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Rupaul’s Drag Race UK

It's interesting, isn't it, that Ru didn't really praise Joe when he said' sashay away' like he normally does. I don't think he likes him, I just get that vibe.
Yeah I got that too. A bit in the first episode but much more in this one.

OK, time for the US one soon. 😀
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Glad Joe went. Wanted Cherry to return. Also glad Tia stayed but FFS girl you've got physical gifts - exploit them! Tia doesn't step it up she's gone.

Thought A'hora was great this week. Kinda guilty that I dismissed her as a Poundshop Adore. More I see the more I like. Also :oops:
snatch game!!!

bloody Laurence Chaney getting right in with the shady undermining of Ellie Diamond right from the off. Vicky Pollard was fucking ace and if you don’t agree you can Toss Off :D

why do people consider doing someone new and not funny when they have a better option? Tia I’m looking at you! decent attempt in the end although she sort of forgot the accent 80% of the time and the first reference to Eddie Murphy was one too many.

still not really buying Ahora’s vulnerability. hmm. also her Louie Spence was closer to Jack from Will & Grace. I kept expecting a jazz hands Just Jack!!

I assume it was Sister Sister doing the physic? been done before although not bad.

slightly disappointing Miriam from LC. I would say the real MM is odder and louder. also all of the sex talk was freaking out the Americans.

Tace’s whatsit from Kath & Kim was really really good. accent fab. a bit niche though, not sure everyone would have watched it (you should, it’s ace).

Katie Price from Biminy quite funny. good job.

didn’t really like Ahora’s runway. not sure why.

was Sister Sister’s runway meant to make me think Marge Simpson?! I think not…

Biminy’s runway looked amazing, although not obvious what it was meant to be before explanation.

LC’s runway distinctly average.

Ellie D is well up there now for me. Tace and Biminy still competitors.

genuinely shocked that ED wasn’t in the top and SS wasn’t in the bottoms.

lipsync should have been LC and Ahora.

weird lipsync song, really hard to dance to.

fucks sake.
Sad to see Tia go as she's so lovely but she was not quite there at any point. Not a big fan of Bimini but she totally deserved the win this week - the only one in Snatch Game that made me actually laugh. Watching the programme the other night on what they all did during lockdown made me like all of them so I don't want any of them to go now!
Sad that Tia is now out, she was my fave. But I think it was the right decision. Her Snatch Game was pretty dire. I rather liked her pterydactil runway outfit, thought it was dead cute, but it wasn't brilliant, which you need to be at this stage.

Bimini to win, for me, now. They're a charming, kind and above all talented and versatile queen. Incredible Snatch Game. Way better than all the others. And fab runway too. Weird, a bit incomprehensible, but certainly unique.

Lawrence - what a disasterous Snatch Game! Just not funny. Also, not very exciting runway.

AWhora, fab runway and OK Snatch!

I feel it's Bimini to win now and then second, Lawrence, who just had her first bad week.
Awhora thinks she’s like Raven? fuck no, I LOVED Raven on her season and Awhora is a nightmare overconfident bitch.

Tace’s outfit looked really unfinished, I really liked Ellie’s cute look and Laurence worked out ok after looking like she might not finish. Laurence’s makeup was definitely better as well!

Sister sister’s outfit was too much. straight to the lip sync! my least favourite for a few weeks now. and thinking her outfit is better than Ellie’s. lol. awesome burn from Ellie to SS’s bollocks.

was really hoping for Ellie to get a win this week! gah. at least she was clearly second.

I feel for Tace having to dance in that scratchy monstrosity. although she was always going to win against SS. as SS was dancing I was struck by the idea that she was like a Wurzel Gummidge and Aunt Sally mashup.
I can't believe no one mentioned Awhora's rip of off Sister Sister's blue mouth thing. I thought it was such a good little get back at her for ripping off the chips outfit, especially as Awhora did it so well. Am I over-reading it?
as dancing I was struck by the idea that she was like a Wurzel Gummidge and Aunt Sally mashup.

I totally agree. I'm glad Sister Sister has gone. Although her Library reading was brilliant, her runway was terrible, despite taking all the best materials.

I must say, I'm warming to A'whora. How did that happen?! Also to Tayce too.

But Bimini to win for sure. I think A'Whora is going to be a frontrunner too. Lawrence I love, but not so sure now ... we've seen alot of queens like her before.
Ahora's outfit was everything this week. The right queen went too. Bimini has to be a favourite, she's the most driven and the best all rounder. Laurence is the one I'd like most as a mate, but fear the runway looks are never going to be polished enough. Predict top three (in no particular order) Bimini, Laurence, Ahora. Ellie to go next.
Glad Tayce didn’t go - she came back from lockdown with a personality!

What I thought was quite annoying was that it was supposed to be a superhero uniform, and Ellie’s for all it was well made, had no hint of that, while Laurence got dragged for using a corset, but that’s what superhero women bloody wear!

A’Whora deserved to win. That builder’s plastic mustn’t be easy to sew at all. The drama of snapping her cape forwards as she rounded the corner was fantastic. Just an arm movement but very effective. Reminded me of the frill-necked lizard costumes in Priscilla QOTD. Shame her blue glitter for the mask was such a clashing blue - but I guess she had half a mind to do it and brought the glitter in after lockdown, but couldn’t have known she’d have to coordinate with that shade of blue.

I still don’t like her, though. She’s a bully and she’s conceited.
Loved the drama of A'whoras dress. I genuinely gasped when she did the shoulder pop.
I don't enjoy the two faced bitchiness element of this show, I cringe through that but I love the outfits and make up. Tayce clearly made a mistake with those Brillo pads, paid the price by having to dance in it, ouch. But not as much as sister sisters in the night garden on acid effort, which was just ugly and nuts. I was underwhelmed by Ellie's effort tbh ...felt like I'd seen it done before better.
Yeah, Tayce seemed to think time = effort on that outfit, but it was one thing she did and that was rubbish tbh. Gorgeous as Tayce is I think she relies on it a bit too heavily.
I think A'Whora is quite interesting and I like to see her different layers. As she said she is mostly alone and hasn't had exposure to being with other queens in a group context. I can see her growing and opening up into a beautiful flower and a kinder person. The bitchiness is just for protection and insecurity which, hopefully, she will shake off.
I can see her growing and opening up into a beautiful flower and a kinder person. The bitchiness is just for protection and insecurity which, hopefully, she will shake off.

That is spot on, girasol. I believe that bullying/bitchiness always has its roots in a deep sense of past pain or insecurity.

One can dislike someone's bullying, bitchy behaviour, but still treat them compassionately and kindly. I think Tia did a sterling job of that whilst she was in there, in regards to A'Whora and Tia only ever took the piss out of her in a gentle way and was never cruel.
One of the reasons I thought Tia is so lovely, was how she dealt with A'Whora. I think she also helped her grow, which is the sign of a mature, kind person. I didn't have that kind of sensibility until my mid/late 30s!
Yeah, I wouldn't say I like A'Whora for the same reasons that you give. But I'm warming to her a bit due to the fact that she showed some vulnerability. My dislike of her is thawing somewhat ;)
The more I see of her the less I like her. :(
One of the reasons I thought Tia is so lovely, was how she dealt with A'Whora. I think she also helped her grow, which is the sign of a mature, kind person. I didn't have that kind of sensibility until my mid/late 30s!

Yes I agree! Tia is very emotionally mature for her age. Wisdom beyond her years, kind, with the addition of fantastic wit - what a winning combination! Shame she didn't cut it on the runway.
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