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Self-indulgent pet thread

Guard pointies.

The Exocet of the animal kingdom, IMHO.

When I was a boy my family had a Lurcher/Greyhound cross named Bambi. The very second she was off the lead she was merrily reaching escape velocity across Dartmoor.

Ah my dog is daft as a brush, and has a little bit of a fear of being left behind (possibly because she was a rescue dog, abandoned on a motorway as a puppy, possibly because she is just a wuss) and if we get too far away from her or if she accidentally wanders off she'll bolt back to us. When we let her off the lead she usually just runs in circles around us until she tires herself out.

When we first got her, she wouldn't walk up the stairs. If the whole family went upstairs she'd sit at the bottom and cry. Eventually she took them on after she voluntarily stepped onto the first stair and was met with lots of praise and cuddles. :D
Oscar is just learning the art of stairs. He needs encouragement to go down but has perfected the art of the three bound climb :)

Early days yet.
Oscar is just learning the art of stairs. He needs encouragement to go down but has perfected the art of the three bound climb :)

Early days yet.

Awwwwww. :D

When Geri first made it upstairs solo, without anyone around, she proceeded to walk into my parents room, where my dad had laid out his work trousers on the floor, and did a great old poop on them. It wasn't really her fault as we were house training her by leaving an open newspaper on the kitchen floor for her to use at night. I guess she got confused, I remember thinking it was hilarious. :D

We learned to keep our bedroom doors shut from then on!
Lola, a miserable old 哈巴狗/mongrel I have been looking after for some years since her last owner got kicked out the country.
Bundle of fun pose:

Man's noble best friend pose:

She's just had her pre-summer clipping so not quite so shaggy as in last pic.
Lily has a bone bigger than her head and was really proud of it, kept trying to show me the bone :D she was doing funny excitement ewok noises when I took this pic, can't see her tail, it's just a blur :D


And this is her giving the cat evils because he stole the lap

Lily has a bone bigger than her head and was really proud of it, kept trying to show me the bone :D she was doing funny excitement ewok noises when I took this pic, can't see her tail, it's just a blur :D
And this is her giving the cat evils because he stole the lap

this post needs video or at least sound. :cool:
Lily has a bone bigger than her head and was really proud of it, kept trying to show me the bone :D she was doing funny excitement ewok noises when I took this pic, can't see her tail, it's just a blur :D


And this is her giving the cat evils because he stole the lap


I love that bottom pic - aww her little hurt face and you know the cat is just going "No fucking way, this lap is mine!":D
Wish I had a clue as to posting pics...always a problem with the resizing. Can someone direct me to some simple guidelines re resizing?
Would love to introduce Hodge and Podge the two black indoor cats and Katrina the all white outdoor cat...
Recently started new job and inherited Consuela the mouse. Apparently was supposed to be snake food then rescued. How does one spend $20 on food, shampoo, and treats on a $.50 mouse? LOL
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