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Rubbish book > Good movie

That's a matter of taste and a generalisation that I don't subscribe to. In the real world there often is neither a good guy, nor a loveable bad guy. I like enigmatic characters.
Book Ripley isn't enigmatic, at least not in an interesting way. Enigmatic doesn't have to mean 'will do anything and it doesn't make sense because you can't relate to him'.
I'm going to play a trick shot and say 'We can remember it for you wholesale' which was a standard little PK Dicks short with nice idea BUT Total Recall is way more entertaining- Michael Ironside!

also this is lol:

Again, one of my fav books, destroyed in the film version. The violence was toned down far too much. It's supposed to be shocking, I know they had certificates to consider tho..

Bale, tho, as always, put in an excellent peformance.

I don't love the film, because as I said, the book can't be filmed, but on its own terms it works and stays true to the spirit of the novel. They could never have gotten the film released then, if it had stayed true to the violence of the novel, so that compromise was unavoidable.

What is more of a problem is that the novel is full of literary conceits that can't be translated into film without going completely avant garde. The chapters alternate between obsessive consumerism, listing brand names, satirical essays of 80s musical "geniuses" like Phil Collins and Whitney Houston and chapters of insane violence. The novel has a rhythm, rather than a conventional plot.

There is talk of a remake, because every horror film more than ten years old now gets remade and because since the likes of Hostel and Saw, they can get away with a lot more violence wise.
I think the film did a great job in emphasising Bateman's dickhead-ness, one aspect of which is his violence, but only one. His ultra-competitiveness, his musical dorkishness, his reverence for labels. All these are as much a product of the society which made him a killer. His being a killer is unremarkable really. Unremarkable enough for him to admit it and for no one to notice or give a shit. All they care about is money and who has the most ridiculously ornate business card.
I read Let the Right One In after I saw the film, and the film took everything that was great about the book and made it better and it pruned a lot of irrelevant and OTT stuff.

Psycho is another film classic based on an unremarkable novel.
Bateman's not a killer though, in the film at least. Or was I too stoned when I watched it?

He probably isn't (in the book and the film). It turns out that most of the plot takes place in his head, but within the subjective reality that is his fantasy and which comprises the whole book/film until the end, he is a killer.
He probably isn't (in the book and the film). It turns out that most of the plot takes place in his head, but within the subjective reality that is his fantasy and which comprises the whole book/film until the end, he is a killer.

I'll go along with that. :)
I'm going to play a trick shot and say 'We can remember it for you wholesale' which was a standard little PK Dicks short with nice idea BUT Total Recall is way more entertaining- Michael Ironside!

Good shout, I remember reading the short story and not expecting it to be quite so short, thought I'd accidentally missed the remaining chapters :facepalm:

Interested to see the Colin Farrell-starring remake coming soon.

In a similar vein, I reckon the film version of Starship Troopers exceeds the book :D
I thought the book of LTROI was well more over the top in terms of horrific setpieces but in a good way. The author's other book, however, was truly awful. I hope they don't make it into a film.
While we're on the Swedes - the Larsson thrillers are quite badly written (or translated) and I think Larsson has questionable attitudes to women (in the guise of being a liberal, supposedly non-sexist, anti-misogynistic 'decent' bloke).
The films (of the first book) are better and less creepy.
The author's other book, however, was truly awful. I hope they don't make it into a film.

Handling the Undead had a great start, but lead nowhere and was a total snooze. There is a French film called Les revenants/They Came Back which has a similar premise and which I rather like.
Good shout, I remember reading the short story and not expecting it to be quite so short, thought I'd accidentally missed the remaining chapters :facepalm:

Interested to see the Colin Farrell-starring remake coming soon.

Total Remake worries me. Having the dad from Malcolm in the Middle as Cohagen is good, but it's really lacking in Ironside :(
Alphaville and Kiss Me Deadly were both adapted from rather average pulp novels (apparently, I haven't read either).

Alphaville wasn't based on a novel. The lead character Lemmy Caution was taken from a series of pulp novels and from films where he was also played by Eddie Constantine. Godard's idea was to use a character who was an uncomplicated Bond style hero and to put him into a dystopian world as a haunted, ageing man.
Oh, and I think its tragic that they didnt manage to get the "chocolate covered urinal cake" scene into American Psycho.
Shawshank redemption wasnt a great novella. Or "the body" (book of stand by me)

Shawshank was a massively overrated movie in itself, imo. No idea why it's so revered, was it a quiet year in the oscars or something? Havent read the book tho.

I think tho, that this exercise has proved to me that there's no such thing as a movie that's better than the book (again, imo).
Shawshank was a massively overrated movie in itself, imo. No idea why it's so revered, was it a quiet year in the oscars or something? Havent read the book tho.

I think tho, that this exercise has proved to me that there's no such thing as a movie that's better than the book (again, imo).


Shawshank was completely ignored by critics and award ceremonies, it picked up a following on home release.

:facepalm: to your second point too.
Shawshank was a massively overrated movie in itself, imo. No idea why it's so revered, was it a quiet year in the oscars or something? Havent read the book tho.
I think tho, that this exercise has proved to me that there's no such thing as a movie that's better than the book (again, imo).

Shanshank is THE most overrated movie. According to IMDB, it's the greatest movie ever made. It's one of the films I judge people's movie taste by. If anybody tells me that it's one of the greatest films ever made, I will point and laugh at them.

gabi, have you read Jaws and The Godfather and watched the films ? There is a reason why they are classics of American cinema, but not literature.

Shawshank was completely ignored by critics and award ceremonies, it picked up a following on home release.

:facepalm: to your second point too.

We will have to agree to disagree.

that movie was a cesspit of american schmaltz. and im yet to see evidence of a movie that was better than the book. each to their own tho.
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