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Royal Mail sale around the corner?

How is that going to stop Royal Mail being privatised?
I don't think, at this late stage you're going to be able to stop it being privatised. Certainly not by the tactics you mentioned above.
TNT has sucked RM dry over the last few years, they won contracts to deliver mail for British Gas, BT even HMRC and most major banks but have no obligation (as RM does) to actually deliver the mail. TNT delivers the mail to sorting offices for proper postmen to deliver.
I would be really interested to see the contracts between the two parties seeing as TNT makes the money and RM does the final legwork.
I don't think, at this late stage you're going to be able to stop it being privatised. Certainly not by the tactics you mentioned above.
TNT has sucked RM dry over the last few years, they won contracts to deliver mail for British Gas, BT even HMRC and most major banks but have no obligation (as RM does) to actually deliver the mail. TNT delivers the mail to sorting offices for proper postmen to deliver.
I would be really interested to see the contracts between the two parties seeing as TNT makes the money and RM does the final legwork.

TNT not happy about it, unsurprisingly

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/royal-mail/10303689/Royal-Mail-privatisation-Government-confirms-flotation-within-weeks.html said:
Royal Mail’s biggest rival, TNT Post, has criticised the Government’s plan to privatise the postal operator as “preposterous”.

Chief executive Nick Wells said: “Royal Mail needs access to capital for its modernisation plans. However, privatising a monopoly is bad for consumers, bad for business and bad for UK Plc.”

They're using it to try to negotiate a more favourable VAT rate.
Has it not? Shit, sorry. Didn't read the article properly earlier :facepalm:

It's surely going to happen, though?
The ballot or the result being a vote for a strike? The ballot is happening right now - hard to gauge the outcome though. I only know posties very opposed to the sell-off who will vote for a strike, but then i only know them through political stuff, they may not be representative. The posties forum i linked to earlier is a mixed bag.
Hmm, I've just read that the proposed strike is for the Christmas period. Fair enough, that's when it'll have the most effect in terms of disruption, but why wait? This is more urgent than that, surely? Plus posties aren't going to want to lose pay over Christmas of all times.
Is there any failsafe way to discern who has been bribing, lobbying, cadjoling for position and terms of this sell off?

chances are it's shot through with corruption and personal greed - but how would specifics be established?
Hmm, I've just read that the proposed strike is for the Christmas period. Fair enough, that's when it'll have the most effect in terms of disruption, but why wait? This is more urgent than that, surely? Plus posties aren't going to want to lose pay over Christmas of all times.

too late then and they won't have public support at xmas, do it now...
have you tried reading the financial times etc?

Can't say I have. Isn't the online version behind a paywall? I would expect some clues there rather than specifics. Private Eye might be the best for specifics, but even that's no guarantee. A lot of this stuff is deliberately opaque at best.
The cunts in charge never have to deal with private couriers and all the bullshit that entails. They have staff to deal with such matters, and the au pair is always in to receive packages so no need to spend hours on a bus out to a sorting office* in fucking Dagenham or wherever.

They really haven't a fucking clue what living is like, have they? I bet not a single member of the cabinet has ever queued up in a sorting office.

*One acknowledged likely outcome is the closure of many sorting offices in 'prime locations' (e.g. cities) by the new owners to sell off the land, basic asset stripping, with fewer collection locations in the arse end of nowhere.
*One acknowledged likely outcome is the closure of many sorting offices in 'prime locations' (e.g. cities) by the new owners to sell off the land, basic asset stripping, with fewer collection locations in the arse end of nowhere.
Dogsauce, 47 minutes ago Report

This is absolutely certain and collection points will merge with 'mega ones' the only option
Labour could kill this stone dead by saying they'd immediately renationalise it. Why haven't they?

Because they don't need to. And they don't particular care either way.

They'll argue against it because they know it's unpopular, but it doesn't matter to them. Not nearly enough to risk the outcry they'd be on the receiving end of if they were to start nationalising profitable private businesses. They'll win the election without the risk, so why bother?
The ballot is happening right now
From reading royalmailchat.co.uk it seems the ballot papers were due to go out soon (today?) but has been put back so CWU Branches can check membership lists for accuracy and avoid a legal challenge by Royal Mail, which has happened before. Originally strike action could have started from 10 October with a Yes vote, but looks like it's being pushed back towards November.
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