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    Lazy Llama

Self-indulgent pet thread


:) at cushion
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Boris has a lump on his head :( he is nearly 2 now so getting to the end. He has been sleeping more but still loves his greens and snuggles on my shoulder watching TV
Boris has a lump on his head :( he is nearly 2 now so getting to the end. He has been sleeping more but still loves his greens and snuggles on my shoulder watching TV
Oh my goodness, Boris is coming up to 2 already? Time flies (especially for small rodents.) Good to hear he is still enjoying the finer things in life. Do you have a good rodent-savvy vet to take him to, just to see if there is anything that could be done for him?

Griff and Malcolm are definitely "senior citizens" now - hard to believe in way because they don't really act it, but I know I need to prepare myself mentally for what's going to come possibly sooner rather than later. It never gets any easier though, does it?
Well, the good news is we seem to have closer pet integration every day. This was late this afternoon. Yay!

Bad news is the little shit gave us the fright of our lives about an hour later. Woofed down his food, then went out for a walk and promptly threw up. Then didn't want to walk to the point of just sitting and wimpering. More vomiting, more wimpering and shaking and panting. Cue phone call then visit to emergency vet who diagnosed a serious case of trapped wind. Three injections, a huge fart and a poop later (and a huge bill to come in the morning :() he was back to racing around attacking Pinkie toy and trying to eat Breeze's cat food. Now, he's curled up in front of the pig's cage. Panic over, but Griff and Malcolm's baths are waaaaaay late and the humans of the household feel absolutely wiped.
Well, the good news is we seem to have closer pet integration every day. This was late this afternoon. Yay!

Bad news is the little shit gave us the fright of our lives about an hour later. Woofed down his food, then went out for a walk and promptly threw up. Then didn't want to walk to the point of just sitting and wimpering. More vomiting, more wimpering and shaking and panting. Cue phone call then visit to emergency vet who diagnosed a serious case of trapped wind. Three injections, a huge fart and a poop later (and a huge bill to come in the morning :() he was back to racing around attacking Pinkie toy and trying to eat Breeze's cat food. Now, he's curled up in front of the pig's cage. Panic over, but Griff and Malcolm's baths are waaaaaay late and the humans of the household feel absolutely wiped.

:) at species integration

:( at poorly doggy

although glad it's nothing serious
Oh my goodness, Boris is coming up to 2 already? Time flies (especially for small rodents.) Good to hear he is still enjoying the finer things in life. Do you have a good rodent-savvy vet to take him to, just to see if there is anything that could be done for him?

Griff and Malcolm are definitely "senior citizens" now - hard to believe in way because they don't really act it, but I know I need to prepare myself mentally for what's going to come possibly sooner rather than later. It never gets any easier though, does it?
I know! :eek: well it doesn't seem to be bothering him and he is still pretty chipper. If it does hen ill pop him along to see someone
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Well, the good news is we seem to have closer pet integration every day. This was late this afternoon. Yay!

Bad news is the little shit gave us the fright of our lives about an hour later. Woofed down his food, then went out for a walk and promptly threw up. Then didn't want to walk to the point of just sitting and wimpering. More vomiting, more wimpering and shaking and panting. Cue phone call then visit to emergency vet who diagnosed a serious case of trapped wind.

Poor windy boy. :( You probably know this but they shouldn't really eat immediately before or after exercise.

I think ideally it's an hour between but I'd have to check that.
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errmmm, CRI , your cat seems to be bigger than your dog :hmm:
I think the ears make the dog slightly wider, but he only weighs 2.6 Kg. Breeze was 4.6 Kg. when she had her jabs a year ago. She's due them soon, and I'd wager there's another kilo on the kitty now. Can still feel her ribs, but if she's on your lap, you definitely get dead leg. She's a big girl and Charlie's a tiny chap.

He went for a follow up check this morning with OH - all fine, given some worming medicine to take later just because. He's eating and crapping fine now, but we've been giving him small amounts rather than bigger meals, in case he tries to bolt it again. At the moment, he's just wiped out!

Weekend pet roundup

Griff and Mal after a visit to the vets yesterday. Mal is a porky 1.30 Kg and while Griff was 1.12 Kg. he's maintaining his weight after that health wobble about 6 weeks ago. Not bad for such senior pigs.


Breeze - "What you mean you want some privacy?" ('scuse camera phone quality)


and Charlie's first train ride - trip to a damp Newcastle to meet his, uh, Grandparents! (A beer at City Tavern, Fetch in Blackfriars and Dog on the Tyne.)


I know! He bares his fangs when he's really happy :D And he is very fluffy and quite chatty. He's my boy with thumbs is Stone :)
Oh, is he a poly? Lots of Maine Coons are. I'd be a bit worried if too many cats had thumbs you know . . . :)
Oh, is he a poly? Lots of Maine Coons are. I'd be a bit worried if too many cats had thumbs you know . . . :)
Just a touch I think. He's certainly a chatty bugger. It's just the thumbs with him. Meg was a proper poly with extra large back feet and everything but she was a regular tortie. It's that Cravendale ad that worries everyone!
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