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So do we reckon this Is being played up because nothing else has happened yet?
There is often a little bit of this in elections. If it turned out to be widespread it would be a different story.
So do we reckon this Is being played up because nothing else has happened yet?
Mentioned two or three times on ITV/STV but they appear to have forgotten about it for the momentIt's not been metioned on the BCC (England)
BBC world news is the same as BBc one I believe as it says BBC one in the top left cornerIt's not been mentioned on the BCC (England)
He's not going to his constituency but his constituency doesn't mean much here
BBC world news is the same as BBc one I believe as it says BBC one in the top left corner
Das Uberdog -- that looked like an anecdote of quite questionable reliability (to be kind!), given that it looks based on entirely second-hand 'person down pub' (or twitter type equivalent) source-ery.
But in your post you said BBC EnglandBBC Scotland is different though
It's not been mentioned on the BCC (England)
in your post you said BBC England
I'm quite sure something like that would have been attempted given that Labour are corrupt as fuck and need to be destroyedaye, i tried to couch the statement in loose terms to emphasise this was one canvasser's opinion from doing the rounds in Glasgow. that said, he's not usually one for overstatement.
Wilf, he seemed to think it was something to do with the Labour Party and i think it was based on areas with traditionally low turnout (or perhaps newly registered folk) who were expected to vote Yes.
just repeating the goss as i get it! i'm actually headed up to Glasgow tomorrow to breathe in some of the fumes for myself.
That's interesting as BBC Scotland online appears the same, I'm watching BBC world online as I'm not in EuropeBBC Scotland is different though
Going to bed, there's not going to be any drama here.
A result!! Clackmananshire...
What is it?
A place in ScotlandWhat is it?
about to be declared
Orkney had a recount, Highlands have opened their first box, turnout in Dundee was in the 90s% but somewhere else (didn't catch it) was 54%
Ya fecker! I nearly had me jim jams on and you called me back.Soz. Huw got me excited. Fuck this shut, I'm going to bed.