Jujubee was bored herself, I think. Phoning it in and presumably has pocketed a fee.
Monique pissing me off. Clearly thinks she outclasses the rest because of her expensive wardrobe.
Thought the Dutch queen was fucking lucky. Talent was shit and while her runway was lovely, Lemon’s was gorgeous, elevated and better themed. Thought the criticism of Lemon was a bit odd, tbh. I mean she was totally mid-table, but I’m going to say she was better than Jujubee in both elements.
And ffs, Baga was just fucking terrible! I liked her princess Di walk-in look, and think the usa queens didn’t get the reference… but her runway was a swing and a miss (the face paint not matching the dress was -imo- inexcusable) and her fucking talent was embarrassing. The outfit was basic, the song was both badly written and obviously leant heavily on the tired “much better” thing, (which, if you’re going to read Lemon for unoriginality…!) but the worst thing was that she was trying to match her spoken “ad-libs” to pre-recorded ones, and inevitably getting the timing out. Presumably she has access to the original track. Wouldn’t be a big task to have the spoken bits taken out of the mix, just leaving the singing to lip sync to and the shout-outs to do live. Anyway, I was embarrassed for British drag that she went through.
Jimbo was great, and the bit where he first opened the talent suitcase really demonstrated a command of physical theatre comedy that’s genuinely impressive. But… I don’t like him. I think I felt like that on his season, but I don’t remember why. The boobs thing feels a bit off… I never like queens whose aesthetic is enormous boobs (feels a bit misogynistic?), so it might be that. Or perhaps I was just cross at the lack of finished makeup suitable for lipsyncing. Queens have definitely been read before for not doing lashes and lips and just having face paint under a mask.
Cheryl was good value. Blu could’ve won it if she hadn’t been the kid who wore uniform on mufti day.
Pangina was great, but I didn’t think her runway was amazing - the straggly, ratty ponytail was given far too soft a ride, and I’m glad it was gone for the lipsync - the backcombed bunches were fab. She reminds me oddly of Tia Koffi.
Tldr? Usa - sticks up their arses
Canada - Lemon v unlucky, Jimbo great but annoying
Netherlands - disappointing
Thailand - impressive
Uk - Baga needs to go. Now.