and apologies for bringing assange up again but i think this is important.

the accusation, is that after a night spent arguing about assanges demands to have sex without a condom the women then woke up to him having sex with her without a condom. another allegation from the other woman is that assange, after being informed that any sexual relationship was over, got into bed with her and started rubbing his naked cock up against her, that he had earlier ripped open a condom during sex for whatever his own bizarre reasons and that he held a woman down and attempted to penetrate her whilst she was struggling to break free

galloway called this bad sexual etiquette, he either didnt bother to learn the facts of what had been alleged or he is openly defending sexual abuse
if it's relevent then it's relevent - i've already said why i thought it was related to the thread topic

ETA and to smokedout, i don't believe we are talking about the same person
Don't apologise. Just do it in an appropriate thread.

well its a counterpoint to the thread - one of the reasons this manarchist identity shit has emerged (or is gaining traction) is because of people (allegedly) like assange and the largely male only chorus of support he's received from galloway and many others

its the wrong response, politically and practically, but there is no doubt that there is a problem and that there dont seem to be many other solutions being proposed to address it has created a vacuum that this crap had moved into
Had the issue of identity politics being a problem already started before this privilege theory/manarchism development? Or were privilege theory/manarchism always what was meant by identity politics?
'manarchism', as an insult, has been a product of 'privilege theory' - an attack against 'privileged' attitudes within the anarchist movement (though as noted, most of the left has an equivalent)
'manarchism', as an insult, has been a product of 'privilege theory' - an attack against 'privileged' attitudes within the anarchist movement (though as noted, most of the left has an equivalent)
Yeah, I get that. I'm trying to understand when it started, and if it means the same/similar as identity politics.
Yeah, I get that. I'm trying to understand when it started, and if it means the same/similar as identity politics.

as i say, it's a product - identity politics has slowly morphed from being mainly to do with ethnic identities (Nigel noted that earlier) to one which has its most active elements in sexual/culture politics

eta sorry, re-read your initial post and did misunderstand it
To me it doesn't mean the same thing as identity politics; it is identity politics' way of describing sexism and/or non-feminists.
as i say, it's a product - identity politics has slowly morphed from being mainly to do with ethnic identities (Nigel noted that earlier) to one which has its most active elements in sexual/culture politics

eta sorry, re-read your initial post and did misunderstand it
Did identity politics morph into this, or was it imported into a hiatus ... I suppose is what I'm asking.
Did identity politics morph into this, or was it imported into a hiatus ... I suppose is what I'm asking.

i think the left increasingly leant on identity politics as working class organisations declined, it's recruits increasingly came from those movements etc... i think it has been an evolution, but it appears to have accelerated in intensity and influence over the past 4-5 years (i don't remember coming across this stuff at all during the Stop the War era for example)
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