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Royal Mail sale around the corner?

I sometimes wonder about Tory MPs and whether what they say is deliberately false or whether they're so well indoctrinated that they believe their own shite. Did anyone see this question come up on question time last night? There was a bit where two or three of the panel were talking over each other and I heard Justine Greening say 'Yeah, and with privatisation we can all own it.' We already fucking own it you daft bint! Surely she knows this already and is just pushing the neo lib propaganda that private is best, we can all own a piece and blah de fucking blah or perhaps she just doesn't see it that way and thinks state owned = tax payers being mugged? Perhaps it's a little from column and a little from column b but I found her comment absurd, I was more surprised that not one person challenged it.

There was a guy on the news going on about how working class people can own a bit now, this is what thatcher had in mind, a property owning democracy.

Then starts banging on about how big a percentage he's going to make on the dividend, highlighting that despite the 'democracy' pish he is mainly interested in personal profit.
Why is it still called the Royal Mail then?
Even taking 'Royal' as UK shorthand for some kind of national endorsement (which I resent, but that's another matter) there's no need for it now. The Queen shouldn't be on Royal Mail Stamps any more than her mug should be on a TNT parcel or the side of a Citilink Van. Off with her head.
There was a guy on the news going on about how working class people can own a bit now, this is what thatcher had in mind, a property owning democracy.

Then starts banging on about how big a percentage he's going to make on the dividend, highlighting that despite the 'democracy' pish he is mainly interested in personal profit.

From David Graeber's (excellent) "Debt; the first 5000 years":-

In the new dispensation, wages would no longer rise, but workers were encouraged to buy a piece of capitalism. Rather than euthanise the rentiers, everyone could now become rentiers - effectively, could grab a chunk of the profits created by their own increasingly dramatic rates of exploitation.
Why is it still called the Royal Mail then?
Even taking 'Royal' as UK shorthand for some kind of national endorsement (which I resent, but that's another matter) there's no need for it now. The Queen shouldn't be on Royal Mail Stamps any more than her mug should be on a TNT parcel or the side of a Citilink Van. Off with her head.
Maybe she's sold them her image rights? Might yield her firm a few more tens of £m?
Royal Fail? Why are investors getting 'free money'?

Paul Mason
Culture and Digital Editor
Paul Mason watches Royal Mail shares hit the market - and asks why, in an era of food banks and falling wages, the government is allowing the "better off" to cash in through privatisation.

Has Mason forgotten the tories are in government?

eventually there will be nothing left to sell except the army and the police

David Cameron’s fatcat pals creamed off millions of pounds in Royal Mail profits today after the brazen Government flogged it off on the cheap.

Taxpayers were left nursing a £640million loss from the controversial sale, as shares in the postal giant rocketed almost 38% from £3.30 to £4.55 in a trading frenzy.
Thieving twats!
This literally was straight out theft. They literally stole the royal mail from us and flogged it to their mates for fuck all.

I can't actually believe they finally did it, thieving cunts.
This literally was straight out theft. They literally stole the royal mail from us and flogged it to their mates for fuck all.

I can't actually believe they finally did it, thieving cunts.
Yes, it's THEFT. Politicians dance to the tune of their money-juggling-parasite puppeteers.
Many of these strategically important utilities are controlled by foreign interests now, so we can probably add Treason to the charge-sheet too.
Treason is still a capital offence.

Just checked and see that they changed it:
Since the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 became law, the maximum sentence for treason in the UK has been life imprisonment.


Also see:
Gordon Gecko Moved To London To Finish Where He Left Off
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This literally was straight out theft. They literally stole the royal mail from us and flogged it to their mates for fuck all.

I can't actually believe they finally did it, thieving cunts.
When they have finished hollowing out the NHS, they will pull the same stunt. I reckon either if, by some miracle, they get re-elected in 2015 they'll start gearing up for privatisation late in that parliament or in the 2020-25 parliament after they squeak out a win against an ineffective one-term Labour government. Christ i'm feeling bleak.... =/
Why is it still called the Royal Mail then?
Even taking 'Royal' as UK shorthand for some kind of national endorsement (which I resent, but that's another matter) there's no need for it now. The Queen shouldn't be on Royal Mail Stamps any more than her mug should be on a TNT parcel or the side of a Citilink Van. Off with her head.
i forget the details, but isnt it actually called something like Viseon or some made up word, and people were upset about the name change, so they stuck with Royal Mail, even though it really is called Viseon - that was a while ago.
i forget the details, but isnt it actually called something like Viseon or some made up word, and people were upset about the name change, so they stuck with Royal Mail, even though it really is called Viseon - that was a while ago.

Yes! It went through a rebranding exercise and then they backed down a couple of years later. The new name was so brilliant it's impossible to remember without googling.
Can't they be charged g
Yeah it was called Consignia for a few months around 2002/2003. They paid some PR firm half a million quid to think that up, then decided that 'Royal Mail' had a good reputation and brand image so went back to that.
I think it was called 'Royal Mail' because Charles I opened up what had previously been the monarch's private courier service to the public at large in 1635. Tony Benn used to say that this was mainly because the crown's spies could then monitor the mail for any evidence of disaffection or rebellion.
Obviously didn't work for him as he was the only monarch to be beheaded.
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Why is it still called the Royal Mail then?

It's an entirely appropriate name for it now that it appears the emir of kuwait is a major (if not majority) shareholder in the newly privatized service. Yep, let's look forward to the same cycle: privatization, job losses, price increases, reduction in service use, state bail out, socialisation of losses, privatization of profits. How good of these 'one nation' and 'patriotic' tories (and their quisling libdem collaborators) to turn the jobs of British workers into liquid gold for some bloodsucking parasitic piece of shit middle eastern despot.
The shitbags are closing our collection office. It will now be more than an hours round trip (in the wrong direction from anywhere useful) to pick something up.
Royal Mail delivered more strong gains for shareholders on Tuesday as formal trading started on the London Stock Exchange.

Shares gained another 15p, or 3%, making them almost 50% more valuable than the government's price tag last week.

In the first day of dealing for many of the 690,000 small investors who bought stock in the highest-profile privatisation for years, shares were up to 490p to value Royal Mail at £4.9bn.

That compares with the 330p a share price they were sold for by the government on Thursday, which valued the group at £3.3bn.


Theiving fuckers.:mad:
Moya Greene tries to get pension pot early -
'Royal Mail has been accused of ‘underhand’ tactics after it allowed its boss to raid her pension pot despite previously stating she could only get the money when she left the company.
It is the second pay controversy to engulf the company’s Canadian chief executive Moya Greene, who was forced to pay back a £250,000 housing allowance earlier this year.
The allegations date back to before the company’s listing on Friday, which saw shares rocket 38 per cent. More than 100million shares were traded in the first hour as thousands of retail investors took profits.
Heavy trading is expected again tomorrow, when 350,000 more small shareholders are allowed to begin selling.
Earlier this year a £250,000 payment to help Greene buy a London home was blocked after Business Secretary Vince Cable found out about the money.
Now it has emerged that, in April, Greene drew more than £280,000 from a pension pot that was previously supposed to be paid to her when she left the company.

can't provide link
She wasn't with Goldmans. She was a Canadian civil servant, responsible for the privatisation of the Canadian railways, then the deregulation of the Canadian airline industry. After that she was CEO of Canada Post, brought in by the Conservative Government there to slash wages and t&cs of Canadian postal workers prior to privatisation, but the Government there weren't able to push it through as the ConDem coalition have here.
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