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shit MANarchists say

My favourite is non-otherkin privilege, the unfair privilege inherent in not thinking you're an elf.

(Seriously. Google it).
let them try to follow a religious diet for a couple of years and see what happens - they wouldn't last five minutes :D not that i was much better tbf
The working class/middle class thing about who should be doing what kind of politics interests me.

It's quite often the case, that just because someone happens to be middle class and they want to be involved in some sort of politics, they are automatically bad, clearly don't have a clue what they're on about, and are part of the problem. Sure, lots of middle class people 'do politics wrong' but there are plenty of working class people who 'do politics wrong' too. You're not automatically better at sorting out what the best way to go about something is or what the most important issues are just because you're working class. Both groups (insofar as they are 'groups' at all) inhabit a specific set of circumstances that helps shape how they see the world, both are a part of the system, both have a stake in it, and just because one gets a rawer deal than the other (economically, and we can argue the toss in terms of other things re: 'identity politics' stuff) doesn't mean they have a preternatural affinity for being able to do 'authentic' politics.

There are a lot of middle class people in these occupy things, and in various lefty organisations. But rather than castigating them for being involved in some way (even if they sometimes 'do it wrong') how about trying to get more working class people involved as well.
The working class/middle class thing about who should be doing what kind of politics interests me.

It's quite often the case, that just because someone happens to be middle class and they want to be involved in some sort of politics, they are automatically bad, clearly don't have a clue what they're on about, and are part of the problem. Sure, lots of middle class people 'do politics wrong' but there are plenty of working class people who 'do politics wrong' too. You're not automatically better at sorting out what the best way to go about something is or what the most important issues are just because you're working class. Both groups (insofar as they are 'groups' at all) inhabit a specific set of circumstances that helps shape how they see the world, both are a part of the system, both have a stake in it, and just because one gets a rawer deal than the other (economically, and we can argue the toss in terms of other things re: 'identity politics' stuff) doesn't mean they have a preternatural affinity for being able to do 'authentic' politics.

There are a lot of middle class people in these occupy things, and in various lefty organisations. But rather than castigating them for being involved in some way (even if they sometimes 'do it wrong') how about trying to get more working class people involved as well.
It's not so much about who should be doing what, but observations about who's doing it.
My favourite is non-otherkin privilege, the unfair privilege inherent in not thinking you're an elf.

But if you are an elf, wouldn't it be a disadvantage.

I've seen Elf, and he seemed to have a very happy childhood even though he erroneously thought he was an elf.
It's also worth nothing that there would, broadly speaking, be no need for 'accusations of misogyny' if there was no misogyny. Whether x, y or z actually happened as you describe or not, be careful of not coming across as if you're implying "women make all this shit up."

'no smoke without a fire', the most infuriating rationale for anything ever! if you create a situation where aspersions and slander can be hurled without repurcussion, then aspersions and slander will be thrown. currently, the 'privilege' politics personalises itself to such an extent that even theoretically disagreeing with its precepts is seen by most of its adherents as being 'sexist' and, implicitly, personally threatening. as such, there is a culture of hyper-irrationality about any of these groups or any areas in which the ideas have taken hold. if you're of a certain disposition, the benefits of this environment are obvious. pick yourself an obscure, preferably 'new' identity clique with your own cultural oppression relatable and understandable only by you - you can now claim to be frightened or oppressed by all kinds of things that anyone who isn't you could never understand. not only this but you will be supported by a federal chain of other identity groups who will all agree that whatever it is you feel makes you 'sad' or otherwise 'put upon' is an immediate symptom of patriarchal oppression. anyone who doesn't understand is 'privileged' and, therefore, contemptible. if they're persistent in their disagreement, then they can easily be slandered as an actual physical threat. otherwise, if you are irreconcilably 'cis', you can still choose to 'sympathise' or be an 'ally' for one of these identities and feel their offence on their behalf - giving you some, if not all, of their authority. perhaps over time you will also be able to manoevre slowly into a vague 'queer' identity between cis and gay/trans and also persecute those who refuse to indulge your grossly inflated sense of self-entitlement.

shit floats.

