A good illustration as to how rushed this series has been was when Scarlett was pouring her heart out about her mum and (I can't remember who she was talking to, Kitty maybe?) the person listening kept on doing their makeup! It was kinda funny, we laughed, but also a bit wtf? Heartless? Rushed?
It's always the same: a queen will have her "moment" when she puts her pain out there and we "get to know the real her and fall in love" but I think it often borders on exploitative pain porn. I certainly don't need any of that to appreciate a queen's work ethic and personality. When someone is more guarded about their private life they almost get punished for it, criticised and told to show "the real you". I really am put off by that aspect of Drag Race and have been since it seems to have become a requirement. If someone wants to share these things, fine, but it feels like its expected. I would most definitely not be happy to share such private things with the WORLD.
I do think Scarlett is funny and has more to offer - also, nothing wrong with walking out and taking a breather when it gets too much, obviously the pressure was too much and Scarlett felt hurt and back in a bad place when she felt isolated and couldn't trust anyone. To me that deserves sympathy not berating.