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Scumoween squat party, London

They should get Max Gogerty to cover squat parties, or whatever his name is.

Where do they breed this kind of simpleton reporters. It's like they're cloned from some nepotistic factory of predictable no-chin types . Can they honestly not do their own research or tap their own social circles without resorting to spamming bulletin boards blindly?
Hi there, I am a reporter on the Observer newspaper writing a piece on the resurgence of street culture, raves etc . The piece is looking at the growing popularity of such events as mainstream clubs suffer. Who 's good to talk about all this? They can be anonymous if they prefer. Best, Mark
come back coward!! :hmm: stand up for yourself
or apologise of course...
I'd get some kevin just so I could do this....

Could do a series of 'deep undercover' short films...possibly not unlike that 'Tribe' series where matey got fed psychedelics and psychotropics by various half dressed natives around the world.

*David Bellamy voice*

'And here our reporter has stumbled on a psy-trance rave...yes, the natives are coming to greet him with the traditional offer of some kind of tea and a massage for his dog...hmm, that doesn't look like mint tea - there's small brown things floating in it'

'Here we see the intrepid reporter worrying about what is wetting his shoes as someone offers to introduce him to his mate kevin....see what happens after a short recap on the history of warehouse raves'

Mark we are waiting for you..

Come back and we will tell you the inside secrets of free party fun and frolics.


Mark is a bit feeble for a tough guy legal and crime reporter. Has he run off to clutch Mummy's skirt?
I think he's probably writing an in depth article about the influence of lolcats in westminster.
Hi there, I am a reporter on the Observer newspaper writing a piece on the resurgence of street culture, raves etc . The piece is looking at the growing popularity of such events as mainstream clubs suffer. Who 's good to talk about all this? They can be anonymous if they prefer. Best, Mark
Five oh.
Oh yes...mostly fuelled by beer and billy. None of this Kevin nonsense.

I loved that venue and the way it started all a bit grimey and industrial at the bottom floor and got nicer as you went up!
Oh yes...mostly fuelled by beer and billy. None of this Kevin nonsense.

I loved that venue and the way it started all a bit grimey and industrial at the bottom floor and got nicer as you went up!

Great times and I can't even bring to mind a tenth of the DJs I saw there other the years. Am sure I still have my Universe members card somewhere too! Did you make it to Tribal Gathering Poot?
Well it's alright, at least it wasn't massively negative.

Getting excited about the Christmas one, oh yes :cool:
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