In terms of 'lad culture,' most of the stuff I've seen has been against typically middle class 'lads' at universities being stupid wankers. All this, "but it's just a bit of banter, love" stuff, the stuff that plays rape for laughs, and so on. Be careful not to make links where there might not be any.

the vast, vast bulk of it is all about feeling uncomfortable in shouty environments like football terraces or amongst boisterous 'lads' in pubs or on a night out
It's not so much about who should be doing what, but observations about who's doing it.

Yeah, and those observations are crucial in understanding who's engaging and who isn't, and why. But the way it's used is often as a sneering tool to automatically suggest that 'all these stupid, ineffective, wanky middle class students' clearly don't actually care about anything, and clearly couldn't possibly do any good, or do 'proper' Marxism, or whatever. It's just another way to shut people down.
Yeah, and those observations are crucial in understanding who's engaging and who isn't, and why. But the way it's used is often as a sneering tool to automatically suggest that 'all these stupid, ineffective, wanky middle class students' clearly don't actually care about anything, and clearly couldn't possibly do any good, or do 'proper' Marxism, or whatever. It's just another way to shut people down.
I understand that it can be a sneering tool, but what I'm trying to do is understand where this is all coming from (as you say in your first sentence).

That's got to be the start of what, if anything, is appropriate as a response and to who.
toast isn’t really ‘eaten’ its not really widespread knowlage but, when toasts have a relationship/partnership/friendship, they can join with the other, its the same as sex to a point but more of a joining of two people. like a fusion.

My favourite is non-otherkin privilege, the unfair privilege inherent in not thinking you're an elf.

(Seriously. Google it).

Some people just like to feel like victims and outcasts and no matter how inclusive you try to be they'll just think of some new and fucking stupid thing to be that you haven't got around to including yet. This sort of behaviour could be avoided by creating a single, unified policy of including everyone apart from self-satisfied attention seeking twats.
Some people just like to feel like victims and outcasts and no matter how inclusive you try to be they'll just think of some new and fucking stupid thing to be that you haven't got around to including yet. This sort of behaviour could be avoided by creating a single, unified policy of including everyone apart from self-satisfied attention seeking twats.
I think that one was probably a piss-take.
I think that one was probably a piss-take.

Here's one I wrote ages ago, intended to be sent out on various email lists:

I have decided that I am a giraffe, despite all evidence to the contrary. Anyone who adresses me as a human, or using human-specific pronouns, is henceforth a bastard and a bigot and an oppressor. I reserve the right to derail meetings and sabotage social situations in the event of anyone implying by thought or deed that I am not a giraffe. It is my intention to highlight the plight of giraffes such as myself throughout the world, even though I have no experience of said plight because I'm not actually a giraffe.

I hereby resolve to single-hoofedly ensure that all hierarchical relationships between humans and giraffes are dismantled in favour of a system where everyone behaves as I want them to because they're all shit scared that I'll start ranting on about how giraffist everyone is whenever I don't get my own way. Clearly, allowing non-giraffes to defend themselves against accusations of giraffism would be undemocratic and anthropocentric.

I suppose I could just admit that I'm a human and work to create a world where nobody judges people on whether they are human or giraffe, but that wouldn't get me as much attention. Better to insist that because I have certain attributes that might be associated with giraffes according to the system of prejudices I claim to oppose, that I must be a giraffe.

Naturally I never got around to sending it :(
Gotta get with the yoot and start up your own giraffe-privilege tumblr site.

I'm hopelessly confused about what's a privilege and what isn't now...
Also, what are we going to call male monarchists now that "manarchist" is taken?

Are female anarchists now femarchists, famarchists, anarchi-sisters?
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