I do not get the hassle everyone gave Ellie Diamond. Its a fucking competition, of course you're going to put everyone at a disadvantage if you can. You want to win ffs.
Still Bimini to win though
I think it was shady, what she did, but the main problem for her was that it was so blatant.
Normally in Drag Race, in group challenges, people work together to create the best group performance they can. And people will pick roles that show their strengths.
This was just throwing A'Whora under a bus. If people do shady stuff usually, it's a bit more subtle than that, isn't it? So, I can see why A'Whora and Lawrence were so pissed off, but I do think they did also over react a bit - yes it is a competition. It's a shame cos that will bite Ellie on the arse in the future, she'll have to live with that shady queen label now.
Did you notice how Bimini and Tayce stayed silent during the debacle? Interesting. They probably wanted to watch it all play out rather than get involved.
Anyway, I think Bimini is the clear frontrunner now, closely followed by Lawrence, then Tayce, then Ellie.
Bimini was just comic gold, and their runway outfit so original. The zits were so beautifully made. What a concept.
Lawrence was fantastic at the comedy too apart from the slowness, and what a great runway look. Like a strawberry angel delight filled with rhinestones.
Tayce is really opening up, I think, and revealing her fabulous wit. I'm finding her really endearing now.
Ellie - totally bonkers stand-up, and rather forgettable runway.
A'Whora - I think she was booted out because of her comedy filth. Ru obviously hated that. It's a shame, I think she deserves to be there more than Ellie, but the workroom will be more fun without her negative vibes I think!