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Sheridan wins libel case

kyser_soze said:
Yeah, strengthen the libel laws, make a law which ultimately protects the rich and powerful even stronger.

Punitive damages for libel are a fucking disgrace in this country.

No what I envisaged was a law which protects the victims of the dirty diggers vile lies. many of whom are in no position to fight back e.g. asylum seekers, lone parents and In some cases people who work in organisations whose purpose is to help the most vulnerable in society.

I don't think that libel damages are all that punitive as a lot of lying propaganda machines such as the NOW are still in business.
JoePolitix said:
I can't say I've been following the SSP shenanigans that closely but it seems to me that Colin Fox and his clique are the most likely people to be discredited in all of this.

I think you mean Alan Mc combes. Colin fox has sat on the fence to some extent and may come out of this with some credibility
tollbar said:
Hes now fought and defeated the Murdoch empire without a lawyer. another addition to the legend. I doubt hes as damaged in the areas that count for him as some think.

I hope so tollbar and i see what you mean. I never looked at it as clearly as you've just explained it, we'll just have to wait and see i suppose
I think I speak for most people north of the border when I say I don't believe a word Tommy came out with in the dock, but I'm glad he won
The verdict suggests that 18 independent witnesses committed perjury. Not surprisingly, News of the World have said they will appeal. It's odds on they will either win the appeal or have the damages reduced to a nominal sum.
Eighteen people have apparently perjured themselves in the trial, including much of the leadership of the SSP.

Criminal charges may ensue.

Something doen't add up here.

Tommy has basically destroyed the SSP.
junius said:
Eighteen people have apparently perjured themselves in the trial, including much of the leadership of the SSP.

Criminal charges may ensue.

Something doen't add up here.

Tommy has basically destroyed the SSP.

Hardly Sheriden's fault that the unprincipled lying clique at the top of the SSP blocked with the Murdocites in smearing one of their comrades is it?
JoePolitix said:
Hardly Sheriden's fault that the unprincipled lying clique at the top of the SSP blocked with the Murdocites in smearing one of their comrades is it?

That's what you think.
JoePolitix said:
Hardly Sheriden's fault that the unprincipled lying clique at the top of the SSP blocked with the Murdocites in smearing one of their comrades is it?

Wait for the appeal methinks, or even the papers now that the trial is over and the legal restrictions have been lifted.
And Tommy's 'friends' have just issued this.

All members of the Socialist Worker Platform offer their heartfelt congratulations to Tommy, Gail and Gabrielle Sheridan, their families and supporters on the success of Tommy's court case against the News of the World.

The Socialist Workers Party joined the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) in 2001 and in doing so, helped to achieve the tremendous result in the May 2001 elections when five SSP MSPs joined Tommy Sheridan in the Scottish parliament. The Socialist Worker Platform of the SSP was absolutely appalled when the News of the World printed stories about Tommy Sheridan's private life in 2004. These stories were deliberately designed to destroy the most charistmatic socialist politician in Scotland.

We were not surprised that the Murdoch empire, which set out to smash the trade unions in the 1980s, were more than willing to do this. However, we were deeply saddened and dismayed to see other socialists and members of the SSP stand in court as News of the World witnesses. This has caused huge rifts in the SSP and has damaged the party's reputation amongst all those people who voted SSP in the 2001 Scottish parliamentary elections. We call on these News of the World witnesses to do the honourable thing and resign from the Scottish Socialist Party.

The court case was taking place at a time with war raging in the Middle East. The Socialist Worker Platform of the SSP call on all progressive forces in Scotland to unite against this war. Israel’s offensive against Hizbollah is perceived by the White House as an opportunity to eliminate a powerful anti-imperialist force that has close links with Iran. This is why Bush and his close accomplice, Blair, have blocked calls by the United Nations for an immediate ceasefire. Qana, where more than 30 children were killed, is the direct consequence of this imperialist offensive. We oppose Israel’s war against Lebanon, out of solidarity with the Lebanese people. We do not want to see another so-called ‘peacekeeping force’ in Lebanon because it will be a repeat of what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan, where foreign troops act as an army of occupation.

We are delighted that Tommy will be back on the streets campaigning against war and injustice and for peace and socialism.

