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Self-indulgent pet thread

Meg is waiting for you along with Dina, Ellie, Kim, Blackie & Sheba waiting for me across the Rainbow Bridge...
My dog shrine is on a top shelf out of the way of even the most determined pointy nose.

My cats managed to get into my memorial feather collection from all the birds I've had as pets over the last 35 years and chewed up the whole lot - it was kind of devastating really. Top shelves definitely do not work as a cat deterrent :(
Imagine calling him in the park, it'd be well cool.
That was the idea behind the name! LOL

You'll have to grow a beard and live on chips for a while

"Fiiiiiigaro, Figaro, Figaro"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkMuv0Le3ko&feature=youtu.be&t=3m1s Figaro! Fi-ga-ro! :D :D lalalalalala

Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo;
Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo;
a te fortuna (a te fortuna, a te fortuna) non
a te fortuna (a te fortuna, a te fortuna) non
Sono il factotum della citta,
Sono il factotum della citta,
della citta, della citta,
Della citta!!!
La la la la la la la la la!
That was the idea behind the name! LOL

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkMuv0Le3ko&feature=youtu.be&t=3m1s Figaro! Fi-ga-ro! :D :D lalalalalala

Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo;
Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo;
a te fortuna (a te fortuna, a te fortuna) non
a te fortuna (a te fortuna, a te fortuna) non
Sono il factotum della citta,
Sono il factotum della citta,
della citta, della citta,
Della citta!!!
La la la la la la la la la!

You are gonna do that in the park, right?
That was the idea behind the name! LOL

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkMuv0Le3ko&feature=youtu.be&t=3m1s Figaro! Fi-ga-ro! :D :D lalalalalala

Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo;
Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo;
a te fortuna (a te fortuna, a te fortuna) non
a te fortuna (a te fortuna, a te fortuna) non
Sono il factotum della citta,
Sono il factotum della citta,
della citta, della citta,
Della citta!!!
La la la la la la la la la!

I remember reading about a Japanese guy in California who owned a dog named "Bonzai." Unfortunately, the dog got loose so the poor man was driving around screaming "Bonzai! Bonzai!".

He's lucky he didn't get shot! :D
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I remember reading about a Japanese guy in California who owned a dog named "Bonzai." Unfortunately, the dog got loose so the poor man was driving around screaming "Bonzai! Bonzai!".

He's lucky he didn't get shot! :D

Is having a vocal passion for tiny stunted trees likely to get you shot in your part of the world Yuwipi Woman? :hmm: I've always considered it a largely harmless hobby, but I might have to rethink that....
Is having a vocal passion for tiny stunted trees likely to get you shot in your part of the world Yuwipi Woman? :hmm: I've always considered it a largely harmless hobby, but I might have to rethink that....

I'm sure trimming trees is considered blasphemy by Druid folk. You know how those fundamentalists get.
I'm sure trimming trees is considered blasphemy by Druid folk. You know how those fundamentalists get.
AFAIK it varies - one quite well known academic writer and born again Druid (well, she's happily called herself that, among other things, in public) suggested that a bonsai grove of native trees would be an acceptable sacred space if it's that or not have a sacred space which you feel safe to use at all.
I'm sure trimming trees is considered blasphemy by Druid folk. You know how those fundamentalists get.

Nah, my family are all druidic or whatnot and never objected when I did the little stunted tree thing, I had a 7" tall 25+ year old maple for ages and started training several young ones of my own from seeds and cuttings and they never said a word, used to look after them for me when I was on holiday etc. Sadly I had to give it up when I moved to a flat in London as it's an outdoor hobby (or at least the varieties of tree I had were outdoor ones) and I no longer had any outdoor space. :(
Is having a vocal passion for tiny stunted trees likely to get you shot in your part of the world Yuwipi Woman? :hmm:

Put it this way, 'Bonsai' is easily confused with 'Banzai!' which was the battle cry of Japanese troops as they made suicidal charges against Allied troops in the Pacific. Not something you really want to do around anybody in possession of a bad case of PTSD and with the Constitutional right to bear arms.
Put it this way, 'Bonsai' is easily confused with 'Banzai!' which was the battle cry of Japanese troops as they made suicidal charges against Allied troops in the Pacific. Not something you really want to do around anybody in possession of a bad case of PTSD and with the Constitutional right to bear arms.

Yep. People have been shot for less.
Mr. Kippers and the fire (which he loves!)

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