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Rubbish book > Good movie

Rightly so too. Unfortunately, it has been revered by plonkers since. Schmaltzy arsewank.

Why is it schmaltzy? Because it has a happy ending? The main character gets bumraped repeatedly, which is not something I associate with lazy feelgood cinema.
LA Confidential was a much better film than book.

As was Bertolucci's adaptation of Moravia's Il Conformista.
Twilight - book was mediocre but the film was amazing, especially when Edward and Bella meet the first time. So intense. Yah.
1000 year old vampire goes back to school in order to snare the attentions of a girl barely out of training wheels. this is healthy
The Godfather.
Lord of the Rings.
Starship Troopers.

Stretching a point - Apocolypse Now is much better then heart of darkness.

Sub Category of better tv series then book -
House of Cards.
Sure shawshanks a bit sacharine, but it still works pretty well as a movie. Hardly up there with the greatest of all time, either, but still above average bit of entertainment.
Just read the first three books in the Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris.........

True Blood the tv series is better imo by a wide mile...................the books are okish but a bit dull.......tv series - wicked
Well, it wouldn't be the first vampire story with pedo subcurrents.

I see your point truckstop but in the same way that Bram Stoker had sexual undercurrents as opposed to Anne Rices overt celebration of the sexuality of vampire mythos there is a difference between it being a bit eyebrow raising when Angelus fucks Buffy and this geez deliberately going to her school in order to nonce on it. I suppose it was always going to be the end result of the re-rise (heh) of vampire fiction but did we have to get to the point where the vampires excess strength breaks the bed while fucking the girl he picked up from a damn school? Lordamercy.

At least in Anne Rice the vampires had consequences to themselves, beating themselves up for centuries, getting pwnt by Armand, having their unholy selves hounded out of their home by slaves etc.

This cunts just a diddler without a cause
Just read the first three books in the Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris.........

True Blood the tv series is better imo by a wide mile...................the books are okish but a bit dull.......tv series - wicked

Oh good shout. The sookie stackhouse novels are fucking awful. SHOW don't TELL. And for gods sake don't use the word 'class' in a prissy southern manner to refer to morals.

The True Blood series though, top stuff, gloriously trashy. But fuck that woman cannot write at all.
I picked up all the Sookie Stackhouse novels for £10 at a book sale, still not felt the slightest desire to read them :D (although that could be down to a lack of Anna Paquin de-robing in written text).
This cunts just a diddler without a cause

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