Iain Ferguson, SW Platform spokesperson
JoePolitix said:
I can't say I've been following the SSP shenanigans that closely but it seems to me that Colin Fox and his clique are the most likely people to be discredited in all of this.
more importantly some of them may face jail. m'lud actually said in a sum-up that criminal investigations for perjury are likely
junius said:
And Tommy's 'friends' have just issued this.

All members of the Socialist Worker Platform offer their heartfelt congratulations to Tommy, Gail and Gabrielle Sheridan, their families and supporters on the success of Tommy's court case against the News of the World.

The Socialist Workers Party joined the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) in 2001 and in doing so, helped to achieve the tremendous result in the May 2001 elections when five SSP MSPs joined Tommy Sheridan in the Scottish parliament. The Socialist Worker Platform of the SSP was absolutely appalled when the News of the World printed stories about Tommy Sheridan's private life in 2004. These stories were deliberately designed to destroy the most charistmatic socialist politician in Scotland.

We were not surprised that the Murdoch empire, which set out to smash the trade unions in the 1980s, were more than willing to do this. However, we were deeply saddened and dismayed to see other socialists and members of the SSP stand in court as News of the World witnesses. This has caused huge rifts in the SSP and has damaged the party's reputation amongst all those people who voted SSP in the 2001 Scottish parliamentary elections. We call on these News of the World witnesses to do the honourable thing and resign from the Scottish Socialist Party.

The court case was taking place at a time with war raging in the Middle East. The Socialist Worker Platform of the SSP call on all progressive forces in Scotland to unite against this war. Israel’s offensive against Hizbollah is perceived by the White House as an opportunity to eliminate a powerful anti-imperialist force that has close links with Iran. This is why Bush and his close accomplice, Blair, have blocked calls by the United Nations for an immediate ceasefire. Qana, where more than 30 children were killed, is the direct consequence of this imperialist offensive. We oppose Israel’s war against Lebanon, out of solidarity with the Lebanese people. We do not want to see another so-called ‘peacekeeping force’ in Lebanon because it will be a repeat of what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan, where foreign troops act as an army of occupation.

We are delighted that Tommy will be back on the streets campaigning against war and injustice and for peace and socialism.

Iain Ferguson, SW Platform spokesperson
blimey! talk about arselikhan. take yer tongue outta Tommy's arse, ferguson
junius said:
And Tommy's 'friends' have just issued this.

All members of the Socialist Worker Platform offer their heartfelt congratulations to Tommy, Gail and Gabrielle Sheridan, their families and supporters on the success of Tommy's court case against the News of the World.

The Socialist Workers Party joined the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) in 2001 and in doing so, helped to achieve the tremendous result in the May 2001 elections when five SSP MSPs joined Tommy Sheridan in the Scottish parliament. The Socialist Worker Platform of the SSP was absolutely appalled when the News of the World printed stories about Tommy Sheridan's private life in 2004. These stories were deliberately designed to destroy the most charistmatic socialist politician in Scotland.

We were not surprised that the Murdoch empire, which set out to smash the trade unions in the 1980s, were more than willing to do this. However, we were deeply saddened and dismayed to see other socialists and members of the SSP stand in court as News of the World witnesses. This has caused huge rifts in the SSP and has damaged the party's reputation amongst all those people who voted SSP in the 2001 Scottish parliamentary elections. We call on these News of the World witnesses to do the honourable thing and resign from the Scottish Socialist Party.

The court case was taking place at a time with war raging in the Middle East. The Socialist Worker Platform of the SSP call on all progressive forces in Scotland to unite against this war. Israel’s offensive against Hizbollah is perceived by the White House as an opportunity to eliminate a powerful anti-imperialist force that has close links with Iran. This is why Bush and his close accomplice, Blair, have blocked calls by the United Nations for an immediate ceasefire. Qana, where more than 30 children were killed, is the direct consequence of this imperialist offensive. We oppose Israel’s war against Lebanon, out of solidarity with the Lebanese people. We do not want to see another so-called ‘peacekeeping force’ in Lebanon because it will be a repeat of what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan, where foreign troops act as an army of occupation.

