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Royal Mail sale around the corner?

So strike! Surely it's a bit too late for that now kinda like shutting the gate after the horse has bolted?
Personally I think they're cutting their own throats if this goes ahead am I wrong right?
Private company enters logistics, now strike threat, millions of firms gonna rethink there distribution methods?
I'm getting a hint of austin rover mixed with british coal here :hmm:
Personally I think they're cutting their own throats if this goes ahead am I wrong right?
Private company enters logistics, now strike threat, millions of firms gonna rethink there distribution methods?
Don't think they have much option. If they don't strike to get guarantees on their t&cs they are going to be shafted.
Other courier companies don't have the capacity to handle the volumes of mail that Royal Mail does, and they don't have the delivery network. Most also charge more. Firms like TNT and DHL use Royal Mail to deliver most of the mail that they collect and process, and pay Royal Mail less than what it actually costs to deliver.
Some firms will switch to other couriers during Industrial action, but will return to Royal Mail after the dispute is resolved. That is what has happened in every previous industrial action in Royal Mail.
I found the video amusing comedy, we all know whats happening, we all know absolute power corrupts absolutely etc, blah, so nothing new in the vid but fun to watch.
"financial paedophilia"? What the actual fuck.
Well it certainly got your attention and of others too, I imagine. Which is why - as he says - he uses such language.
Bosworth-Davies called it "organised enterprise crime" which, whilst accurate, gets much less attention.
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So strike! Surely it's a bit too late for that now kinda like shutting the gate after the horse has bolted?
Personally I think they're cutting their own throats if this goes ahead am I wrong right?
Private company enters logistics, now strike threat, millions of firms gonna rethink there distribution methods?
I'm getting a hint of austin rover mixed with british coal here :hmm:

Rover's 'issues' (and there were many) were a long time coming. RM seems to be smarter, in that it's recognised it's business is changing and is adjusting too that - less letters, more small package traffic.
nicely balanced thundering from ITV last night 'Postal workers to strike over the privitisation that put money in their pockets'

fucking r/w media

For gods sake, if anyone at all had to choose between no job and a few quid in there pocket or no job and nothing in their pocket of course they'll take the money.

They don't like having to take the money but they are going to lose their fucking jobs.

Strike away boys

Any chance that it will be re-nationalised at some point? Please?

With the three main parties in this country renationalisaion of the Royal Mail will happen along with the Railways and the gas and leccy co's........................And there is more chance of me getting the pope's job :eek:
Vince Cable in unbelievable bullshit shocker:

Royal Mail shares: Vince Cable defends flotation price as shares hit 500p

Vince Cable has written to MPs to defend the pricing of the Royal Mail flotation as shares in the postal service closed above 500p at the end of their first full week of trading, representing a paper profit of 52% for investors.

Vince Cable claimed in a letter to parliamentarians that the stock was sold at 330p and no higher because it reflected the risk of strike action by Royal Mail's workforce.....

I don't know if he actually takes himself seriously but any chance of me doing so stopped whilst being treated to the unedifying spectacle of him on 'Strictly come Dancing'.
Vince Cable in unbelievable bullshit shocker:

Royal Mail shares: Vince Cable defends flotation price as shares hit 500p

I don't know if he actually takes himself seriously but any chance of me doing so stopped whilst being treated to the unedifying spectacle of him on 'Strictly come Dancing'.

vince cable reminds me of the stewards on the RMS Titanic after she had hit the iceberg that went round re-assuring the passengers that it was only a minor problem and they would soon be on their way to New York
cable has been mugged here. Im not feeling sorry for him by any means, but hes a smart man with no actual political nouse- did he not see that doing the dirty work for cameron can only sink his shithole quisling party even deeper into the faeces ? he's flailing, he knows his time as a politician is up but cant see that hes the patsy in the scheme. what a fucking clown.
Vince Cable in unbelievable bullshit shocker:

Royal Mail shares: Vince Cable defends flotation price as shares hit 500p

I don't know if he actually takes himself seriously but any chance of me doing so stopped whilst being treated to the unedifying spectacle of him on 'Strictly come Dancing'.

Loved Private Eye's take on this in the current issue:

* * * * *​

Government sources admitted in Saturday's Financial Times that they had tried to increase the price of Royal Mail shares above 330p in the run-up to last week's stock market sale as it became clear there was more demand than expected from investors.
In consultation with their banking adviser Lazard, however, Whitehall's mandarins decided against pushing the price higher, as City institutions warned that they might pull out, and that could risk wrecking the float.
Oh yeah? When the Department for Business finalised details of the sale last Thursday, it turned out that City institutions had applied for "more than 20 times" the number of shares available. So much for the risk of institutions pulling out!
The shares duly soared 38 percent on the first day of dealing and taxpayers lost out to the tune of £750 million as Royal Mail was sold off cheaply. Meanwhile the eight (count 'em) banks that handled the float, led by Switzerland's UBS and America's Goldman Sachs, will now get trebles all round for their work.

* * * * *​

So, business as usual, then. :mad:
So strike action is planned, partly in response to the sell off. And then because of the potential strike, the sale goes ahead more cheaply? I've never heard anything so ridiculous. And it's quite obviously bullshit when the company was valued at more than the IPO by the government's own advisers. They would have taken into account any 'externalities' when doing this valuation.

The fact that the price has gone up means that either he was wrong to price them in that way, in which case he's incompetent; or he's is lying and therefore a scum cunt like any other politician. Either way, he doesn't come out of this with any credibility, and I bet even his fans in the past are having second thoughts about him now.

Of course the answer is he lied. But it's worth pointing out that his excuse doesn't put him in a better position. If anything, it's worse, seeing as politicians can lie to the electorate with ease and without punishment.
Vincey will probabaly see himself as the one who took the brave decisions and stood by his principles, admonished by history etc

everyone else thinks hes a cunt

The tories cant believe he fronted this scam
The people who got shares and near doubled their money cant beleive their luck
the people who were opposed to the sale and/or didnt get any shares

they are all laughing at cable-nit.
That there Goldman Sachs, who advised the government on setting the Royal Mail flotation price (considerably lower than it should have been) now have 21,544,279 shares in it. Nice work if you can get it.

(h/t to Robin Ince for this info)
That there Goldman Sachs, who advised the government on setting the Royal Mail flotation price (considerably lower than it should have been) now have 21,544,279 shares in it. Nice work if you can get it.

(h/t to Robin Ince for this info)

Wonder if any ex-members of the government are gonna get jobs at goldman sachs post the may 2015 general election
Filthy disgusting Tories and scum bag LibDems. Scum, all of them.

Vince Cable defends Royal Mail valuation as profit almost doubles
...who paid bankers millions to help them judge the sale price...

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