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Self-indulgent pet thread

My dogs are snoring like trains


And her arse really isn't that big, they don't take a good photo but I loves em :)
First trip to the beach. I think the water was a bit of a shock. :D


This is my favourite picture of him. So cute!


I might have posted this before but this is Albert when he first came to us. He fell out of bed about 5 times a day. :cool:

Toby and Dougal's fearless defence of our shed from the threat of a new washing line.
Brill - they look very much my bro's spaniel, Daniel, only he has lighter reddish-brown spots. Similarly daft, too.
First trip to the beach. I think the water was a bit of a shock. :D


This is my favourite picture of him. So cute!


I might have posted this before but this is Albert when he first came to us. He fell out of bed about 5 times a day. :cool:


Oooh he is so, so lovely. And that middle pic is very cute!!
Hehe. Oh are you talking about the whole "Chameleons change colour to match their environment?" it's just a myth i'm afraid. They only change colours to show their mood, the colours he's showing in this pic are his sleeping colours, essentially his pajamas :D.
Hehe. Oh are you talking about the whole "Chameleons change colour to match their environment?" it's just a myth i'm afraid. They only change colours to show their mood, the colours he's showing in this pic are his sleeping colours, essentially his pajamas :D.

I once caught a chameleon in my back garden (in Africa, not Blighty I hasten to add) and I challenge the new "they don't change colour" myth. He was tree-coloured on the tree I caught him on, lawn-coloured on the lawn and undergrowth-coloured as he swaggered back off into the undergrowth.
Pajamas! that's even cuter. I don't know whether it's a myth or not, but I seem to remember St David of Attenborough having one that changed to match the environment. Maybe different types change in a variety of ways.
Some self indulgent pets.

Fat Dumpling and Hosebeast in a hammock:

Hosebeast's Glaikit sister & War Bastard on a knee.

I may be Glaikit, and alright you win this round, human, but when you're dead I'm fuckin' eatin' ya:
Sparklefish, your Albert is BEAUTIFUL!! What a lovely chap!

Here's my Barbra, have a kitten stretch on top of Malcolm. The big furry things next to Malcolm are my feet. :oops:

What the hell are those? ? Love the furious white one.

They're ferrets. The white one (real name Shikka) was lovely in the summer when she had her winter coat.

Here she is looking gorgeous:

Lucky she's got the looks 'cause her sister has all the brains.
Isambard looks ace. Maybe chameleons' moods depend on what environment they're in, so their colours would change with mood AND environment?

Ferrets look cosy too.

I set up a boarded off play area for my rats but they continually outwit me. Portia has now worked out she can climb on the sofa and get behind it, I'm going to have to rethink the whole room!
Here's Ophelia getting a bit too big for her age


Errr well she's not quite THAT big!!
I once caught a chameleon in my back garden (in Africa, not Blighty I hasten to add) and I challenge the new "they don't change colour" myth. He was tree-coloured on the tree I caught him on, lawn-coloured on the lawn and undergrowth-coloured as he swaggered back off into the undergrowth.

What you mean he switched between various shades of green? Yeah, they do that but if you put him on, say, a chess board he won't change into black and white squares.
>What you mean he switched between various shades of green?

I'm glad somebody figured that out. :)
Loooooooooooooooo-o-o-o-o--o--o--ong Cat

Sparklefish, your Albert is BEAUTIFUL!! What a lovely chap!

Here's my Barbra, have a kitten stretch on top of Malcolm. The big furry things next to Malcolm are my feet. :oops:


Is your cat made of stretchy fabric?
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