We are delighted that Tommy will be back on the streets campaigning against war and injustice and for peace and socialism.

Iain Ferguson, SW Platform spokesperson

The SWP want a Scottish Respect with Sheridan as its figurehead.
rasputin said:
The verdict suggests that 18 independent witnesses committed perjury. Not surprisingly, News of the World have said they will appeal. It's odds on they will either win the appeal or have the damages reduced to a nominal sum.
on what do you base this statement?
junius said:
Eighteen people have apparently perjured themselves in the trial, including much of the leadership of the SSP.

Criminal charges may ensue.

Something doen't add up here.

Tommy has basically destroyed the SSP.

JoePolitix said:
Hardly Sheriden's fault that the unprincipled lying clique at the top of the SSP blocked with the Murdocites in smearing one of their comrades is it?

Spot on Joe.

It takes a special kind of ultra sectarian (take a bow, junius!) to be annoyed by Tommy Sheridan's court victory, and to blame his being libelled by the Murdoch-owned NoTW on Sheridan himself! :rolleyes: x off the scale ...

What Tommy Sheridan said outside court :

Tommy Sheridan said:
He said: "We have over the last five weeks taken on one of the biggest organisations on the planet with the biggest amount of resources to pay for the most expensive legal teams to throw nothing but muck against me, my wife and my family.

"Today's verdict proves working class people can differentiate the truth from the muck.

"The working class people on the jury have done a service to the people of Scotland and delivered a message to the standard of journalism the News of the World represents.

"They are liars and they have proved they are liars."

But oh no, junius thinks it's all Sheridan's own fault ....

(Not sure myself about the jury being exclusively working class or anything, but no matter ... )
William of Walworth said:
Spot on Joe.

It takes a special kind of ultra sectarian (take a bow, junius!) to be annoyed by Tommy Sheridan's court victory, and to blame his being libelled by the Murdoch-owned NoTW on Sheridan himself! :rolleyes: x off the scale ...

What Tommy Sheridan said outside court :

But oh no, junius thinks it's all Sheridan's own fault ....

(Not sure myself about the jury being exclusively working class or anything, but no matter ... )

Answer this question: do you think Colin Fox is a liar?
I would have thought that speculating on the truthfulness of witnesses in a recently-concluded libel trial was an unwise activity at best.
Donna Ferentes said:
I would have thought that speculating on the truthfulness of witnesses in a recently-concluded libel trial was an unwise activity at best.

It's open season Don. Take a look again at the SW Platform statement. They've made what they think perfectly clear. Watch this space.
Donna Ferentes said:
Not unless you're prepared to pay Urban's legal fees, it isn't.

They wouldn't dare. Take a look at this.
Part one.


This summer has seen slaughter in the Middle East,
Blair lurch from crisis to crisis, the world economy
hover over the precipice as oil prices rocket and the
ruling Labour administration in Scotland admit it may
be in decline at the 2007 Scottish elections. Yet,
against this backdrop, the Scottish Socialist Party
has been incapacitated and distracted by a grotesque
circus, watching in horror as our former convener and
Glasgow MSP Tommy Sheridan pursued his bogus
defamation action in the Court of Session in
Edinburgh. His victory today in obtaining £200 000
damages from News International is a hollow one,
because of the despicable things he did, in order to
achieve this.

For five long weeks the party has been splashed over
the front pages of the tabloid press – for all the
wrong reasons. Even those initially empathetic to
Tommy Sheridan’s fight with the Murdoch press will
have been stunned by the events of this case. But this
is not a sex scandal, no matter how the tabloid papers
sell it. It is an absolute political scandal.

