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Scumoween squat party, London

mmm, is this true? -> Location: Secret. You will receive a text with directions on the night.
In my experience you call a party line and there's a message with the directions.
Both. Some parties have used phone trees.
"In a recession, as we've seen with the dawn of acid house and with New York in the 1970s, anywhere where's there's been a really good underground clubbing scene, you get into buildings. When you get into a building you've got the potential to have raves. Instead of gentrification, you've got empty buildings and construction projects are never finished and that creates a vacuum."

Mixmag Dick seems to know as little about gentrification as they do about raves. And didn't acid house start in boom times?

Hmm, article:"closely linked to Teknival, a dance subculture that fuses elements of rave, traveller culture and America's Burning Man festival scene."
wikipedia: "The teknival phenomenon is a grassroots movement which has grown out of the rave, UK traveller and Burning Man scenes and spawned an entire subculture."

What I thought was weird about the article was that he made a big deal about the party being advertised on the net, as if spreading the word quickly online is somehow new, and he completely ignored the OP which mentioned a flyer, and post 4, which mentioned an ad for the party being spray painted on a wall somewhere. It's almost as if he thought, "hmm, those two facts don't tally with my theory, I'll just ignore them."
its loking likely that we are going to see a repeat of the early 90's and that much of the anger about the cuts especially with the youth will be syphoned into raves, etc and 'having it' a cul de sac, imo....

oh, and why is a Observer journo posting here for info, the average age of posters on here is at least 35 and rising...
its loking likely that we are going to see a repeat of the early 90's and that much of the anger about the cuts especially with the youth will be syphoned inot raves, etc and 'having it' a cul de sac, imo....

oh, and why is a Observer journo posting here for info, the average age of posters on here is at least 35 and rising...

Average age of rig owners not that dissimilar though...35 and rising sounds about right TBF.
yes, but many of the older ravers will be hitting 50, surely they, the men anyway, won't be hitting on the young women like they did in the 90's,
This new rave scene couldn't have come at a better time for the establishment: while Reclaim the Streets, etc partied on or blocked the road, Major was bringing in very nasty welfare reforms like Job Seekers Allowance.It may be just partying for some, even liberating at times, but for many it took them down the dead end road of libertairian DIY politics which many participants(such as Exodus) now realise was a cul de sac, it was also very exclusive being primarily a youth culture, apart from the middle ages saddoes I mentioned who would hit on all the young female talent..
I expect all this publicity will drag more than a few retirees back off their comfortable sofa's.
It's a pointless article, he's trying to join things together that just aren't there. Mark Townsend please go and write about something you understand. Alarm bells ring when he talks to other journalists from Vice & MixMag i.e. you're out of touch and the article has some inaccuracies.

Where were you 2yrs ago when the much bigger Scumoween happened in Stonebridge Park ?
This new rave scene couldn't have come at a better time for the establishment: while Reclaim the Streets, etc partied on or blocked the road, Major was bringing in very nasty welfare reforms like Job Seekers Allowance.It may be just partying for some, even liberating at times, but for many it took them down the dead end road of libertairian DIY politics which many participants(such as Exodus) now realise was a cul de sac, it was also very exclusive being primarily a youth culture, apart from the middle ages saddoes I mentioned who would hit on all the young female talent..
So Reclaim the Streets and Exodus were all a waste of time and establihsment devices accoding to your fucking warped perspecive? get to fuck basically you fucking twat. i've read some shite on here but i think you've just got first prize. idiot.
Squat party music does tend to be dire. More rigs should play Detroit techno. As for it being "fairy" music?

Blagsta, I can only assume that Brahmof is young and doesn't know what he's talking about.

/old and it was better when I was young type pedant
It may be just partying for some, even liberating at times, but for many it took them down the dead end road of libertairian DIY politics which many participants(such as Exodus) now realise was a cul de sac
You're on shaky ground even suggesting Exodus now share an opinion, but what's your basis for claiming they think DIY politics was a cul de sac?
Yeah, because Gabba (sp?) and lying wasted on the floor is much more interesting (I have been to squat parties! :p)

French tekno ftw.

(not gabba)

Blagsta, I can only assume that Brahmof is young and doesn't know what he's talking about.

/old and it was better when I was young type pedant

I am young, only 38 and if you read the thread you'll see my rig was in the building that the thread is about, a rig that has been going for 15 years :p
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