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Self-indulgent pet thread

My Vlad's had his first proper excursion into outdoor-cat-life. He faced up to a big old black cat who hissed. Vlad hissed back and stood his ground.

Here he is in the Princess Diana Memorial Gnome Garden in the communal courtyard.

Pugsley and Wednesday take a break from being a kitten driven whirlwind of destruction!


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Gawd, I'ma have to come round all yous houses and steal your pets :oops: All so gorgeous!

I'm going to spam the thread with photos now - I only own a camera to take pictures of cats, obv.

Stopping me from getting out of bed:

Two examples of Purrmog's Theorum:

Charlie trying to choose a book:

This one will do nicely:

And this is 11 week old Claudia, who came to stay with us for an hour or two last Sunday while her human lodgers had an inspection by the pet-hating landlady:

My mum's getting this dog, and as I'm stuck staying at hers till we sort her business marketing out/till my elderly dog (17) dies it looks like it will be sort of mine too. Very cute but I'm not used to little dogs that much, or breeds. I'll try not to tread on it and squish it.
Ooo! I only just realised this thread existed! I'm sure I'll be on here all the time from now on! :D

But as for the moment will just post this. NOT cruelty. Buffy did it to one of her own ears and didn't seem phased for a good while, so we just popped the other one for a second for cuteness :oops:
buffy ears.jpg
Gawd, I'ma have to come round all yous houses and steal your pets :oops: All so gorgeous!

I'm going to spam the thread with photos now - I only own a camera to take pictures of cats, obv.

Stopping me from getting out of bed:

Two examples of Purrmog's Theorum:


OMG I love Charlie sooooo much!!! And that l;ast pic is just great :D
We can has beetroot?


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Some of you know we lost our beloved Sparky a few weeks ago, just short of his 20th birthday.

I was adamant we weren't having another cat for a while. No way. No siree.

So here's Stan, as we first saw him at Cats' Protection.

Here he is relaxing on the sofa

And looking forward to when we can let him out.
He's gorgeous. :cool:

We will be picking this little fella up in 3 weeks.
Bloody hell, can't get picture to work.
One of my colleagues was perusing the CPL website and said 'here's one for you', and frogmarched me to the nearest phone. :D We only had a week to get him, as his previous owner had left him homeless and the person feeding him was also moving house. I figured we had no choice. :rolleyes:

Toby and Dougal's fearless defence of our shed from the threat of a new washing line.
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