On 31st October 2004 the News of the World printed a
story about an unnamed MSP who had an affair with
Anvar Khan, a journalist and visited a sex club in
Manchester with her and others. This story was based
on a chapter of Ms Khan’s book “Pretty Wild”. Members
of the EC were aware that Tommy Sheridan had
frequented this sex club in the past, Tommy Sheridan
was confronted that he was the unnamed MSP. Comrades
attempted to meet with Tommy Sheridan in the days
after the News of the World article however he refused
to meet with them. Some members of the EC met
together informally to discuss what action should be
taken as there were concerns that there may be follow
up stories. There was disappointment at Tommy
Sheridan’s reckless behaviour. The National
Secretary, Allan Green, and the Co-Chairs – Carolyn
Leckie and Catriona Grant - convened an EC meeting for
the 9th November 2004. It was made clear to all EC
members that this was an emergency EC to deal with a
specific crisis in the SSP before attending. Tommy
Sheridan attended this meeting and made a statement
about visiting Cupid’s sex club on two occasions in
1996 and 2002. He admitted his behaviour was reckless,
asked for support but wanted to deal with the events
“in his own way” which included denying the visits to
the club, and that he would sue the News of the World
on the basis that they “could not prove” their

It was not moral outrage, but his preparedness to
pursue a reckless action by lying in court that was
the principal factor behind the Executive’s unanimous
decision to force Sheridan to resign. The Executive
took the view that the consequences of such an action
would be disastrous for both Tommy Sheridan and the
party. This meeting was minuted as it was an EC
meeting, as per the constitution of the party.
Barbara Scott, Minute Secretary, was visibly taking
notes at the meeting. At no time was there a request
for the meeting not to be minuted by anyone in
attendance at the meeting (including Tommy Sheridan).

It was agreed that this decision was to be reported,
verbally, to a series of aggregate meetings of SSP
members in November 2004 by the Regional Organisers
and those present at the EC.

The minutes were prepared by Barbara Scott and they
were agreed and ratified unanimously at the EC of the
24th November 2004. Tommy Sheridan asked that the
minutes of the 9th November 2004 be kept confidential,
this was agreed and an emergency motion to keep the
minutes confidential was put to the National Council
on 27th November 2004. This emergency motion was
accepted by the National Council.

Tommy Sheridan resigned on the 10th November 2004. On
the 12th November 2004 he disclosed publicly that he
had had a relationship with Anvar Khan in 1992 in an
article in the Scottish Mirror (this fact had NOT been
discussed at the EC). He denied that he was the
unnamed politician of the 31st October 2004 story and
denied having any affairs since being married in 2000.

On 14th November 2004, there was a follow-up story in
the News of the World regarding Fiona Maguire, and
another story about Duncan Rowan, North East Regional
Organiser, who had gone to the News of the World in
the belief he was protecting Fiona Maguire, and he
named another comrade to the News of the World,
without that comrade's permission. At the EC, Steve
Arnott reported that Duncan Rowan had resigned and
apologised. Fiona Maguire had not been discussed at
any length at the 9th November 2004 meeting except by
being alluded to (though not named) by Duncan Rowan,
who was in an upset and agitated state.

There was an attempt to move on after the November
2004 events, however the Scottish media were used by
Tommy Sheridan to launch attacks on the party and
comrades in the party, using terms such as "plotters",
"dark arts" etc.

Despite these attacks, no-one could have imagined the
lengths that Tommy Sheridan and some of his supporters
would go to to rewrite the party’s history.

In the intervening 18 months Tommy Sheridan launched
an incredible campaign of disinformation, inside and
outside the party, alleging that he was ‘done in’ by
those supposedly jealous of his status, or driven by
personal and political ambition. This is complete
fantasy and nonsense.

In fact, it was Tommy Sheridan’s closest friends and
comrades who advised him of the inherent dangers of
the kamikaze path that he was preparing to embark on.
Their advice has been proven to be 100% correct. Tommy
Sheridan would have been wise to have listened.
Instead he has used smears, innuendo and outright lies
to attack those same comrades and friends – in a vain
attempt to save his own vanity and political career.
The Scottish Socialist Party has been tortured and
tormented by the court case brought by Sheridan. The
state has been able to intervene in the internal
affairs of the SSP, the party has been heavily fined
in the run-up to the court proceedings and comrades
called on to testify in the case have been placed in
the position where they have been offered a choice of
being "either scabs or liars", to cite one saying
making the rounds in the SSP during the case.
The case has been an unmitigated disaster for the SSP,
brought about by the wounded vanity of one man, Mr.

