snatch game!!!
bloody Laurence Chaney getting right in with the shady undermining of Ellie Diamond right from the off. Vicky Pollard was fucking ace and if you don’t agree you can Toss Off
why do people consider doing someone new and not funny when they have a better option? Tia I’m looking at you! decent attempt in the end although she sort of forgot the accent 80% of the time and the first reference to Eddie Murphy was one too many.
still not really buying Ahora’s vulnerability. hmm. also her Louie Spence was closer to Jack from Will & Grace. I kept expecting a jazz hands Just Jack!!
I assume it was Sister Sister doing the physic? been done before although not bad.
slightly disappointing Miriam from LC. I would say the real MM is odder and louder. also all of the sex talk was freaking out the Americans.
Tace’s whatsit from Kath & Kim was really really good. accent fab. a bit niche though, not sure everyone would have watched it (you should, it’s ace).
Katie Price from Biminy quite funny. good job.
didn’t really like Ahora’s runway. not sure why.
was Sister Sister’s runway meant to make me think Marge Simpson?! I think not…
Biminy’s runway looked amazing, although not obvious what it was meant to be before explanation.
LC’s runway distinctly average.
Ellie D is well up there now for me. Tace and Biminy still competitors.
genuinely shocked that ED wasn’t in the top and SS wasn’t in the bottoms.
lipsync should have been LC and Ahora.
weird lipsync song, really hard to dance to.
fucks sake.