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Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan, gets DESTROYED on Newsnight

Democratic Underground - one of the least user friendly, repetative and tedious political websites you could have the misfortune to visit. for some odd reason people there like to headline their threads or articles in a way beloved of Daily Mail 'writers' and click-bait hacks...
Democratic Underground - one of the least user friendly, repetative and tedious political websites you could have the misfortune to visit. for some odd reason people there like to headline their threads or articles in a way beloved of Daily Mail 'writers' and click-bait hacks...

Ah, I've heard of that place. Isn't it a nest of liberals?
Ah, I've heard of that place. Isn't it a nest of liberals?

its all over the place - often in the same post.

its, err... not quite the home of deep and disciplined theoretical debate. it seems to be random mouthing off, odd people with very niché obsessions, and people who know very little about things outside their immediate experience holding forth at great length. its also no stranger to the conspiraloon.

its quite like FreakRepublic, but for lefty oddballs rather than righty oddballs.
Squirm away Morgan, you vile Tory.

Not a fan I take it :D

My small data allowance precludes watching the whole thing but Im not going to pretend I'm not happy about the big rises to the minimum wage and the tax free allowance.

I can't see how they can be anything other than good news for people near the bottom of the pile.
Not a fan I take it :D

My small data allowance precludes watching the whole thing but Im not going to pretend I'm not happy about the big rises to the minimum wage and the tax free allowance.

I can't see how they can be anything other than good news for people near the bottom of the pile.
"The UK’s five million lowest-paid employees will gain nothing at all," says Adam Corlett of the Resolution Foundation. Raising the personal allowance is useless for those earning less than £10,600, but much appreciated by the highest earners. Increasing the personal allowance to £12,500 would be worth £28 a year to the poorest 20 per cent of households, but £445 a year to the richest 20 per cent. It is a massive tax cut for the rich masquerading as substantive help for the poorest in society. And increasing tax on the poor is funding it.
comparatively , though, they are small beer when compared with the perks continually flowing to towards the rich
Most agencies calculate tax weekly so the allowance rise means you are much less likely to pay tax each week.

But yeah, it doesn't benefit the very poorest, or those that can't get a full weeks work....

I wouldn't claim to be in the bottom 10% by the way, maybe in the 10percent above that.
I can't see how they can be anything other than good news for people near the bottom of the pile.

of course if the tax credit cuts that the tories wanted to bring in with these changes (that got voted down in the lords) had come in, most working people - including those at or near 'the bottom of the pile' would have been worse off as a result...

BBC article here
I'm sure it's been mentioned elsewhere, but you'll rarely see a roasting so comprehensive.

Squirm away Morgan, you vile Tory. You won't be around for long.

Just the still from the beginning of the vid has that 'rabbit in headlights' feel. :D
Raising the personal allowance is useless for those earning less than £10,600, but much appreciated by the highest earners. Increasing the personal allowance to £12,500 would be worth £28 a year to the poorest 20 per cent of households, but £445 a year to the richest 20 per cent.
If you define "highest earners" as "richest 20%" then this is true. If you are talking about the very highest earners, however, it is worth bearing in mind that the very richest 2% earn more than £100,000, which is the point that you start to lose your personal allowance. For this very richest band, increasing the personal allowance thus does not help them at all.
My small data allowance precludes watching the whole thing but Im not going to pretend I'm not happy about the big rises to the minimum wage and the tax free allowance..
You're not happy about the minimum wage increase? Why's that then? Do you earn anywhere near the minimum wage?
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