The strategy to defy the courts' pursuit of our minute
of the 9th November was agreed at the EC of 21st May
2006 as it was congruent to the democratic decision of
27th November 2004. The minutes of the 9th November
2004 meeting were handed over to the courts after a
heated debate at the SSP National Council on May 28,
2006 – a position supported at the time by Tommy
Sheridan – and against the wishes of the Executive. At
the National Council, Tommy Sheridan appealed to hand
the minutes over and at no time suggested that these
minutes were fabricated in an elaborate attempt to
frame him. At the time of the National Council, the
News of the World and their legal team had been handed
a set a false minutes that had not been seen, agreed
or ratified by the EC at any time. Where these
minutes came from remain a mystery, yet Tommy Sheridan
during his court case referred to them as correct
minutes until the judge, Lord Turnbull, ruled them out
of order.

Subsequently, leading members of the SSP have been
dragged through the highest civil court in Scotland
and had their honesty, integrity and socialist
commitment questioned – not by the News of the World,
but by one of the party’s own members – Tommy

Once the minutes were in the hands of the court and
the defiance strategy defeated, the choice facing SSP
members was to tell the truth about the meeting or
state that the minutes were fabricated, thus lending
support to Tommy Sheridan’s bizarre allegation that he
had been framed by the very members he had brought to

Some comrades have suggested that those forced into
court should have lied to protect Tommy, or at the
very least, say that they could not remember what
happened at the meeting. That is just not a serious or
credible position. How would this have applied to the
Minute Secretary, Barbara Scott? Do comrades really
think that Barbara Scott should have stood in the
witness box and said that she could not remember
taking the minutes or that she fabricated them as she
was delusional at the time or part of a political plot
to undermine Tommy Sheridan? Telling the truth was the
only viable option.

SSP members have watched with shock and disgust as
their former Convenor and Glasgow MSP accused 11
members of the SSP, including Colin Fox, of framing
him. The SSP United Left defends absolutely those
members who, under protest, were forced to attend
court and tell the truth about the party’s history and
to defend their socialist integrity.

To call these people grasses, traitors or scabs, as
some of Sheridan’s leading supporters have done is
both laughable and outrageous– yet their choice of
language gives the game away about who is telling the
truth in this sordid affair. If the 11 comrades were
lying, then why are they not just called plain liars?
Can I recommend you take advice from the moderators before proceeding to endanger this site? Can I also suggest you replace that cut-and-paste with a link?
Donna Ferentes said:
Can I recommend you take advice from the moderators before proceeding to endanger this site? Can I also suggest you replace that cut-and-paste with a link?

Statement by Frances Curran MSP, Rosie Kane MSP and Carolyn Leckie MSP

We are angry that the Scottish Socialist Party has been dragged through the
Court of Session for 4 long weeks and now faces another ordeal as the News
Of The World launches an appeal.
This was a court case we didn't want to be involved in and one that Tommy
Sheridan should never have initiated.
Tommy has lied his way through this court case and we want no part in that.
We have told the truth and we stand by the minutes of our party which record
the truth about Tommy Sheridan's standing down as National Convenor in
November 2004 and we will resist any attempt to revise the SSP's history.
The most important thing now is for all SSP members to be in possession of
the facts.
We are very unhappy that the courts have had this information while party
members have been in the dark and we will defend and protect the democracy
of the SSP.
There is no plot, no frame up of Tommy Sheridan, the idea only exists in his
paranoid imagination.
The party can move forward but only on the basis of acceptance of the truth.
This is not over yet and even at this late stage it is not too late for
Tommy to tell the truth.
The truth remains the truth.
Donna Ferentes said:
Can I recommend you take advice from the moderators before proceeding to endanger this site? Can I also suggest you replace that cut-and-paste with a link?

My endangering the site exists only in your paranoid mind. But I will desist from posting part two so as not to cause you further anxiety.

Think about why 3 MSPs have already issued a public statement.

It's clear which side I am on.
JoePolitix said:
I can't say I've been following the SSP shenanigans that closely but it seems to me that Colin Fox and his clique are the most likely people to be discredited in all of this.

In which case I suggest you do a little more reading before pontificating on a group of working class politicians, who however flawed their politics might be, have become embroiled in something not of their making.

My answer is simple: its called solidarity with innocent comrades.

Now I'll put your question back to you. Got an answer?
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