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RIP Cranberries lead singer Dolores O'Riordan, aged 46

With an unexpected death they have to make a decision about it being suspicious or not, and if it is not they are still required to contact a coroner to carry out an investigation to establish the cause of death.

According to .gov.uk "The coroner may ask for a post-mortem to be performed. The coroner will hold an inquest in cases where death appeared unnatural, unexplained or due to violence or an accident"
She did suffer a tough life. Sexually abused for four years as a child, anorexia, she burnt out during the 1st stint in The Cranberries, suicide attempts, an accident that left her in a lot of pain with years of physio, sleeping pill addiction, father died, marriage collapsed, air rage incident and arrest, depression, break downs, struggles with alcohol. She fought hard to overcome all of these things.

She has four kids too.

Very sad.

I'll remember her as a survivor.
She was brilliant in every way.
Talented singer...Talented song writer...lovely person...shy and quiet. ..
She was fucked over by the music industry...and by others...others caused her pain.
Dolores was a survivor and a fighter...
She was lovely.

Remember her for her music her talent and her life.
I am not so good at remembering which band produced which songs but listening to the tracks linked to in this thread I remember them all, she had a very evocative and striking voice, it is very sad that she has passed away so young and with children too.
Just been reading that she was currently in a band, D.A.R.K., which also included Andy Rourke.

I can't say that I was a huge fan, but like others have said too, the Cranberries' music is so inextricable from a fairly formative time in my life in the early-to-mid 90s that it's still like a little part of the past has gone dark.
I noticed HMV were milking it today with a Cranberries display and playing loads of Cranberries on a semi loop.
Booze, prescription drugs and bath were clearly a bad combo.

All very sad. :(
Booze, prescription drugs and bath were clearly a bad combo.

All very sad. :(

Undoubtedly. But ridiculous that BBC article doesn’t make that link and talks of only “therapeutic levels” of prescription drugs (which were almost certainly benzodiazepines to some extent).

RIP Dolores.
Booze, prescription drugs and bath were clearly a bad combo.

All very sad. :(
My mate accidentally died in a hot tub after falling asleep after some MDMA. It's easily done, sadly, but I guess it must be one of the more peaceful ways to go.
Undoubtedly. But ridiculous that BBC article doesn’t make that link and talks of only “therapeutic levels” of prescription drugs (which were almost certainly benzodiazepines to some extent).

RIP Dolores.

Toxicology reports showed she had only therapeutic doses of her meds in her blood stream. However, 330mg of alcohol per 100mls of blood showed up. She was very drunk.

Not sure where you're reading benzos into it... she was drunk and drowned. End of. Leave the speculation aside..ok?
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She was on pain killers. Toxicology reports showed she had only therapeutic doses in blood stream. However, 330mg of alcohol per 100mls of blood shower up.

Not sure where you're reading benzos into it... she was drunk and drowned. End of. Leave the speculation aside..ok?

I'm not speculating and I read benzos into it when its directly reported in the Guardian.

Evidence was found of heavy drinking and smoking and use of prescription drugs including lorazepam.

Dolores O’Riordan drowned in bath, inquest finds

What exactly is wrong with highlighting the dangers of alcohol plus benzos? I think its remiss not to do so.
Highlight that in another thread then. You are linking her death wirh benzos.

She drowned....because she 3as drunk.

Leave it at that.

Four months before she died she began composing a suicide note while drinking heavily and taking lorazepam.

Alcohol and benzos are a deadly combination. You don't need to be a toxicologist or even a good journalist to know this fact.

I am not linking her death specifically with benzos, but I am taking issue with a pretty crap report in the BBC compared with the one in the Guardian on this occasion.

I think its important, in any circumstance like this, to highlight the dangers, mortal dangers, of drink and drugs.

Don't tell me what I can and can't write and where I can or can't write it.
Four months before she died she began composing a suicide note while drinking heavily and taking lorazepam.

Alcohol and benzos are a deadly combination. You don't need to be a toxicologist or even a good journalist to know this fact.

I am not linking her death specifically with benzos, but I am taking issue with a pretty crap report in the BBC compared with the one in the Guardian on this occasion.

I think its important, in any circumstance like this, to highlight the dangers, mortal dangers, of drink and drugs.

Don't tell me what I can and can't write and where I can or can't write it.

She didn't commit suicide
Fuck off you plank
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But you're telling the BBC what to write and where.

No I'm not Frank. I'm criticizing them. I think that's allowed on Urban. You just sound desperate for a row for some reason.

As for suicide notes, there are guidelines on reporting stuff like that, guidelines based on the principle that harm reduction is more important than the morbid curiosity of the public.

I literally have no idea wtf you're on about. Again, I'm quoting from the Guardian report. And certainly not saying she commit suicide.
No I'm not Frank. I'm criticizing them. I think that's allowed on Urban. You just sound desperate for a row for some reason.

I literally have no idea wtf you're on about. Again, I'm quoting from the Guardian report. And certainly not saying she commit suicide.

I told you she drowned because she was drunk and that she had only the prescribed dose of her meds taken. Yet you persisted to quote rubbish newspapers and pushed the nonsense about suicide that was speculated at the time but categorically ruled out in toxicology reports and coroner's report.
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Just because there was lorazepam in the room doesn't necessarily mean that wew one of the therapeutic levels of drugs she had her system. I have medications that don't mix will with alcohol, and I don't take them if I'm planning to drink, but the medications will still be in my room. So there is another possible reason for the BBC not mentioning it.

Also mentioning the previous suicide note did kinda make it sound like you were implying she'd committed suicide.
I don't think it matters how anyone died. It matters that they are dead, and when you're dead you probably don't care about the reason you died because your dead and cannot reason
Since we're all telling everyone how to write, I'll just point out that various press guidelines discourage the use of the phrase "commit suicide", which dates back to when attempting suicide was a criminal offence - we commit murder, burglary, rape, etc.

Since suicide hasn't been a criminal offence since 1961, the preferred term is "died by suicide".

I don't think it matters how anyone died. It matters that they are dead, and when you're dead you probably don't care about the reason you died because your dead and cannot reason
No, I think it does matter, particularly if there is a question of suicide, given what an emotive and potentially toxic aspect that can be.

And coroners are very careful - sometimes too careful - not to make a finding of suicide unless there's pretty conclusive evidence that it was a deliberate attempt to end life. Which, I think, is broadly how it should be.
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